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检测样品 锂电池


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卡尔费休库仑滴定仪测量锂电池极板中水分含量 使用京都电子公司(KEM)-卡尔费休库仑滴定仪(MKC-520)连接干燥炉(ADP-511S),测定锂电池极板水分含量的应用资料。 标准方法: GB/T 24533-2009 锂离子电池石墨类负极材料(附录B 水分含量的测试方法)。


KEM Application Note No.KCI-14007Coulometric Karl-Fischer titration Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. D a t a No.NB47-141022 Moisture of pole plate (electrode) -Measuring instrument- Main unit:MKC-520 Coulometric KF moisture titrator Option: ADP-511S Evaporator Electrode: M-713 Twin Pt electrode #103-3408Inner burette -Reagent- Coulomat AG Anolyte: Coulomat AG Catholyte: Coulomat CG Carrier gas: Nitrogen -Measurement method- Preparation: (1) Delivered anolyte in titration cell and catholyte in inner burette. (2) Pretitrated for dehydration. (3) Connected MKC-520 and ADP-511S, and set the evaporation temperature to 200℃. Measurement: (1) Approx 1 g sample was taken in and titrated for measurement. -Equation- Moisture (%):((Data-Drift×t-Blank)/(Wt1-Wt2))×F Data: Total water content(ug) t: Measuring time (s) Wt1: Tare included sample weight (g) Drift: Drift (ug/s) Blank: Blank value (ug) Wt2: Tare included residual weight (g) F=1.00: Factor -Measurement parameter- -Printout data- [Titration1 Method 4 D.Time 0s L.Time 1200s Cont.Gain 5.0 End Level : Off Stable 0.1 ug/min Blank On Start : Manual Oven On Oven Temp. 200 °C Pre Treat Form 3 Back Purge 180 s Cell Purge Os [C alculat io n] Calc. No. 2 Unit % Size Weight:Variable Balance :Manual Size Only :Off [D a t a L Lis t 1 P.Time 60 s Data List : Off Graphic Form : Form 2 上海市徐汇区中山西路弄号网址: http://kem.instrument.com.cn 上海市徐汇区中山西路京都电子工业株式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司电话: 电邮: kemu-kem@com网址: http://kem.instrument.com.cn

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