
检测样品 聚乙烯(PE)

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0.3 Tinius IOIsen The first name in materials testing Tinius OlsenAutomated Systems Tiniu neslo suiniTwww.TiniusOIsen.com 进入不要险。撞危 CONTENTS 2 Automation introduction 4 Achieving your goals - using scalable standard technology 6 Generating the data you need 8 Different materials and standards 10Configuration example arke It's all about... PRODUCTIVITYREPEATABILITYTRACEABILITY An introduction to Tinius Olsen automated ssvstems Tinius Olsen has developed scalable technology blocks toautomate tensile, compression, flexural, impact, melt flowand hardness tests. Capable of testing up to 1000+ specimens in a 24 hourperiod, saving time and making money. www.tiniusolsen.com Tinius 0lss SCALABLE TECHNOLOGYBLOCKS See page5 Achieving yourgoals 一 Horizon Software Managing,controlling,reporting, delivering test resultsimmediately and straight to your process where they areneeded. Specimen feed and handling Implemented to meet yourneed, your volume, includingseparation and classification of spent specimen's post test. Bar code reader Reading in batch and test specimen details passing theseto the test method, report output and results data base. Specimen measurement Be it width, thickness or depth of notch, multiplemeasurements are taken, averaged and passed to the testmethod and reporting output Pass/Fail alert Your Pass/Fail criteria established on each and evervresult means the instant the test is complete a resultnot meeting the criteria is flagged alerting the personsresponsible Testing Machine Automate one testing process or multiple, check tensileand hardness or tensile and flexural or Charpy and Izod inthe same automated"Cell" Digital Results Output Package Results, graphs, video delivered to the teams that needit available at their works stations on their PC's, storedfor recall and back up, wrapped with suitable traceabilitydetails in support of compliance. System Cell Built to accommodate your testing system whether asingle machine or multiple machines,whether tensile,compression, flexural, impact, hardness or melt flow. Thecell is impact-resistant and transparent.Parts of it can beopen using light curtain technology, allowing people androbots to operate safely in the same space. It is interlockedwith user and service password entry. System monitoring and alert Digital and video monitoring 24 hours a day. The systemmonitors all aspects of its movement, measurement,control and performance parameters, updating its log,alerting if errors occur, and advising in support of plannedmaintenance. PACKAGE SCALABLETECHNOLOGYBLOCKS Tinius Olsen is excited to introduce thenext evolution in materials testing-scalable automation. At Tinius Olsen we have taken a fresh look at how ourcustomers use materials testing machines and software tomeet their specific needs in today's commericial environment. Accuracy, resolution, data rates,control, precise adherence totest standards, calibration, measurement of uncertainty andtraceability are all essential parameters tuned to the higheststandards and capabilities in Tinius Olsen testing machinesand software. The next workplace evolution is to ensure this technology isused as efficiently as possible in your test lab and in the controlof your materials, product quality and performance. It's aboutproviding a financially quantified step gain in productivity usingTinius Olsen technology. To achieve this we have developed scalable technology blocksto automate tensile, compression, flexural, impact, melt flowand hardness tests. Our systems can deal with low milliNewton forces to high thousands of kNs and process from 30to 1250 tests a day. Tinius Olsen can provide an affordable solution to deliver thestep change in productivity and profitabilty your business needs. SCALABLETECHNOLOGY BLOCKS Ti finius o Pisa Tinius Olsen Tinius Olseenm Generating the data you need Tinius Olsen automated materials testing systems are designedwith ambition for ambition, for those who are clear on making afocused investment to get a step change in productivity in the testlab to match the performance of their manufacturing or processescapability, delivering test results instantaneously posttest to theteams that need them. Results reported in accordance with therelevant test standard be it ISO, ASTM, JIS, GB or GOST standard. Results which are repeatable and traceable and within the prescribedmeasurement of uncertainty budget. Results supported by graphsand where appropriate pictures and video, be it the image of ahardness indent or the classification of an impact break type or a clipwithin which the high resolution tensile strain data is embedded. Inshort an output package delivered efficiently to where it is needed,proof of your material or components performance. Tensile: ISO 527-1, 527-2, ISO 6259-1, ASTM D 638, GB/T1040.1, 8804.1 Flexural: ISO 178, ASTM D 790, GB/T 9341Impact: ISO 179, 180, ASTM D 6110-18, D256, GB/T 1043, 1843 Melt Flow: ISO 1133, ASTM D 1238, GB/T 3682 Ditterent materials If you have a need for routine repeatable testing on materials, componentsor devices -whether 3o specimens a day or over 100o-you shouldconsider investing in automation to get a step change improvementin productivity. Through its proactive input in developing internationalstandards, Tinius Olsen can show compliance with relevant ASTM, ISO, JIS,GB standards meeting both your strategic and compliance needs. Metals Tensile: ISO 6892-1, ASTM E8/E8M,GB/T 228.1 Impact: ISO 148-1, ASTM E23-16a, GB/T 229 Flexural: ISO 7438, ASTM E290, GB/T 232 Hardness: ISO 6508-1,6506-1,6507-1, ASTM E18-16,E10-17,E92-16, GB/T 230-1, 231-1,340-1 Composites Tensile: ISO 527-4,527-5, ASTM D3039, GB/T1040.4,1040.5 Flexural: ISO 1425, ASTM D7264, GB 1449 -15 ss/w 22 Rubber Tensile: ISO37,ASTM D412, GB/T528 00 1ng Devices and Components Fasteners: Bolts and nuts ISO 898-2, ASTM F606, GB/T 3098.2 Medical devices: Drug delivery devicesand components under a CFR21 Part 11compliant structure Manufacturing Vision System This is a a video which supports the test outputpackage with visual analysis at points throughout thetest. It strengthens the data recorded for future replay,either in a virtual test environment or for recognitionof specimen break types in support of an impact test. Cell The cell housing the automation system is configuredwith four specific objectives and capabilities; 1.FOOTPRINT. Optimize the footprint and envelope ofthe automation cell in support of productivity. 2. SAFETY. Transparent impact resistant panels givethe user a clear a view of the system while providingprotection from moving parts. Optional userrecognition for interlocked cell access for users and/orservice personnel. 3.ACCESS. Light curtains in the cell panels allow peopleto operate safely while near the robotics. ,4.FLEXIBILITY.The system is an investment inperformance for many years, therefore the cell design andconstruction supports future repositioning if required. Camera Monitoring Samsung 1080P full HD streaming camera with nightoperation for when the automated system is runningin a light-out energy efficient room. PC and Cellphone accessible 24 hours a day by operators andmaintenance teams in support of system SMS oremail system monitoring and performance alerts. Specimen Measurement Station Consists of single or multiple measuring headsenabling fast measurement of specimens in one ormore axes whether rectangular,round or profiledshapes. Available in measuring range 12.5 to 15omm,6-digit display, max error on 3um scale o.oo1mmrepeatability 2um. Measurement force ranging from0.65N to 5.7N based on configuration.10 measurements per second. Specimen Racking Designed and configured to support the system foroptimum productivity. It holds a suitable number oftest specimens to cover a shift or product run, whether8, 16 or 24 hours. It allows you to load once and walkaway. Also supports live loading so that actual testingdoes not stop. Robots 0 From two-axis linear robots to full 6-axis articulatedsolutions, the automated system is configured to meetproductivity objectives and achieve optimum handlingof test specimens from entry into the cell through toejection and post-test handling. Robots are configured for light weight pay loadssuch as thin films and medical devices, through toheavy metal component payloads of up to 7kg with amaximum composite movement speed of 11,000mm/sec. The robot's position detection and brake systemsare fully integrated with the Tinius Olsen control andmonitoring system plattorm. End effectors or hands are designed to meet specimenneeds in terms of shape, profile, gripping force andsurface finishes. Bar Code Reader Station 1D or 2D bar code reading enabled using reading lightsource pattern of single dots, 625nm LED illumination:630nm LED's. Image field 46° horizontal x 29.5°vertical,max swipe/read speed 2.3m per second. Automated Svstems www.tiniusolsen.cominfo@tiniusolsen.com ●Horsham,PA,USA·Redhill,Surrey, UKNoida,UP,India·Shanghai,PR China ww.tiniusolsen.com

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