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Hyptis floribunda leaf oil,obtained by hydrodistillation...


J. Essent. Oil Res., 9, 523-525 (Sep/Oct 1997) 524MOoNDELLO ET AL. Received: April 1996Revised: September 19961041-2905/97/0005-0523$04.00/0-@1997 Allured Publishing Corp. RESEARCH REPORT Uruguayan Essential Oils. Part VIII.Composition of Leaf Oilof Hyptis floribunda Briq. ex Micheli (Labiatae) Eduardo Dellacassa and Daniel Lorenzo Catedra de Farmacognosia y Productos Naturales, Facultad de QuimicaUniversitad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay Luigi Mondello* and Ildefonsa Stagno d'Alcontres Dipartimento Farmaco-chimico, Facolta di Farmacia, Universita di Messina, Italy Abstract Hyptis floribunda leaf oil, obtained by hydrodistillation, was analyzed by GCand GC/MS. Forty-three components were identified in the oil. The main componentswere germacrene B (40.2%), B-caryophyllene (9.9%), germacrene D (9.8%) ando-copaene (8.0%). Key Word Index Hyptis floribunda, Labiatae, essential oil composition, germacrene B. Introduction Hyptis floribunda is a herbaceous, perennial plant, which can reach 3 meters in height. It bloomsfrom January to February, and its flowers show a color from pinkish-white to pale lilac. This plant growsspontaneously on sandy soil near the sea or near a water-course. It is widespread in Uruguay,Paraguay,Brazil and Argentina (1). The composition of leaf oil of H. floribunda is reported in this paper. Thereare no previous references on the oil composition in the literature. Experimental The fresh leaves of Hyptis floribunda were collected, on the seaside of Pajas Blancas, MontevideoDepartment, Uruguay, in January 1996. Voucher specimens (MVFQ 3492) have been preserved in theHerbarium of Institute of Botanica, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Montevideo, Uruguay. The leaveswere air-dried and the oil was isolated by hydrodistillation in a modified Clevenger-type apparatus. TheH. floribunda leaf oil was analyzed by GC and GC/MS. GC: Fisons chromatograph 5160 Mega Series equipped with a Shimadzu data processor C-R3A; silicafused capillary column, 25 m x 0.32 mm, coated with SE-52,0.40-0.45 pm film thickness (Mega, Legnano,Italy); column temperature, 45℃ (6 min) to 240℃ at 3°C/min; injector temperature 250℃; detectortemperature 280°C; injection mode, split; split ratio 1:50; volume injected, 0.2 mL of the oil;carrier gas,He, 100 KPa. *Address for correspondence Table l. Chemical composition of Hyptis floribunda oil Peak Peak no. Compound Percentage no. Compound Percentage 1 a-pinene 2.3 27 germacrene D 9.8 2sabinene t 28 B-selinene 0.7 31-octen-3-ol t 29 a-selinene 0.9 4 3-octanol t 30 germacrene A 2.1 5myrcene t 31 7-epi-a-selinene 0.5 6limonene 0.1 32 8-cadinene 3.3 7benzyl alcohol 0.1 33 a-calacorene 0.5 8linalool 0.3 34 (Z)-nerolidol 1.4 9:2-phenylethyl alcohol t 35 elemol 0.4 10(8-elemene 0.7 36 germacrene B 40.2 11 a-cubebene 0.3 37 (E)-nerolidol 0.1 12 eugenol 0.3 38 caryophyllene oxide 0.4 13 a-copaene 8.0 39 selin-11-en-4a-ol 0.2 14 B-bourbonene 4.1 40 14-hydroxy-9-epi-p-caryophyllene 0.1 15 B-cubebene t 41 tetradecanol 0.1 16 B-elemene 3.0 42 caryophyllene acetate 0.1 17 methyl eugenol 0.1 43 cedroxide 0.2 18 B-caryophyllene 9.9 19 cis-thujopsene 0.1 Monoterpenes 2.4 20 B-gurjunene 0.6 Sesquiterpenes 91.0 Hydrocarbons 93.4 21 y-elemene 3.8 22aromadendrene 0.3 Alcohols 2.7 23(a-humulene 1.1 Ethers and oxides 1.0 249-epi-p-caryophyllene 0.4 Oxygenated compounds 3.8 25a-himachalene 0.3 Total 97.2 26y-muurolene 0.4 GC/MS: Shimadzu QP 5000 equipped with Adams library (2), silica fused capillary column, 30 m x0.25 mm coated with DB-5, 0.25 um film thickness (J& W, Folson, California, USA); column temperature,60℃ to 240℃ at 3℃/min; injector temperature, 250℃; injection mode, split; split ratio, 1:30; volumeinjected, 0.2 mL of the oil; carrier gas He, 61.6 KPa; linear velocity 33.5 mL/min; interface temperature250C; detector 1.5 kV; acquisition mass range 41-300; solvent cut, 2 min. Results and Discussion H. floribunda oil is pale yellow and its odor resembles that of tea leaves. Table I gives the relativepercentages of single components and classes of compounds of H. floribunda oil, while Figure 1 showsthe chromatogram of this oil. Figure 1 and Table I show the presence of 43 identified components thatrepresents the 96.83% of the whole oil. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons represent more than 90% of the whole oil. Germacrene B (40.2%),p-caryophyllene (9.9%), germacrene D (9.8%) and a-copaene (8.0%) were the main components.Monoterpene hydrocarbons were represented only by a-pinene (2.3%), limonene (0.1%) and traceamount of sabinene and myrcene, while linalool (0.3%), eugenol (0.3%) and methyl eugenol (0.1%) werethe only oxygenated monoterpene compounds present. The oil also contained 1.9% of sesquiterpenealcohols, 0.6% of sesquiterpene oxides and small amounts (0.1%) of caryophyllene acetate. Figure 1. GC chromatogram of Hyptis floribunda leaf oil. For peak identifications, see Table I Acknowledgments Research supported by Ministero per gli Affari Esteri, Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo,Special Project“Valorizzazione degli olii essenziali e dei derivati agrumari uruguaiani,”under Istituto Italo LatinoAmericano, Scientific Director Prof. Giovanni Dugo, and by the Universidad de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay,Project CSIC Nr. 149. The authors wish to thank Dr. M. Julia Basagoda for her collaboration during the course ofthis research. References 1.A. Burkart, Flora Ilustrada de Entre Rios (Argentina), parte V. Coleccion Cientifica del INTA, Buenos Aires,Argentina (1979). 2R. P. Adams, Identification of Essential Oil Components by Gas Chromatograpby/Mass Spectroscopy. AlluredPubl. Corp., Carol Stream, Illinois, USA (1995).

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