
检测样品 天然高分子材料

检测项目 醛类化合物、色谱柱、柱后衍生、荧光检测器

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


关键词:醛类,1,3-环己二酮,柱后衍生化法,Shodex RSpak KC-811 6E,荧光检测器


甲醛和乙醛等醛类物质是一种环境污染物,可能会污染大气、湖泊、沼泽、水库和河流,这正成为人们关注的焦点。因此,醛类受到各种法规的约束。作为一种使用HPLC测量醛类的方法,2,4-DNPH柱前衍生法是众所周知的,但这需要在分析前进行预处理,如样品收集、缩合和提取。JASCO介绍了以1,3-环己烷二酮为衍生化试剂,采用柱后荧光衍生化法对甲醛和乙醛进行分析,该方法不需要预处理。USGOApplication Note 2/4Application NoteAnalysis of Aldehydes using Post-column Derivatization Analysis of Aldehydes using Post-column Derivatization by High Performance Liquid Chromatography It i s becoming a big concern that aldehydes such as the formaldehyde and acetaldehyde act as an environmental pollutan t that may contaminate the atmosphere, lakes, marshes, reservoirs, and r i vers. Therefore , aldehydes are subject to various regulations like the Air Pollut i on Control Law, Water Supply Law, and Offensive Odor Control Law i n Japan. As a m e t hod to measure ald e hydes using HPLC, the pre -column derivatization method by 2,4-DNPH is well known , but this requires pretreatment such as sample collec t ion, condensation and extra c tion before analysis . JASCO has introduced the analysis of formaldehyde a n d acetaldehyde by the post column f l uorescence derivat i zation method using 1,3- Cyclohexanedione as a derivatizing reagent which doesn't need such pretreatment . The two above mentioned aldehydes and three others, propyl ald e hyde, butyraldehyde, and valeraldehyde were analyzed simultaneous l y. Keyword: Aldehyd e s , 1,3-Cyclohexanedione, Post column derivat i zation method, Shodex RSpak KC-8116E,Fluorescence de t ector Jasco CO2 Delivery Pump:PU-2080-CO2 Experimental Equipment: Conditions: Eluent pump: PU-2080 Reagent pump: PU-2085 Degasser: DG-2080-53 Autosampler: AS-2057 Reaction oven: RO-2061 Detector: Column: Shodex RSpak KC-811 6E (6.0 mmlDx250 mmL) Eluent: 3 mM Perchloric acid Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Reagent: 1,3-Cyclohexanedione in ammoniumacetate buffer Reagent flow rate: 0.4 mL/min Column temp.: 60°C Reaction temp.: 120°C Wavelength: Ex. 366 nm, Em.440 nm, Gain x10 100pL Injection volume: Standard sample: Formaldehyde, Acetaldehyde, Propylaldehyde, Butylaldehyde, Valeraldehyde 0.1 mg/Leach Results In fig ur e 1, the 1,3-C y clo h e x a n e di on e r e a c t i on d u ri n g the p o s t c ol u m n der iva t i z a ti o n me th o d i s sh o wn a n d fi g ur e 2 i l lu s t r at es flow di agr a m for th e HP L C . Fi g u r e 1. 1,3-C yc l o h e x anedi o ne r eact i on f o rm u l a o f pos t c ol um n de r iva t i za t ion m et h o d F i g u r e 2. F l ow s y ste m diag r a m N o.1: E lu e n t No.7: R eag en t No .2 : D e g ass e r (DG -2080-53)No.8 : P ump f o r re a g e nt (PU-2085)N o.3 : P u m p f o r elu e nt (P U-2080)N o.4 : Au t os a mpl e r (AS-2057)N o .5 : C o lum n o ve n (C O -2060)No.11: Co ol i ng c o i l N o.6 : C o lumn (S ho d ex R S p a k K C-811 6E) No.9 : R eac t i o n o v e n (RO-2061)No.10: Re a ct io n co i l No.12: Flu ores c e nc e d e t e c t o r (FP-2020)No.13: Backpressure coi l Fi g u re 3 sh o w s t h e c hr om a t o g r a m o f 5 a l d eh yde s. As s h o wn , th e 5 c omp o n en t s we r e c l ear l y s e p a r a t e d wi thi n 16 m in. Th e m i ni m um d et e c t able a mou n t (i n c as e o f S/N=3) o f e a c h c om po ne n t is a s b e l o w . Fi g ur e 3. Ch r om a to gram o f 5 a l dehyd e s a nd mi n i m u m d e tec t able a m ou n t of eac h.1: For m a l dehyd e (0.091 n g), 2:A c e t a l de h yd e (0.105 n g ), 3: P rop y l a l de h yd e (0.418 n g ), 4: B u t yla l dehyd e (0.593 n g ), 5: Val e r a lde hyde (4.53 ng )

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