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检测样品 大米

检测项目 重金属

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大米行业解决方案 北京天翔飞域仪器设备有限公司 种子图像分析技术部


Press Release SeedCount SC5000R wins favour in the rice industrv. SeedCount SC5000R is an image analysis system designed for measuring the physical attributes of grains andseeds. Over the last 6 months 10 instruments have been sold into the rice industry in Australia, USA,Thailand, South Africa and the Philippines. SeedCount uses a tray with different sized indents to locate seeds in both on the sides and flat. A highresolution scanner collects the image of the seeds and the SeedCount software measures the length, width,thickness, chalk, broken seeds, head seeds, green, red and brown streaks for each of up to 1000 seeds. Thedata is presented in tabular form to show the count and the percentage of seeds with each attribute. Plotsare also provided for each attribute. SeedCount can scan up to 1000 seeds and make the measurements for all attribute in less than 60 seconds.Data can be saved in a printed form or electronic form. For the rice industry, SeedCount provides a rapid means of assessing the quality of the grains and thereforethe value of the seeds.SeedCount provides a hard copy and an electronic image of the rice so that disputescan be settled without the subjective nature of human measurements. For more information on the SeedCount SC5 Image Analyser, contact 北京天翔飞域仪器设备有限公司 Tel: 010 60273439, Fax: 010 52262665 Email: victorsim@vip.163.com

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北京天翔飞域科技有限公司为您提供《大米解决方案》,该方案主要用于大米中重金属检测,参考标准《暂无》,《大米解决方案》用到的仪器有CropScan 1000B 近红外整谷分析仪、SC5000R 种子图像分析系统、全自动凯氏定氮仪。


