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检测样品 其它

检测项目 再现性、反射、透射

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


本应用说明说明了使用JASCO的颜色诊断系统进行的颜色计算的再现性。 关键词:V-700,紫外可见/NIR,色度,颜色分析,材料,ISV-922集成球体,颜色诊断程序


颜色是从与眼睛相互作用的反射或透射光谱中获得的视觉感知特性。评估和获得描述颜色的可测量因素对于基于颜色的产品的开发和生产是重要的。JASCO开发了各种应用程序,使用V-700系列UV/Vis分光光度计进行颜色分析,同时使用样品的反射光谱和/或透射光谱。V-700分光光度计使用双光束光学系统,该系统提供了高测量精度和稳定性,因此可以以高再现性确定颜色计算的结果。Application Note Reflectance Measurement Reproducibilityof the Color Diagnosis System2/6Application Note Reflectance Measurement Reproducibility of the Color Diagnosis System Intro d uc t ion Color is a visually perceived property that is der i ved from the reflected or tra n smitted spectrum of light inte r acting with the eye. I t is important for the development and production of color-based products to eva l uate and obtain measurable facto r s descr i bing the co l or. JASCO has developed various applicat i ons that use t h e V-700Series of UV/Vis spectrophotometers for color analysis u sing both reflectance and/or tra n smittance spect r a of samples. The V-700 spectrophotometers use a double-beam optical system, which offers high measurement accuracy and stability and the r efo r e the results for co l o r calculations can be determined wit h high reproducibility. V-730 UV-Visible Spectro p hotomete r Figure 1. M ec h anism o f color rec ogn i t i o n b y t h e hum a n ey e. This application note i llu st r ates the r eproducibility of color calcula t ions made u s i n g JASCO's color diagnosis system. Keywords V-700, UV-Vi s i b le/NIR, Ch r omat i c i t y , C ol or A n a ly s i s , Materi a l, I SV-922 I ntegrating Sphere, Color Diagnos i s p r ogram 28600 Ma r y 's C ou r t, Easton, M D 21601 US A Experimen t al Measurements were obtained for a blue, red , and yellow pellet. A baseline measurement was performed using a standa r d white reference plate, the n the sam p le was measured. Both reference and sample meas u remen t s were made with the specu l a r r eflection component i nc l uded. To confi r m the measureme n t reproducibil i ty 10 spectra we r e collected with the sample removed and r eplaced in between scans to assess t h e effects of changing the measurement position. Bandwidth 5nm Response time 0.96 seconds Data interval 1nm Scan speed 400 nm/min Results The ref l ectance s p ectra f or each s a mple a r e sh o wn i n Figure 2. T h e f i g ur e o n the rig h t shows zoomed-in spec t r a i n the wavelength r ange 740-780 nm. As shown i n each spectrum , the diffe r e n ce between maxima and minima of the p hotometr i c va l ue i s l ess t h a n 0.15%R, i ndicat in g high reproducibil i ty measurements. Figure 2. Re fle c t an ce sp e c t r a o f t he t hr e e col ore d p elle ts . Th e f igures on t he r ight a re t h e z o omed i n s p ec t ra from 740 to 780 n m. 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A The Color Diagnosis Program was used to calculate co l or coordinates from the measured reflectance spectra. Figure 3s h ows the resu l ts plotted on XYZ, L*a*b*, Lab, and L*u *v* ch r omaticity diagrams . The calculated values are shown in Tables 1, 2 and 3 for the blue, red, and yel l ow pellet, r espect i vely. For the color coordinates that represent c h roma a n d hue (xy,a*b*, ab, u*v*), the difference between maxima and the minima are; x and y, less tha n 0.0012, a * and b*, l ess than 0.31, a and b, less tha n 0.18, u* and v *, less than 0.50. For the color coordinates that represent brightness (Y, L, L*), the difference between t he max i ma and minima is less tha n 0.1. Al l results i ndicate highly reproducible chromaticity values using the Color Diagnosis system. Figure 3. C h rom a t icity dia gr ams f o r e ac h c o l or sys t e m an d p e llet . Table 1. C o l o r calcu l at i o n r e s ul ts o f b lue co l or pellet. Y Z X y L* a* b* L a b u* V* 1 23.77 23.94 65.84 0.2094 0.2108 56.03 4.58 -44.94 48.93 3.78 -50.19 -24.75 -/0./3 2 23.77 23.94 65.81 0.2094 0.2109 56.03 4.57 44.91 48.93 3.78 -50.15 -24.74 -70.69 3 23.74 23.91 65.70 0.2095 0.2109 55.99 4.57 -44.88 48.89 3.78 -50.09 -24.71 -70.62 4 23.76 23.93 65.72 0.2095 0.2110 56.01 4.57 -44.87 48.91 3.78 -50.08 -24.71 -70.60 5 23.76 23.92 65.71 0.2095 0.2110 56.01 4.56 -44.85 48.91 3.77 -50.06 -24.71 -70.58 6 23.79 23.96 65.85 0.2094 0.2109 56.04 4.57 -44.92 48.95 3.78 -50.16 -24.75 -70.70 7 23.80 23.97 65.85 0.2095 0.2110 56.06 4.55 -44.89 48.96 3.77 -50.12 -24.74 -70.65 8 23.81 23.98 65.83 0.2095 0.2111 56.07 4.55 -44.87 48.97 3.76 -50.08 -24.73 -70.62 9 23.80 23.97 65.79 0.2096 0.2111 56.06 4.55 -44.85 48.96 3.76 -50.06 -24.71 -70.58 10 23.80 23.97 65.81 0.2095 0.2111 56.06 4.55 -44.86 48.96 3.76 -50.08 -24.73 -70.61 Max-min 0.07 0.07 0.15 0.0002 0.0003 0.07 0.03 0.09 0.07 0.02 0.13 0.05 0.14 Ave. 23.78 23.95 65.79 0.21 0.21 56.04 4.56 -44.88 48.94 3.77 -50.11 -24.73 -70.64 SD 0.02289 0.02509 0.05879 0.00006 0.00008 0.0252 0.0104 0.0312 0.0256 0.0083 0.0456 0.0168 0.0512 CV% 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.03 0.04 0.4 0.23 -0.07 0.05 0.22 -0.09 -0.07 -0.07 JASCO INC. 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A UASGO Table 2. Color calc ul atio n r esults of re d co l o r p e l l e t . X Y Z X y L* a* b* L a b u* V* 1 27.74 17.16 8.17 0.5226 0.3234 48.47 53.78 26.78 41.43 49.99 15.67 101.05 19.17 2 27.78 1/.1/ 8.09 0.5238 0.3237 48.47 53.94 27.08 41.44 50.17 15.80 101.55 19.40 3 2776 17.15 8.10 05236 0.3236 48.45 53.92 27.02 41.41 50.14 15.77 101.46 19.34 4 27./5 17.15 8.08 0.5238 0.3237 48.45 53.92 2/.06 41.41 50.13 15.79 101.48 19.37 5 27.73 17.14 8.10 0.5236 0.3236 48.43 53.90 26.99 41.40 50.11 15.75 101.39 19.31 6 27.70 17.11 8.10 0.5235 0.3235 48.40 53.89 26.94 41.37 50.10 15.73 101.35 19.27 7 2776 1718 8.13 0.5231 0.323/ 48.49 53.80 26.97 41.45 50.01 15.76 101.21 19.34 8 2772 17.14 8.11 0.5233 0.3235 48.43 53.85 26.93 41.40 50.06 15.73 101.27 19.27 9 27.72 17.14 8.11 0.5233 0.3235 48.43 53.86 26.93 41.40 50.06 15.73 101.28 19.27 10 27.77 17.19 8.13 0.5231 0.3238 48.50 53.78 26.97 41.46 50.00 15.76 101.18 19.35 Max-min 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.0012 0.0004 0.10 0.16 0.31 0.09 0.18 0.13 0.50 0.23 Ave. 27.74 17.15 8.11 0.52 0.32 48.45 53.86 26.97 41.42 50.08 15.75 101.32 19.31 SD 0.0270 0.0230 0.0274 0.00038 0.00012 0.0288 0.0613 0.0852 0.0278 0.0640 0.0377 0.1545 0.0670 CV% 0.10 0.13 0.34 0.07 0.04 0.06 0.11 0.32 0.07 0.13 0.24 0.15 0.35 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A UASGO Table 3. Co l o r calcu l at i o n r e s ul ts o f y ell o w c o l or pel l et . X Y Z X y L* a* b* L a b u* V* 1 73.34 82.03 14.95 0.4306 0.4816 92.59 -9.44 84.03 90.57 -9.25 50.69 23.70 95.18 2 73.34 82.03 14.95 0.4306 0.4816 92.59 -9.43 84.03 90.57 -9.25 50.69 23.71 95.17 3 73.37 82.06 14.93 0.4307 0.4817 92.60 -9.44 84.11 90.59 -9.26 50.72 23.72 95.23 4 73.37 82.06 14.91 0.4307 0.4817 92.60 -9.44 84.15 90.59 -9.25 50.73 23.74 95.26 5 73.36 82.04 14.93 0.4307 0.4817 92.59 -9.42 84.10 90.58 -9.24 50.71 23.75 95.22 6 73.36 82.05 14.94 0.4307 0.4817 92.60 -9.44 84.09 90.58 -9.25 50.71 23.72 95.22 7 73.38 82.07 14.92 0.4307 0.4817 92.60 -9.44 84.13 90.59 -9.25 50.73 23.74 95.25 8 73.37 92.06 14.93 0.4307 0.4817 92.60 -9.44 84.11 90.59 -9.25 50.72 23./3 95.23 9 73.40 82.07 14.90 0.4308 0.4817 92.61 -9.41 84.18 90.59 -9.22 50.74 23.79 95.27 10 73.41 82.09 14.87 0.4309 0.4818 92.62 -9.41 84.26 90.60 -9.23 50.77 23.81 95.33 Max-min 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.0003 0.0002 0.03 0.03 0.23 0.04 0.03 0.08 0.11 0.16 Ave. 73.37 82.06 14.92 0.43 0.48 92.60 -9.43 84.12 90.59 -9.24 50.72 23.74 95.24 SD 0.0218 0.0201 0.0232 0.00008 0.00006 0.0089 0.0118 0.0678 0.0111 0.0112 0.0241 0.0348 0.0457 CV% 0.03 0.02 0.16 0.02 0.01 0.01 -0.13 0.08 0.01 -0.12 0.05 0.15 0.05 A naly s i s Co nd i t i o ns: Lig h t S o u r ce , D65 (CIE 15:2004, JIS Z 8781-1:2012, ISO 11664-2:2007);C o lor -m atch i ng fu n ct i on, CIE 15:2004, J IS Z 8701:1982; Vi e w i n g a ngl e , 2°; D a t a in t er v a l ,5 nm . 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《使用紫外可见分光光度计进行颜色分析》,该方案主要用于其它中再现性、反射、透射检测,参考标准《暂无》,《使用紫外可见分光光度计进行颜色分析》用到的仪器有jasco紫外可见分光光度计 V-700。


