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检测项目 半微量GPC分析

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


本报告显示了使用设计用于高性能分析的GPC柱进行聚苯乙烯低聚物分析。与传统分离相比,使用LC-4000系列RHPLC系统进行分析可节省30%的溶剂。 关键词:半微米级,高性能填料,GPC,折射率检测器,聚苯乙烯低聚物,RHPLC


半微量分析通过减少流动相的消耗,在降低成本方面具有优势。具有较小颗粒尺寸和减小的柱尺寸的柱是快速高性能分析的理想选择,并且在减少GPC分析中有机溶剂的消耗方面提供了经济和生态优势。使用这些更有效的柱,再加上更快的响应检测器,可以检测更尖锐的洗脱峰,提供更短的测量时间。具有小流动池体积的RI-4035折射率检测器针对高速数据采集进行了优化,用于使用具有较小颗粒的高性能填充材料的柱的半微尺度分析。Application Note 2/3Analysis of Polystyrene Oligomers by Semi-micro GPC Analysis of Polystyrene Oligomers by Semi-micro GP C I ntroduction Semi -micro analys i s has the advantage in cut t ing cost by reducing the consumption of mobile phase. Columns with smaller particle sizes and reduced column dimensions are ideal for rapid high performance analysis and provide economical and ecological adva n tages in reducing the consumption of organic solvent i n GPC analysis. Using t hese more efficient columns together with a faster response detector , which can detect the sharper eluted peaks, offers a shorter measurement t ime. The Rl -4035 refractive index detector with smal l flow cell volume is optimized for high-speed data acquisition for use in semi-micro scale analysis us i ng columns with high performance packing materia l with smaller particles. This report shows pol y styrene oligomer analysis usi n g a GPC column designed for high-performance analysis.Analysis using the LC-4000 Series RHPLC system results in a 30% solvent saving compared to conventional separations. Keyword: Semi -m i cro scale, high performance packing m ater i al, GPC, Refractive i ndex detector, polystyrene oligomer, RHPLC Experimental [Equipmen t ][Conditions]Pump: PU-4185Column:Shodex KF-401HQ (4.6 mml.D. x250 mmL, 3 um)Pump option: Degasser unit Eluent:THF (with stabilizer)Autosampler: AS-4150Flow rate:0.3 mL/min Column oven: CO-4060Column temp.:25°℃Detector: RI-4035Wave length:270nm I n jection volume:2uL Sample:0.2(w/v)% Polystyrene oligomer (Mw = 500) in eluent Results Fig. 1 shows the chromatograms o f polystyrene oligomer measured with RI -4035 (and RI -2031 for conventional HPLC). The RI -4035 for semi -micro separations provide chromatograms with sharper peaks and better peak resolution. Figure 1. Chromatogram of polysty l e n e oligomer T op: RI -4035, Bottom: RI -2031 Fig. 2 displays the chromatograms of po l ystyrene oligomers using Rl -4035 with response 0.3 and 3seconds illustrat i ng that a faster response provides be t ter peak resolution. Figure 2. Chromatogram of polys t yrene oligomer for compar i son of response.Top: 0.3 sec, Bottom: 3 sec P/N Description 7003-J014A PU-4185 RHPLC Semi-micro Pump (Base Unit) 7006-H003A DG-4000-04 4-channel Degasser Unit, for Analytical 7064-J002A AS-4150 RHPLC Autosampler 7021-J002A CO-4060 Column Oven 7031-J002A RI-4035 Refractive Index Detector, for Semi-micro LC 7058-J011A BS-4000-1 Bottle stand 6688-H564A LC-Net CG cable (3x) 7059-J012A ChromNAV Ver.2 Chromatography Data System 7001-H403A RHPLC/UHPLC Start Up Kit for LC-4000 7001-H405A Maintenance tool kit Shodex GPC KF-401HQ (4.6 mml.D. x250mmL,3 um)

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