
检测样品 碳酸饮料(汽水)

检测项目 理化分析

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二氧化碳气容量分析仪测量乳酸风味碳酸饮料中的气体体积和气体含量 应用资料 用二氧化碳气容量分析仪测量乳酸风味碳酸饮料中的气体体积和气体含量。碳酸饮料的气体体积、空气含量的测量是决定口感、味道和风味以及最佳日期的重要因素。本应用说明了使用二氧化碳气容量分析仪测量两种不同产品的市售乳酸风味碳酸饮料的示例。通过连续旋转样品容器并测量气体的平衡压力和样品温度来计算气体体积。然后,样品中的气体被转移到吸收筒中,二氧化碳气体被填充在吸收筒中的吸收溶液(氢氧化钠溶液)吸收,以测量空气含量。


二氧化碳气容量分析仪测量乳酸风味碳酸饮料中的气体体积和气体含量 应用资料用二氧化碳气容量分析仪测量乳酸风味碳酸饮料中的气体体积和气体含量。碳酸饮料的气体体积、空气含量的测量是决定口感、味道和风味以及最佳日期的重要因素。本应用说明了使用二氧化碳气容量分析仪测量两种不同产品的市售乳酸风味碳酸饮料的示例。通过连续旋转样品容器并测量气体的平衡压力和样品温度来计算气体体积。然后,样品中的气体被转移到吸收筒中,二氧化碳气体被填充在吸收筒中的吸收溶液(氢氧化钠溶液)吸收,以测量空气含量。京都電子工業株式会社KYOTO ELECTRONICSAPET-0261enMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD. APET-0261en6. Procedure Application NoteMeasurement of gas volume and air content in lacticflavour carbonated drink by Gas volume and air contentanalyzer Industry Instrument Measurement method Food & beverageGas volume and air content analyzerGas volume measurement method Standards GB/T 10792 1.Scope Caution This instrument needs a 6 mol/L sodium hydroxide aqueous solution which may causeblindness when it contacts human eyes. Be sure to wear protective goggles duringhandling it. The measurement of the gas volume, air content of carbonated beverages is an important factorin determining the mouthfeel, taste and flavor, and best-by date. This Application Note introducesan example of measuring commercially available lactic flavour carbonated drink of two differentproducts using a gas volume and air content analyzer. The gas volume is calculated bycontinuously rotating the sample container and measuring the equilibrium pressure of the gas andthe sample temperature. Then, gas in the sample is transferred to the absorbent cylinder and thecarbon dioxide gas is absorbed by an absorbent solution (sodium hydroxide solution) filled in thecylinder to measure the air content. 2. Precautions ·Measurements should be conducted within a temperature-controlled laboratory room, and thetemperature of the instrument and samples must be equalized to that of the room. ·Either the instrument’s onboard air system, or an independent air compressor, (both of whichcan adjust to pressures between 0.5 and 0.7 MPaG), is required for the piercing and rotation ofsample bottles and cans. ·For soft containers such as lightweight PET bottles, measurement is not possible using a canfolder. We recommend that users purchase a bottle holder for PET bottles (optional parts). 3. After measurement ·Samples should be disposed of properly after the measurement is complete, as they may becontaminated with the absorbent solution. · The measurement instrument should be rinsed properly at the end of the day. ·When measuring samples containing milk, clean the net filter of the instrument aftermeasurement for the day is complete. 4. Apparatus Equipment Gas volume and air content analyzer 5. Reagents Absorbent solution 6 mol/L Sodium hydroxide solution Rinse solution Pure water 1) Select6“6gasVvolume/gaLsSpressuree十air content measurement((GV/P+AIR)”9onnthemeasurement mode, and enter the following parameters into the measurement conditions. GV/P+AIR GV/P Cal. SOFT DISSOLVE AUTO < Method> Start Time O sec RotO Time 0 sec Wait Time 0 sec Snift Press .005 MPa MAX Time 180 sec MIN Time 10 sec Error Press .015 MPa Rot1 Time 70 sec Trial Press .010MPa max Time Min Time 180 sec 10 sec Trial Count 5 times Skip Press .015 MPa End Press 20 sec .015 MPa Note that the above measurement parameters are an example and optimizing theseparameters might be necessary depending on the sample’s property. 2) Set the sample bottle/can on the sample stage and press the Start button. Table 1 shows the measurement results of lactic flavour carbonated drinks. Table 1. Measurement results* Sample n Air Volume[mL1 Gas VolumeV/V1 GasPressMPal Press[MPal Temp.[C] Lacticflavour carbonateddrink A 350mLcan 1 3.8 1.79 0.109 0.154 22.0 2 4.1 1.80 0.110 0.150 21.9 3 3.0 1.82 0.112 0.149 21.9 4 3.9 1.76 0.105 0.144 22.0 5 3.5 1.79 0.109 0.146 22.0 Mean 3.7 1.79 0.109 0.149 22.0 SD 0.4 0.02 0.003 0.004 0.1 RSD(%) 11.7 1.2 2.3 2.3 0.2 Lactic flavourcarbonated drink B 1500mLPET 1 45.7 1.89 0.121 0.170 21.8 2 44.2 1.91 0.123 0.172 21.7 3 43.6 1.93 0.125 0.173 21.8 4 47.6 1.91 0.123 0.173 21.8 5 44.9 1.92 0.124 0.174 21.8 Mean 45.2 1.91 0.123 0.172 21.8 SD 1.6 0.01 0.002 0.002 0.04 RSD(%) 3.4 0.8 1.8 0.9 0.2 *Measurement items Air Volume The volume of gas other the carbon dioxide in the container (mL) Gas Volume Carbon dioxide volume (V/V) of 1mL sample volume Gas Press Converted pressure in sample bottle/can at 20 ℃(MPa) 都電子工業株式会社KYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.

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