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TurboFlow 技术中性能研究检测方案(气相色谱仪)

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Thermo Scientific TurboFlow technology is an automated online sample preparation technique for complex matrices for the mass spectrometer. It enables users to inject complex matrices such as food, plasma, urine and other biological matrices directly into the mass spectrometer – without prior sample pretreatment.


MASS :SPECTROMETRY Less Steps,Faster Results An innovative approach tosample preparation based onchromatographic principles. · Minimize sample preparation -simplifies complex samplepreparation protocols ·Reduce ion suppression -achieves better data quality ·Simplify method development -uses the same method fordifferent matrices ·Save time -injects samplesdirectly into LC/MS system Thermo Scientific TurboFlow technologyis an automated online sample preparationtechnique for complex matrices for the massspectrometer. It enables users to inject com-plex matrices such as food, plasma, urineand other biological matrices directly intothe mass spectrometer - without priorsample pretreatment. Labs around the world are simplifyingtheir methods by performing samplepreparation and liquid chromatographytogether in one step. Save moneyeffortlessly and boost productivity, withoutcompromising data quality or sensitivity. TurboFlowTM technology combines theprinciples of turbulence, diffusion andchemistry to quickly eliminate matrixinterferences while capturinganalytes of interest. The ability toanalyze complex samples withhigh sensitivity using minimalresources is the direct result ofTurboFlow technology. ThermoScientificTranscend TLXsystem is poweredby TurboFlowtechnology Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE)1. Aliquot of sample2. Spike with IS3. Add buffer4. Add MTBE5. Shake 10 min6. Centrifuge7. Remove organic8. Evaporate to dryness9. Reconstitute10.Transter to plate11. Inject onto column Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Protein Precipitation (PPT) 1. Aliquot of sample2.Spike with IS3.Add 0.1N HCL4.(Condition sorbent5.Add sample to sorbent6.Wash7.Evaporate8.Reconstitute9.Transfer 1. Aliquot of sample2. Spike with IS3. Add acetonitrile4. Centrifuge5. Remove supernatant6. Reconstitute7. Transfer to plate8. Inject onto column TurboFlow Method1. Aliquot of sample2. Spike with IS3. Centrifuge4. Inject onto column 10.Inject onto column TurboFlow methods enable users to remove most of the time-consuming steps required by traditional sample preparation methods- maximizing sample throughput while minimizing errors and variability. Minimize Sample PreparationTurboFlow technology eliminates up to 2/3of the sample preparation steps required bytraditional methods, such as liquid-liquidextraction. Automated online sample preparation techniques enable TurboFlowmethods to prepare and analyze samples upto 95% faster than traditional methods. 140000 20000- 110000- 100000- (C) 90000- 80000-co 70000- 60000 50000- 40000- 30000- 20000- 10000- 0- TurboFlow Method Rat Plasma Three chromatograms show an analyte directly injected into a mass spectrometer followed by the addition of rat plasma. The TurboFlowmethod shows no significant ion suppression, while a drop in the signal is evident in the both PPT and SPE methods. Reduce lon Suppression TurboFlow technology effectively removessample components and matrixinterferences that typically cause ionsuppression. In a recent study, raw plasmasamples analyzed with TurboFlowtechnology produced no ion suppression. A direct comparison of various samplepreparation methods demonstrates less ionsuppression with TurboFlow methods. The same TurboFlow method was used for multiple matrices (PBS, BSA, and rat plasma) thus eliminating the need to spend weeks develop-ing individual methods for each. Turbulence: Enables FastSeparation TurboFlow technology optimizes turbulenceto separate analytes from food and biologi-cal samples prior to analysis with a massspectrometer. The mobile phase flows through theTurboFlow column creating high linearvelocities, which are greater than what istypicallyseen in HPLC columns. The largeinterstitial spaces between the columnparticles and the high linear mobile phasevelocity creates turbulence within theTurboFlow column. Diffusion: Separates Large andSmall Molecules TurboFlow technology leverages thedifference in diffusion rates of smaland large molecules. The mobile phase quickly flushes thelarge sample molecules through the columnto waste. The small sample molecules,which have a higher diffusion rate than thelarge sample molecules, interact with thestationary phase and diffuse into theparticle pores. Compared to alternate online samplepreparation techniques, TurboFlowtechnology is the most efficient at removinglarge molecules based on size exclusion-resulting in the cleanest samples enteringthe mass spectrometer. Chemistry: Retains SmallMolecules TurboFlow technology employs chemistry tofurther separate analytes from other samplemolecules. The patented TurboFlowcolumns, used with the TranscendTM TLXsystem, are the only columns available toperform turbulent flow chromatography. Of the sample molecules that enter thepores,those that have an affinity to thechemistry inside the pores bind to thecolumn particles' internal surface. The smallsample molecules with a lower bindingaffinity quickly diffuse out of the pores andare flushed to waste. A mobile phase change then elutes thesmall molecules that were bound by theTurboFlow column to the mass spectrometeror to a second analytical LC column forfurther separation. Comparison of online sample clean-up methods. TurboFlow technol-ogy is superior in removing protein matrices compared to SPE andRAM columns, resulting in better quality data. (Email TurboFlow@thermo.com to request the complete application note.) ( ⑤2010 The r mo Fisher Scien t ific Inc. A ll r ights reserved. All t r ade m arks are the property of Thermo Fi s her Scientific Inc. and it s subsidiarie s . Specificati o ns, termsand p r icing a r e s u bject to c h ange. No t all products are available in a ll countries. Please consult you r local sal e s rep r esentative for d etails. ) Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific Thermo Fisher Scientific,San Jose, CA USA is ISO Certified.PSE Labs around the world are simplifying their methods by performing sample preparation and liquid chromatography together in one step. Save money effortlessly and boost productivity, without compromising data quality or sensitivity.TurboFlow. technology combines the principles of turbulence, diffusion and chemistry to quickly eliminate matrix interferences while capturing analytes of interest. The ability to analyze complex samples with high sensitivity using minimal resources is the direct result of TurboFlow technology.

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赛默飞色谱与质谱为您提供《TurboFlow 技术中性能研究检测方案(气相色谱仪)》,该方案主要用于其他中性能研究检测,参考标准《暂无》,《TurboFlow 技术中性能研究检测方案(气相色谱仪)》用到的仪器有赛默飞TRACE 1300系列 模块化气相色谱仪。


