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检测项目 高分辨率分离

关联设备 共1种 下载方案




众所周知,SFC用于燃料分析,用于测定汽油中的烯烃和柴油中的非芳香族和芳香族含量以及其他燃料分离。在这些应用中,每个类别中的单个组分(非芳烃、单芳烃、多环芳烃)没有被识别,而是简单地分组以确定每个组分的百分比。最近对这些化合物类别中的成分的进一步分离和鉴定的兴趣导致了额外的研究。如在上述燃料应用中所见,非芳烃很难保留。为了识别非芳烃中的组分,需要显著提高保留率。SFC的独特之处在于能够联机连接柱,以增加分离柱的有效长度。使用两个直列柱,成功地实现了所需的保留率,并测定了单个碳氢化合物。Application Note 2/2Application NoteHigh Resolution Separation of Hydrocarbons High Resolution Separation of Hydrocarbons by Supercritica l Fluid Chromatography It i s f a irly we l l known t h at SFC i s used for f uel analys i s of olefin determination in gasoline and non-aromatic an d aromatic content in diesel amona other fuel separations. I n those applications the individual components within each class (non-aromatics, mono -aromat i cs, poly -aromatics) are not ident i fied, but simply grouped to determ i ne the percentage o f each group. Recent interest in further separation and i dent if ication of the components within those compound classes has led to additional research. No n -aromatic hydrocarbons are very dif f i cult to retain as seen in the above mentioned fuel applications. In order to i dent i fy the components in the non-aromatics , a signi f icant i n crease i n retention will be required. Unique to SFC is the ability to join columns i nline to increase the effective length of the separation column. Using two col u mns inline, the required reten t ion was successfu l ly a c hieved and the individua l hydrocarbons were deter m i n ed. Keywords: SFC,Non-aromat i c hydrocarbons, Fuel analysis , Sil i ca column, F l ame lonization Detector Jasco CO2 Del i very Pump:PU-2080-CO2 Experimental Equipment: Conditions: CO2 Del i very PU-2080-CO2C ol u m n :C18 (4.6 mmlDx 150 mmL, 5 u m)P u m p :Qty .2Autosampler :AS-2059-SF CO2 Flow rate:2.5mL /min Column/FID Splitter GC-FID C o lum n /FI D Spl i t te r 200°℃O ve n :Te mp.:Back Pressure BP-2080Back Press u re:300 bar Regul a tor:Flow rate:350°C Injection volume:1pL Sample:BP Calibration Standard diluted i n Hexane Results T h e c h r om a to g r a m (f i g ur e 1) o f t h e n on -a ro ma t i c hy droca r b o n s t an d a r d mi x t u r e i s s h own be l ow. B e sid e s C 5-C9 which co -e l u t e d, a l l o f th e h y dr o ca r bo ns wer e s u c ce s s f u l l y s ep a r a t e d a n d i d en t i f i e d . A s the B P Ca l ib r a tion s t a nd a r d w a s di lu te d i n hex a n e i n o r de r t o h av e th e F I D sign a l on s ca l e, th e s t r o n g h e x ane si g n a l l i k ely contr i b u t e d t o th e co -e l u t i o n o f C5-C 9. Fi g u re 1. C hr o matogram of t he B P Cal i brati o n s t a n dar d mixture of h yd r ocarbo n s [di l uted in h exane before i n jectio n]. The mixt u re contained C5-C 10,C12,C14-C18,C20,C24, C28, C32, C36, a n d C40, al l of which were ide n ti f ied .

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《超临界流体色谱法对烃类的高分辨率分离》,该方案主要用于烃中高分辨率分离检测,参考标准《暂无》,《超临界流体色谱法对烃类的高分辨率分离》用到的仪器有JASCO SFC4000超临界流体色谱仪。


