

  • zouhua1210
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  • 悬赏金额:30积分状态:已解决
  • 林天辉,J.Appl.Cryst.16(1983)p150-154

panyb15715 2008/02/28

111ok [img]https://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/affix.gif[/img][url=http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/download.asp?ID=80074]An improved program for searching and matching of X-ray powder diffraction patterns[/url]

海之巅 2008/02/28

不过明天试一下EBSCO数据库,今天没有时间了,呵呵,不好意思! [img]https://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2008/02/200802281709_80064_1637963_3.jpg[/img]

大陆 2008/02/28


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  • 海之巅


    J. Appl. Cryst. (1983). 16, 150-154 [ doi:10.1107/S0021889883010146 ]

    An improved program for searching and matching of X-ray powder diffraction patterns
    Lin Tian-Hui, Zhang Sai-Zhu, Chen Li-Jun and Cai Xin-Xing
    Abstract: Two major improvements have been made in the present program: (1) a so-called `substance-type discrimination' has been introduced into the searching process, which can reduce missearching remarkably; (2) a new method for quantitative intensity matching has been proposed and can give reasonable results.

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    Journal of Applied Crystallography
    Volume 10 Issue 3 Page 147-150, June 1977

    To cite this article: L. S Zevin (1977) A method of quantitative phase analysis without standards
    Journal of Applied Crystallography 10 (3) , 147–150 doi:10.1107/S0021889877013144

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    A method of quantitative phase analysis without standards
    L. S.Zevin Abstract
    It is shown that to determine the quantitative phase composition of n samples each of which contains n phases it is sufficient to obtain a set of n2 intensities values of analytical lines, Iij, where 1 ≤ i ≤ n is the phase number in a sample of number 1 ≤ j ≤ n. It is supposed that in every sample the complete phase composition is determined. To calculate concentrations in one sample a system of consisting of n linears equations was obtained: where s is the number of the sample, the mass absorption coefficient of the phase to be determined, x_is the weight fraction of the ith phase in the analysed sample. This system is modified if there are additional data on the samples, e.g. values of mass absorption coefficients. The use of this method excludes measurement of analytical line intensity in the pure phase or mixture of pure phases. Experimental verification of the method with two- and three-phase artificial mixtures gave satisfactory results. The necessary conditions for the application of this method are essential differences in the quantitative phase composition of the samples analysed.

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  • zouhua1210



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  • 海之巅


    Journal of Applied Crystallography
    Volume 7 Issue 6 Page 519-525, December 1974

    To cite this article: F. H Chung (1974) Quantitative interpretation of X-ray diffraction patterns of mixtures. I. Matrix-flushing method for quantitative multicomponent analysis
    Journal of Applied Crystallography 7 (6) , 519–525 doi:10.1107/S0021889874010375

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    Quantitative interpretation of X-ray diffraction patterns of mixtures. I. Matrix-flushing method for quantitative multicomponent analysis
    F. H.Chung Abstract
    A matrix-flushing method for quantitative multicomponent analysis by X-ray diffraction is reported. It is simpler and faster than, yet as reliable as, the conventional internal-standard method. In this new method, the calibration-curve procedure is shunted; a more fundamental `matrix-flushing' concept is introduced. The matrix-flushing theory gives an exact relationship between intensity and concentration free from matrix effect. Contrary to most theoretical methods the working equation is very simple, no complicated calculations are involved. The matrix-flushing theory and the analytical procedure are presented. Eight illustrative examples are drawn to demonstrate how this theory is applied to multicomponent analysis and amorphous-content determination. A novel `auto-flushing' phenomenon of binary systems was observed which appears to make the analysis of any binary system a simple matter.

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