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检测项目 DBPC和DBP的含量

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ASTM 2668 and IEC 60666 are the standard test methods, using infrared spectroscopy (IR) technology to monitor the concentrations of DBPC and DBP in electrical insulating oil. These test methods are used to determine if the new electrical insulating oil meets the specification for oxidation inhibitor initial concentration levels. They also monitor the concentration of inhibitors in the used oil. If the inhibitors have been depleted to a critical level, additional inhibitor can be added. Therefore, the standard test methods are essential for manufacturing control, specification acceptance, and to periodically monitor the level of inhibitors in used oils.


Determination of Phenolic Antioxidant DBPC and DBP Levels in Electrical Insulating Oil Agilent 5500. 4500. and Cary 630 FTIR Spectrometers Introduction : The phenolic antioxidants2,6-ditertiary-butyl paracresol(DBPC)(also knownasbutylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)) and 2,6-ditertiary-butyl phenol (DBP) are the two mostcommon oxidation inhibitors added to the electrical insulating (transformer) oil andmineral oil based lubricants. The typical recommended value of DBPC and DBP in freshelectrical insulating oil is approximately 0.3% by weight. These inhibitors preventelectrical insulating oil from oxidative degradation, and prolong the life of the oil.It is essential to maintain the optimum concentration level of inhibitors to ensurethe proper functioning of mineral oil used in transformer units as an insulating orcooling agent. The depletion rate of the inhibitors in the oil is dependent on variousfactors such as the amount of oxygen available, soluble contaminants, catalytic agentsand temperature. Therefore, regular testing of the inhibitors in electrical insulatingoiljisInecessary to ensureits reliable operation in high value assetsSsuch astransformer units. ASTM 2668 and IEC 60666 are the standard test methods,Uusinginfrared spectroscopy (IR) technology to monitor the concentrations of DBPC and DBPin electrical insulating oil. These test methods are used to determine if the newelectrical insulating oil meets the specification for oxidation inhibitor initialconcentration levels. They also monitor the concentration of inhibitors in the usedoil. If the inhibitors have been depleted to a critical level, additional inhibitorcan be added. Therefore, the standard test methods are essential for manufacturingcontrol, specification acceptance, and to periodically monitor the level of inhibitorsin used oils. · Agilent Technologies The phenolic antioxidants 2,6-ditertiary-butyl paracresol (DBPC) (also known as butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)) and 2,6-ditertiary-butyl phenol (DBP) are the two most common oxidation inhibitors added to the electrical insulating (transformer) oil and mineral oil based lubricants. The typical recommended value of DBPC and DBP in fresh electrical insulating oil is approximately 0.3% by weight. These inhibitors prevent electrical insulating oil from oxidative degradation, and prolong the life of the oil. It is essential to maintain the optimum concentration level of inhibitors to ensure the proper functioning of mineral oil used in transformer units as an insulating or cooling agent. The depletion rate of the inhibitors in the oil is dependent on various factors such as the amount of oxygen available, soluble contaminants, catalytic agents, and temperature. Therefore, regular testing of the inhibitors in electrical insulating oil is necessary to ensure its reliable operation in high value assets such as transformer units. ASTM 2668 and IEC 60666 are the standard test methods, using infrared spectroscopy (IR) technology to monitor the concentrations of DBPC and DBP in electrical insulating oil. These test methods are used to determine if the new electrical insulating oil meets the specification for oxidation inhibitor initial concentration levels. They also monitor the concentration of inhibitors in the used oil. If the inhibitors have been depleted to a critical level, additional inhibitor can be added. Therefore, the standard test methods are essential for manufacturing control, specification acceptance, and to periodically monitor the level of inhibitors in used oils.

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安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司为您提供《酚类抗氧化剂中DBPC和DBP的含量检测方案(红外光谱仪)》,该方案主要用于其他中DBPC和DBP的含量检测,参考标准《暂无》,《酚类抗氧化剂中DBPC和DBP的含量检测方案(红外光谱仪)》用到的仪器有Agilent Cary630 傅里叶变换红外光谱仪。


