
检测样品 天然高分子材料

检测项目 膜厚、多层分析

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


在本申请说明中,具有35μm宽的硅图案的样品以14μm的间隔排列在钛基板上。当硅在空气中被氧化时,形成SiO2膜,并在获得反射光谱后分析这些膜的厚度。 关键词:MSV-5200显微分光光度计,VWML-791多层分析程序,材料


MSV-5000系列显微分光光度计适用于从紫外到近红外的宽波长范围内的透射和反射测量。内置的高分辨率相机可以精确测量直径小至10μm的样品区域,因此最适合具有微观结构的样品。Application NoteUV-0023 Thickness Analysis of Natural Oxide Films using a2/3MSV-5000 Microscopic Spectrophotometer Thickness Analysis of Natural Oxide Films using a MSV-5000 Microscopic Spectrophotomete r In t roduc t ion The MSV-5000 s e ri e s microscopic spectrophotom e t e r is for t r ansmi s sion and r e fl e ct i on mea s urements in a wide wavele n gth r a n ge fr om the u ltr av i olet to near infrared . The bu ilt-in hig h r e sol ut io n camera enables sample ar e as as smal l as 10 um in diameter to be prec i sely measured and the r efore i s mos t sui t able f or samples h av in g m i c r ostructure. In t h i s application note, a sampl e wit h silicon pat t e rn s 35 um w i de a r e l i ned up on a t itan i um s u bst r ate wit h 14 u m int er vals. As si li con i s oxidiz e d in air , SiO, f ilms a re formed and the th ickness of these f ilms is a n a l ysed after obtain i ng the reflectance spectrum. MSV-5200U V-Vi s i b le/NIR Microsco p ic Spectrophotom e ter Keyword s MSV -5200 mi c ros c o pi c s p ectro p ho tom eter , VWML -791 Mu lti-La y e r an a ly sis pr ogram, Mat e ri a l s Exper i men t al UV-Vis Bandwidth 5nm NIR Bandwidth 20 nm Response Slow Scan Speed 100 nm/min Data Interval 0.5nm Cassegrain Objective 16x Incidence Angle 23° IN/OUT Aperture 10 um中 Appl i cat i on Note An alumi n u m vapor-deposited mir r or i s used as a r eference f or t h e b aseli n e measu r ement. The high -resolution camera is used to determine the sample a r ea (Figure 1). The red spot i l lustra t es the size and position of the detected l i ght.The sample reflectance spectrum is measured a n d the absolute r eflectance spectrum i s calcu l ated by mu l t i plying t h e obtained relative reflectance by the absolute r eflec t a n ce of the a l u m inum mi r ror . Figure 1. O bserva ti o n po i nt o f mea s ure m en t p o s i tion . R esults T h e me a su r ed abso l ute reflecta n ce spect r um i s shown i n Figure 2. The MSV-5000 series adopts t he confoc a l optical system that el i minates t h e in f luence of b ac k s i de ref l ec t ion whe n obtaining a sample m easu r ement . T h erefore, a b ove 1100 n m where ligh t p asses through silicon, th e spec tr um i s not in f l uenced b y bac k side reflect i on. Figure 2. A bsol u t e re fle ctan c e s pec t r um o f S i O , f i lm. 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A The res u lts o f f i tt ing the absolute re f lectance spec t ra using the Multi -Laye r Analysis prog r am i s shown in Figure 3. T h e error betwee n the m e asured and calculated sp e ctr u m was wi t h in 2% a n d the f ilm th i ckn e ss of Sio, was calculat e d to be 7.6 nm . The re f l e cta n c e (R) i s e xpress e d us i ng the ref r ac t ive i n dex of t he f ilm (n), e xt in ct i on co e fficie n t (k), the angle of i n c i d e nc e (口), wave l ength (), and the f ilm t h ickn e ss (d). Th e o p t i cal constants of Si a n d SiO, were obtained fr om the lit e rat u re va l ues and th e fil m th ick n ess of SiO, i s e st i ma t ed usin g t h e Multi -Layer Analysis prog r am which fit s the calcu l ated ref l ec t ance spectrum t o t h e measured spec t rum. Figure 3. Top : Calc ul ated (re d) and measured (b l u e) re flec t a n c e spectru m o f Si O , fi l m.Bo t t om : E r r o r b et w e en t he m ea s ur e d and calc ul at ed s p e c t r a. JASCO INC. 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A UASGO

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《 用MSV-5000显微分光光度计分析天然氧化膜的厚度》,该方案主要用于天然高分子材料中膜厚、多层分析检测,参考标准《暂无》,《 用MSV-5000显微分光光度计分析天然氧化膜的厚度》用到的仪器有MSV-5000显微紫外可见近红外分光光度计。


