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检测样品 柴油

检测项目 主要成分含量

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自动电位滴定仪在油品分析中具有非常广泛的应用,如测量油品酸值、碱值、硫醇硫、溴指数等等。 油品滴定分析方法集的方法适用于:润滑油、绝缘油、变压器油、原油、煤油、柴油、生物柴油、航空煤油等各种油品的滴定分析。


Oil PACIon a n aly s i s A sophisticated collection for your Metrohm TitrinosMetrohmlon analys is Know-how package for the analysis of petrochemical products usingMetrohm Titrinos Oil PAC contains the titration methods most used in thepetroleum industry in an attractive and practical form. The methods are up to date, as they take into account the latest standards. ●apply the most appropriate methods, ●use the Metrosensors especially developed for non-aqueous titrations. By using these methods directly as SOPs (StandardOperating Procedures) in your laboratory, you will saveboth time and money. Depending on the Metrohm Titrinos available or to bepurchased, you have two different possibilities: ·785 DMP Titrino or 751 GPD Titrino (instrument pro-gram version 5.751.0020 or higher) Using the methods memory card that is included inthe package,you load all the methods (complete pa-rameter sets including calculations and reports) intothe Titrino. You then equip the Titrino with the corre-sponding Exchange Unit and electrode, load themethod into the working memory, prepare the firstsample and start the determination by pressing a key.As soon as the titration is concluded and the sampleweight entered, the Titrino outputs the titration curveand a complete result report on the connected printer. 自716 DMS Titrino, 736 GP Titrino or 751 GPD Titrino(instrument program version earlier than 5.751.0020) Using a PC and the demo version of Metrodata VESUV 3.0 contained inthe package, you load themethods into your Titrino.You then continue using theextremely simple proce-dure described above. The 6.0229.100 Metrosensor Solvotrode is the ideal sensor for non-aqueous titrations Oil PAC comprises a ring binder with detailed method descriptions, method memory card, CD ROM withOil PAC methods and Metrodata CD ROM Methods that will convince you Methods no. 1 to 25,arranged into groups A to H, can be found on the memory card: A-Acid and base numbers 1Titer determination for base number234 Base number Basic nitrogen Titer determination for acid number 5Acid number B-Bromine number and bromine index 6-Titer determination77 Blank value of solvent Bromine number of cyclohexene Bromine index of heptane C-H,S/COS/mercaptans / total sulfur 10 Titer determination of AgNOs 11Sulfur compounds in petroleum products 12Sulfur compounds in gases / absorption solutions 13Total sulfur in petroleum products (Lamp method,ASTM D 1266-98) D-Saponification and hydroxyl numbers 14 Saponification number 15 Hydroxyl number Scope of delivery 6.6040.003 Oil PAC, English version 6.6040.001 Oil PAC, German version each consisting of: The printed collection with texts concerning the 25 titrationmethods most often used in the petrochemical industry.Each method is extensively described and comprises pa-rameter sets and curve examples; method-related iconsfacilitate orientation. The collection comes in an attractive,practical binder. Memory card containing the parameter sets of the 25 meth-.:.ods for loading into the 785 DMP Titrino and the 751 GPDTitrino (instrument program version 5.751.0020 or higher). ·Oil PAC CD ROM containing the above texts with param-eter sets and curve examples (PDF files) plus the follow-ing Metrohm Application Bulletins: No. 80 Determination of the acid and base number inpetroleum products No. 101 Complexometric titrations with the Cu ISE Standard solutions To perform the Oil PAC methods, you need standardsolutions. A large selection of these is offered world-wide by the reagent manufacturers. The practical Metrohm Exchange Units accommodate reagentbottles from all major manufacturers lo nanalysis Metrohm Ltd., CH-9101 Herisau SwitzerlandPhone +4171 353 85 85iFax +41713538901E-Mail info@metrohm.comnternet www.metrohm.com No. 125 Simultaneous determination of calcium and mag-nesium in water samples and beverages and thedifferent types of water hardness by complex-ometric titration with potentiometric indication No. 135 Potentiometric determination of hydrogen sulfide,carbonyl sulfide and mercaptans in petroleumproducts No. 177 Automatic determination of the bromine index and/or the bromine number in petroleum products Metrodata CD ROM containing: Demo versions of the Metrodata programs VESUV, TiNet,VADatabase,IC-Net etc. Adobe@ Acrobat Reader for read-ing and printing the PDF files. Using the VESUV PC soft-ware you can load the parameter sets from the CD ROMinto the following Titrinos: 716 DMS Titrino, 736 GP Titrino,751 GPD Titrino. 8.001.6003 Subject to modifications Printed by Metrohm Ltd., CH-9101 Herisau, Switzerland Potentiometric titration Oil PAC

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上海纳锘实业有限公司为您提供《油品中主要成分含量检测方案 》,该方案主要用于柴油中主要成分含量检测,参考标准《暂无》,《油品中主要成分含量检测方案 》用到的仪器有瑞士万通Metrohm 848型自动电位滴定仪、916 Ti-Touch 精灵一代 一体式电位滴定仪、瑞士万通 864全自动样品称量滴定系统、瑞士万通 902爱•智能™恒定pH/电位滴定仪。


