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检测项目 理化分析

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全能稳定性分析仪应用多重光散射的原理, 检测器所得到透射光和背散射光强度是直接由分散相的浓度(体积百分数)和平均直径( 或是粒子/微滴/气泡的平均直径)决定的。全能稳定性分析仪通过测量透射光和背散射强度的变化,就可以知道样品在某一截面浓度或颗粒粒径的变化。全能稳定性分析仪对所分析的样品可以有一个宽的范围,粒子尺寸范围从0.05um-1000um,其样品的浓度最高可以达到体积百分比95%。全能的稳定性分析仪软件可以得出下面的几种分析结果:1、相厚度随时间的变化曲线。2、粒子迁移速度相对时间的曲线,3、粒子的流体动力(水力)平均直径。4、定量上的不稳定的动态分析: 粒子平均直径相对时间变化的曲线或者样品浓度相对时间变化的曲线。5、稳定度数值等。


TURBISCAN Food DEVELOPMENT AND CONTROL OF BEVERAGE EMULSIONS Beverages based on emulsions are very common on the market as they comprise all dairy based drinks andmany of the soft drinks, which are diluted emulsions. All these products have relatively short shelf lives and showtypical colloidal instabilities (creaming, sedimentation, flocculation, coalescence). Therefore, it is important totest their stability in the less time possible in order to increase the delivery period from the development to theproduction and, by doing so, follow the expectations of the consumers in the most efficient way. Application 1: Control of the raw materials. Common method: Controlling the quality of raw materials (flavours, stabilisers, gums, etc.) for beverageemulsions is of prime importance for both the raw material supplier and the food industrybecause of the sensitivity of these products towards stability. Therefore, tests have to beperformed to ensure the quality of the raw materials. These tests are usually done bypreparing reference emulsions (standard emulsion with only the raw material to testchanging) and testing their stability visually over several weeks. The quality control of raw materials can therefore take a few days, holding back thedistribution of the batches. Turbiscanmethod: The Turbiscan LAb enables to accelerate stability tests of emulsions prepared with the samestandard method as previously mentioned. The equipment also gives the possibility to drawkinetics of instability (migration or particle size variation) and therefore to compare easilynewly produced batches to reference values. The thermoregulation (from 4 to 60C) enablesto accelerate the tests even more. Using the Turbiscan LAb, the control tests of raw materials are accelerated up to 30times, enabling to increase the production capacity and to improve the reliability ofthe products. Application 2: Development of a new beverage. xCommon method: When developing a new drink, the formulator has a list of specifications from the marketingthat he needs to fulfil, with all the physico-chemical issues that can arise with mixingdifferent kind of raw materials (e.g. milk and orange juice). Because of the large complexityof the systems, the most widely spread method to measure the stability of food product isthe visual observation of the samples at different temperatures during several months.However, this is a very subjective and tedious test that leads to long delivery time of newproducts. Turbiscanmethod: The Turbiscan LAb enables to identify and monitor the stability of colloidal dispersions in onlya few days. It is a very helpful tool for the formulator as it gives a real insight on theinstability taking place (migration and/or particle size increase) and enables to quantify itthrough parameters such as migration velocity and flocculation rate. It then becomes easierto test the effect of different ingredients, stabilisers and obtain the most robust and stableformulation in less time. The Turbiscan LAb enables a quick and objective measurement of the stability ofbeverage emulsions, shortening significantly the development time of new drinks. TURBISCAN Food Application 3: Detection of the ring in soft drinks. Common method: The formation of a ring at the top of the drink is one of the major rejecting parameter for theconsumers. Indeed, when dealing with soft drink that are made by diluting a concentratedemulsion, creaming is very common, hence the ring formation. Few efficient techniques existto measure this ring and it is often left to the visual inspection of the samples, with all thesubjectivity and the lack of accuracy that the method implies. The control of the formation of a ring at the top of a drink is done by visualobservation, which is tedious, inaccurate and time consuming. Turbiscan method: The Turbiscan LAb allows a detection of the ring formation in less than one day, with goodaccuracy. The control can be automated using the ageing station, Turbiscan ags, and theset of a warning level that enables a quick and easy recognition of the unstable samples. Using the Turbiscan ags, control of the ring formation of soft drink is automatedand accelerated significantly with more accurate and objective data. All these different tests, corresponding to various steps of the development of a beverage emulsion, are donewith the same equipment, the Turbiscan LAb, and concern both the R&D laboratories developing new drinks andthe quality control laboratories controlling products after production. These tests can also be used for rawmaterial suppliers as a selling tool to show the efficiency of their products to their customers. Formulaction

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法国Formulaction为您提供《稳定性分析仪在在食品行业中的应用》,该方案主要用于乳制品中理化分析检测,参考标准《暂无》,《稳定性分析仪在在食品行业中的应用》用到的仪器有北京朗迪森科技有限公司Turbiscan LAB稳定性分析仪、稳定性分析仪、稳定性测量仪(激光光散射仪)、Turbiscan AGS/多重光散射仪/稳定性分析仪、光学微流变仪RHEOLASER。


