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SEM offers strategies to examine the microstructure, chemistry, and crystal structure of various materials and compounds in the automotive industry. Images are used to gain in-depth information on processing conditions, vehicle aging, automotive performance, automotive failure, and many more.


WINDOW FOR NANO WORLD with COXEM14 Overview SEM offers strategies to examine the microstructure, chemistry, and crystal structure of various materials andcompounds in the automotive industry. Images are used to gain in-depth information on processing conditions,vehicle aging,automotive performance,automotive failure, and many more. Car Wiper Most windshield wiper blades are coated with graphite for streakfree wiping and high durability. Special coating materials otherthan graphite are being developed for even better durability. Car Windshield Piston Rings Piston rings for car engines are specially coated to decreasewear by reducing gasoline engine friction. It is important tomeasure the layer thickness as thickness is directly related to theconformability of the ring. Since the coatings are destroyed whenphysically cutting the rings, the rings are molded and polishedinstead. Following images show the thickness of the ring after thecorrect sample preparation. Other Images SEM offers strategies to examine the microstructure, chemistry, and crystal structure of various materials and compounds in the automotive industry. Images are used to gain in-depth information on processing conditions, vehicle aging, automotive performance, automotive failure, and many more.

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北京天耀科技有限公司为您提供《汽车材料中形态检测方案(扫描电镜)》,该方案主要用于其他中形态检测,参考标准《暂无》,《汽车材料中形态检测方案(扫描电镜)》用到的仪器有库赛姆(COXEM)EM-30+ 台式扫描电镜。


