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Determination of acidic constituents in petroleum products and lubricants by potentiometric titration. The total acid number TAN is the quantity of base, expressed in milligrams of potassium hydroxide, that is required to neutralize all acidic constituents present in 1 g of sample.


Analysis And Testing TechnologyApplication Julabo VISCOAnalysis And Testing Technology Total acid numbernumber-TAN Application Use Determination of acidic constituents in petroleum products and lubricants by potentiometric titration. The totalacid number TAN is the quantity of base, expressed in milligrams of potassium hydroxide, that is required toneutralize all acidic constituents present in 1 g of sample. Appliances Titrator: TitroLine 7000 or TL 7750 with 5 or 10 ml unit Magnetic stirrer: TM 235 other appliances: printer/USB memory stick or Titrisoft Electrodes Electrode: N 6480 (filled with LiCI/Ethanol) Electrolyte: LiCl/Ethanol, L 503 4 Reagents Solvent: toluene/isopropyl alcohol/water (500/495/5) Titration agent: KOH 0,1 mol/L in isoprop. Standardisation: with potassium hydrogen phthalate standard Description Preparation and standardization of the alcoholic KOH solution Add 6 g of KOH to approximately 1 L of anhydrous isopropyl alcohol. Boil gently for 10 min to effect solution.Allow the solution to stand for 2 days and then filter through a fine sentered-glass funnel. Store the solutionin a chemical resistant bottle and protect the solution for CO2 with a guard tube containing soda lime.Standardize with exact weighed quantities of 0.2 g of potassium hydrogen phthalate. Add 80 ml CO freewater. Ready to use solutions are recommended.Use the method Titer KOH. Repeat the standardization two times. The average value is stored automatically in the exchangeable unit. Application Blank value of the solvent mixture Add 125 mL of the titration solvent into the beaker. Place the beaker on the magnetic stirrer and start thetitration method. After titration rinse the electrode and burette tip with solvent, then with water, then againwith solvent in a beaker for appr. 1 minute. Use method: BLANK TAN Repeat the blank titration one time. The average value can be stored in a global memory e.g. M01 (TANblank) which have to create before. Titration Weigh the sample in a 250 mL beaker and add 125 mL of the titration solution to the sample. The sampleweight should be calculated and selected that the titration amount is not more than 4 ml because of the longtitration time. Place the beaker on the magnetic stirrer and start the titration method (TAN). After the titration rinse theelectrode and burette tip with solvent, then with water (5 min), then again with solvent. Maintenance of Electrodes lf you use a combination electrode like N 6480 store the electrode in the LiCl/Ethanol electrolyte. Application standardisation (page 1): GLP documentation Titration graph 15.74ml-92.0mV · mV/ml ·dmV/dml Method data Method name: Titer KOH Titration duration: 3m 31 s End date: 21.09.12 End time: 15:13:54 Titration data Sample ID: KHPhthalat Weight: 0.1209 g Start mV: 167.9 mV End mV: -167.2 mV Calculation formula Titer: (W*F2)/((EQ1-B)*M*F1)-> M103 Mol(M): 204.22000 Weight (W):manFactor 2 (F2):1000.0000Blank value (B):0.0000 mlFactor 1 (F1):1.0000Statistics:Off Device informationDevice: TitroLine 7000Serial number: 00012 Software version: 1230 Titer_KOH_21_09_12-15_10_23.pdf Application standardisation (page 2): Method data overall view Method name: Titer KOH Created at: Method type: Automatic titration Last modification: Measured value: mV Damping settings: None Titration mode: Dynamic Documentation: GLP Dynamic: Steep Measuring speed / drift: Normal: minimum holding time: 02 s maximum holding time: 15 s Measuring time: 02 s Drift: Initial waiting time: 0 s Titration direction: Decrease Pretitration: Off End value: Off EQ: On (1) Slope value: Steep Value: 700 Dosingparameter Dosing speed: 100 % Filling speed: 30 s Maximum dosing volume: 50.00 ml Unit values Unit size: 10ml Unit ID: 00072696 Reagent: TBA Hydroxid Batch ID: 1.0265 Concentration [mol/]: 0.10365 Determined at: 09/20/12 0:57:27 Expire date: 04/12/12 Opened/compounded: 10/19/11 Test according ISO 8655: 12/01/10 Last modification: 09/21/1215:06:50 Device information Device: TitroLine 7000 Serial number: 00012 Software version:1230 Application blank value (page 1): GLP documentation Titration graph mV/ml · dmV/dml Method data Method name:Blank TAN-TBNTitration duration:3m1sEnd date:21.09.12End time:16:27:20Titration dataSample ID:BW SolventStait mV:82.7 mVEnd mV:-29.1 mVEQ:0.070 ml/ 13.0 mVBlank:0.070 ml Calculation formula Blank: EQ1-> M01 Mol (M): 1.00000 Statistics: Off Device informationDevice: TitroLine7000Serial number: 00012 Software version: 1230 Blank_TAN-TBN_21_09_12-16_24_19.pdf Application blank value (page 2): Method data overall view Method name: Blank TAN-TBN Created at: Method type: Automatic titration Last modification: Measured value: mV Damping settings: strong Titration mode: Linear Documentation: GLP Linear steps: 0.010 ml Measuring speed / drift: 15 s Initial waiting time: 10 s Titration direction: Decrease Pretitration: Off End value: Off EQ: On (1) Slope value: Flat Value: 120 Dosing parameter Dosing speed: 100 % Filling speed: 30 s Maximum dosing volume: 0.20 ml Unit values Unit size: 10ml Unit ID: 00072696 Reagent: TBA Hydroxid Batch ID: 1.0265 Concentration [mol/]: 0.10350 Determined at: 09/21/12 22:27:50 Expire date: 04/12/12 Opened/compounded: 10/19/11 Test according ISO 8655: 12/01/10 Last modification: 09/21/12 15:28:02 Device information Device: TitroLine 7000Serial number: 00012 Software version: 1230 Application sample titration (page 1): example with high or normal TAN value> 1 GLP documentation Titration graph 3.50ml-18.9 mV Calculation formula TAN mg KOH/g: (EQ1-B)*T*M*F1/(W*F2) Mol (M): 56.10000 Blank value (B): 0.0700 ml (M01) Titre (T): 0.10350000 (a) Factor1 (F1): 1.0000 Weight (W): man Factor 2(F2): 1.0000 Statistics: Off Device information Device: TitroLine 7000Serial number: 00012 Software version:1230 TAN_ASTM_664_21_09_12-16_38_19.pdf 1/2 Application sample titration (page 2): Method data overall view Method name: TAN ASTM 664 Created at: 09/19/1216:27:55 Method type: Automatic titration Last modification: 09/21/12 16:31:53 Measured value: mV Damping settings: strong Titration mode: Linear Documentation: GLP Linear steps: 0.050 ml Measuring speed / drift:User-defined:minimum holding time: 07 smaximum holding time: 20 sMeasuring time: 04 sDrift: 20 mV/minInitial waiting time:10 sTitration direction:DecreasePretitration:offEnd value:offEQ:On (1)Slope value:FlatValue: 120 Dosing parameter Dosing speed: 100 % Filling speed: 30 sMaximum dosing volume: 5.00 ml Unit values Unit size: 10ml Unit ID: 00072696 Reagent: TBA Hydroxid Batch ID: 1.0265 Concentration [mol/l]: 0.10350 Determined at: 09/21/12 22:27:50 Expire date: 04/12/12 Opened/compounded: 10/19/11 Test according ISO 8655: 12/01/10 Last modification: 09/21/1215:28:02 Device informationDevice: TitroLine 7000Serial number: 00012 Software version: 1230 TAN_ASTM_664_21_09_12-16_38_19.pdf sample titration (page 1): example with low TAN value <1 GLP documentation Itration graph mV Gt 1R 75.0 0.10 ml-83.2mV Weight(W): man Factor 2 (F2): 1.0000 Statistics: Off Device information Device: TitroLine 7000 Serial number: 10010889 Software version: 1230 TAN_ASTM_664_12_10_12-09_58_59.pdf 1/2 Application sample titration (page 2): example with low TAN value < Method data overall view Method name: TAN ASTM 664 Created at: Method type: Automatic titration Last modification: Measured value: mV Damping settings: strong Titration mode: Linear Documentation: GLP Linear steps: 0.020 ml Measuring speed /drift: User-defined: minimum holding time: 07 s maximum holding time: 20 s Measuring time: 04 s Drift: Initial waiting time: 10 s Titration direction: Decrease Pretitration: Off End value: Off EQ: On (1) Slope value: Flat Value: 120 Dosing parameter Dosing speed: 100 % Filling speed: 30 sMaximum dosing volume: 1.00 ml Unit values Unit size: 10ml Unit ID: 10035468 Reagent: KOH 0.1 mol/L Batch ID: no entry Concentration [mol/l]: 0.10580 Determined at: 10/12/12 16:16:25 Expire date: Opened/compounded: Test according ISO 8655: Last modification: 10/12/12 9:44:44 Device information Device: TitroLine 7000 Serial number: 10010889 Software version: 1230 1TAN_ASTM_664_12_10_12-09_58_59.pdf Application Hints If you have any questions concerning the application, you are welcome to contact us. Literature ASTM 664 JULABO TECHNOLOGY(Beijing)Co.,LTD 地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥东路1号院M8号楼C厅3层301室Add : Room 301,C hall,M8 office building,No.1 jiuxianqiao east road ,Chaoyang District,Beijing,ChinaTel.:4008092068 昌Fax: +86 (0)10 64390585E-Mail: info@julabo.cn优莱博技术(北京)有限公司③Web: www.julabo.cn, www.julabo-visco.com Date: age of Page of ate:

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