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麦克默瑞提克(上海)仪器有限公司Micromeritics Instrument (Shanghai) Ltd.The Science and Technology of Small Particles上海民生路550号1505-1509室, 邮编200135 Suite 1505-1509, 550 Minsheng Rd., Shanghai, P.R. China 200135www.micromeritics.com www.micromertics.com.cn t.sina.com.cn/micromeritics 4356 Communications DriveNorcross, GA 30093 USAUS Sales:770-662-3633International Sales: 770-662-3600Fax: 770-662-3696www.particulatesystems.commf MATERIAL FLOWEQUIPMENT Application Notes 使用 SPECTester 对颗粒粒径引起的混合物分离的定量研究 摘要 SPECTester 能够通过简单的步骤,.快速的评估和定量发生在混合物产品中的分离,并且可以分析高达六种成分的混合物。除此之外,通过一些简单的额外步骤还能够分析多种不同粒径的成分所组成的混合物材料,即:由颗粒粒径引起的分离。本文就此内容进行了详细的描述。 The SPECTester is designed to easily and quicklyevaluate and quantify the segregation occurring in aproduct mixture containing up toSsix uniquecomponents. However, by utilizing a few simpleadditional steps, the tester can analyze a productmade up of variously-sizedparticles of the samematerial: in other words, segregation due to particlesize. The additional steps include: · Riffle thenmaterial to obtain a representativesample - you will need about 2.5 L of material toassure sufficient sampleremaining fortheSPECTester analysis. ·Take a portion of this sample and sieve it to create two components (coarse and fine). · Measure the PSD of the coarse and fine and determine the Minimum particle size, D10, D50,D90, and Maximum particle size. ·Using the final sieved sample, determine the % concentration by mass of the coarse and fineparticles. The fines and coarse obtained during this sieving process will be the pure components used inthe component trays during the SPECTester’s analysis. The material from the riffling step is re- combined and thoroughly mixed to fill the feedernopper. You will need a few additional pieces of industry-standard information. ·Cumulative PSD values (Min, D10, D50, D90 and Max)· Profile bin values In Component Mode operation, the bottom portion ofSetUp2 screen is inactive. In Particle Size Mode, theprofile bin values, as well as the cumulative PSDvalues (Min, D10, D50, D90 and Max) values, mustbe added. Using the SPECTester to Quantify Segregation by Particle Size (page 2) Component Spectra Preview: In component spectra mode, the spectralsignatures of the fines and coarse aresimilar.The difference in the spectralsignature (as seen by the SPECTester) isdue to the difference in intensity of hueresulting from particle size difference.The finer material scatters light more,and will therefore have the more intensespectral signature.Note that the peaksand valleys of the two spectral signaturesremain the same. Differential View Preview: In differential view mode, the spectral signaturesof fines and coarse are dissimilar because thespectral intensity curves are subtracted one fromanother. The major component spectral intensitycurve will be set equal to zero and the othercomponent will be subtracted from that value togive the differential view spectra. In this examplecase, the coarse particles (major component -white line) show zero intensity and the fines (blueline) are subtracted to give the differential spectrabelow. The choice of preview mode is for User’s convenience.The resulting segregation profile isessentially the same for either preview mode. Set Up 1 Set Up 2 Curve Select Run Test Seg Profile Results Set Up 1 Set Up 2 Curve Select Run Test Seg Profile Results 第页MIC China Technical Questions may be directed to Kerry Johanson, Material Flow Equipment +-

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