

  • JSChairman
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  • 我国已成为世界家具生产大国,家具产值约为世界家具产值的20%,进出口贸易额也是世界家具进出口贸易额的20%。据海关统计,2007年我国家具产品全年进出口总额达243.39亿美元,其中出口额达232.68亿美元,同比增长34.95%;进口总额达10.71亿美元,同比增长37.75%。




    ANSI/BIFMA X5.1-2002    American National Standard for Office Furnishings-General Purpose Office Chairs
    ANSI/BIFMA X5.3-2007    American National Standard For Office Furnishings-Vertical Files
    ANSI/BIFMA X5.4-2005    American National Standard For Office Furnishings-Lounge Seating
    ANSI/BIFMA X5.5-1998    American National Standard For Office Furnishings-Desk Products
    ANSI/BIFMA X5.6-2003    American National Standard For Office Furnishings-Panels Systems
    ANSI BIFMA X5.7-1991    Flammability for Non-residential Upholstered Furniture
    ANSI/BIFMA X5.9-2004    American National Standard For Office Furnishings-Storage Units
    ANSI/SOHO S6.5-2001    American National Standard for Office Furnishings-Small Office/Home Office
    BIFMA G1-2002    Ergonomics Guideline for VDT (Visual Display Terminal) Furniture Used in Office Work Spaces
    BIFMA Tex 4.1- 2005    Standard for Woven Textile Characteristics
    BIFMA M 7.1-2007    Standard for Formaldehyde & TVOC Emissions From Office Furniture Systems, Components and Seating
    BIFMA X 7.1-2007    Test Method for Determining VOC Emissions of Low-emitting Office Furniture systems and Seating
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  • JSChairman


    ANSI/BIFMA X5.1-2002
    American National Standard for Office Furnishings-General Purpose Office Chairs
    Tests Include: Scope, Definitions, General Sections and Tests for: Back Pull, Unit Base, Swivel Cycling, Tilt Mechanism, Seating Impact, Front and Rear Stability, Arm Strength, Back Durability, Caster/Chair Base Durability, Footring Durability and Tablet Arm Tests.

    ANSI/BIFMA X5.3-2007
    American National Standard For Office Furnishings-Vertical Files
    Tests include: Scope, Definitions, General Sections and Tests for: Unit Stability, Extendible Element Cycle, Extendible Element Rebound, Out Stop, Lock Mechanism, Extendible Element Latch, Follower Block, Case Racking, Unit Strength, and Interlock System.

    ANSI/BIFMA X5.4-2005
    American National Standard For Office Furnishings-Lounge Seating
    Tests include: Scope, Definitions, General Sections and Tests for: Back Strength, Back Durability, Arm Strength, Arm Durability, Seating Impact, Seat Drop, Structural Durability, Unit Base, Leg Strength, Unit Drop, Caster/Base Durability, Swivel Cycling, Tilt Mechanism, and Unit Stability.

    ANSI/BIFMA X5.5-1998
    American National Standard For Office Furnishings-Desk Products
    Tests include: Scope, Definitions, General Sections and Tests for: Top Loading, Load Ease, Lock Mechanism, Extendible Element or Roll-Out Shelf Cycle, Out Stop, Rebound, Racking, Caster Durability for Mobile Pedestals, Leg Strength, Horizontal and Vertical Adjustment, Stability, Cycle Testing for Receding Doors, Interlock, Drop Test for Receding Door, Unit Drop, and Table tests.

    ANSI/BIFMA X5.6-2003
    American National Standard For Office Furnishings-Panels Systems
    Tests include: Scope, Definitions, General Sections and Tests for: Panel Stability, Panel Mounted Components Weights, Storage Shelf Static Load, Display Shelf Static Load, Cabinet Test, Lateral File Test, File Bin Test, Work Surface Static Load, and Work Surfaces with Supported Drawer Test.

    ANSI/BIFMA X5.9-2004
    American National Standard For Office Furnishings-Storage Units
    Tests include: Scope, Definitions, General Sections test methods and performance requirements for freestanding, mobile, and wall-mounted storage units. Where a product may be covered by more than one ANS/BIFMA standard, the manufacturer shall determine which standard provides most appropriate test conditions. Vertical files shall only be tested under X5.3 Vertical Files - Tests. This standard specifies acceptance levels to help ensure reasonable safety and performance independent of construction materials, manufacturing processes, mechanical designs, or aesthetic designs. These tests are not intended to assess a product that has been in use. The intention of this standard is to describe the means of evaluating function and safety of storage units without restricting construction materials, manufacturing processes, or mechanical and aesthetic design. The acceptance levels herein are based on the actual field and test experience of BIFMA International members.

    ANSI/SOHO S6.5-2001
    American National Standard for Office Furnishings-Small Office/Home Office
    Tests include: Scope, Definitions, General Sections and Tests for: Top Loading, Load Ease, Lock Mechanism, Extendible Elements, Cycle Tests, Out Stop, Rebound, Leg Strength, Stability, Drop Tests and more.

    BIFMA G1-2002
    Ergonomics Guideline for VDT (Visual Display Terminal) Furniture Used in Office Work Spaces.
    BIFMA has developed a guideline for furniture, intended for computer use in the USA and Canada, by applying the measurable principles and design requirements of ISO 9241 parts 3 ("Visual display requirements") and 5 ("Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display units"). BIFMA has not attempted to develop an ergonomic standard of its own. Instead it has chosen to provide a guideline that applies ISO principles. We have attempted to include every measurable principle and design requirement in ISO 9241 parts 3 and 5 that affects furniture. This Guideline may be ordered at www.bifma.org/secure/orderform.html.

    BIFMA M 7.1-2007
    Standard for Formaldehyde & TVOC Emissions From Office Furniture Systems, Components and Seating
    New Release 09/10/07

    BIFMA X 7.1-2007
    Test Method for Determining VOC Emissions of Low-emitting Office Furniture systems and Seating
    New Release 09/10/07

    BIFMA Tex 4.1- 2005
    Standard for Woven Textile Characteristics

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  • JSChairman


    序号    测试目的    测试方法    测试要求
    1    靠背静态强度测试1(功能载重)    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause5.4    承重890牛顿(200磅)一分钟没有耐用性耗损。
    2    靠背静态测试1(标准载重)    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause5.4    承重1334牛顿(300磅)一分钟,没有造成完整结构的主要部分变化。
    3    五星爪静态测试    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause 7    以11120牛顿(2500磅)受压一分钟,没有造成完整结构的主要部分变化;然后移动重量及再次施重一分钟。施重期间,油芯不能接触测试平台。没有造成完整结构的主要部分变化。
    4    动态冲击测试(功能载重)    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause8.4    102KG(225磅)重物体从6英寸(152MM)高处自由下落到座位中心,没有造成主要结构变化。最高位置点与最低位置点各一次。
    5    动态冲击测试(标准载重)    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause8.4    136KG(300磅)重物体从6英寸(152MM)高处自由下落到座位中心,没有造成主要结构变化。最高位置点与最低位置点各一次。
    6    旋转测试    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause 9     椅子调至最高,载重102KG(225磅)360度旋转60000转后,椅子调至最低点,载重102KG(225磅)360度旋转60000转,没有造成耐用性耗损。
    7    倾斜机构疲劳测试    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause 10    座位中心载重102KG(225磅)以10-30次/min速度,倾仰300000循环后没有造成结构耐用性耗损。
    8    冲击测试    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause11.3    57KG(125磅)从1英寸(25MM)高出自由下落到座位100000循环冲击后没有造成耐用性耗损。
    9    座位前脚疲劳测试    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause11.4    每个座位前角载重734牛顿(165磅)20000循环后没有造成耐用性耗损。
    10    向后稳定性测试    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause12.3    座位中心载重79KG(173磅),倾翻力作用于椅子靠背直至总重转移至向后支撑物,倾翻力不少于89牛顿(20磅)《第一.二类椅》
    11    向前稳定性测试    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause12.4    椅子脚轮以13MM的阻隔物阻隔,从椅子中心前缘的60MM处向下施以600牛顿力(135磅)。在没有倾仰下,座位应能承受20牛顿力(4..5磅)
    12    扶手垂直静态强度测试(功能载重)《设计最低点》    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause13.4    施重890牛顿力(200磅)一分钟,没有耐用性耗损。垂直载重均于127MM(5英寸)长明显最弱的点上。
    13    扶手垂直静态强度测试(标准载重)《使用要求点》    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause13.4    载重1334牛顿(300磅)一分钟,没有造成主要结构变化。垂直载重均于127MM(5英寸)长明显做弱的点上。
    14    扶手水平静态强度测试(功能载重)    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause14.4    水平由外向扶手最前点上载重445牛顿(100磅)一分钟没有造成耐用性耗损。
    15    扶手水平静态强度测试(标准载重)    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause14.4    水平由外向扶手最前点上载重667牛顿(150磅)一分钟没有造主要结构变化。
    16    靠背疲劳测试    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause 15    座位中心载重102KG(225磅)向椅背中心垂直施力445牛顿(100磅)120000次循环,没有疲劳耗损《只适用于typel》
    17    脚轮疲劳测试    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause17.1    座位栽种102KG(225磅)越过有3个障碍物的硬表面2000循环及没有障碍物的软硬面98000循环,没有疲劳耗损。在22牛顿(5磅)推力的循环测试后,脚轮不应该分离。
    18    扶手疲劳测试    ANSI/BIFMAX5.1-2002clause 20    从10度角施力400牛顿(90磅)至每个扶手60000循环,没有结构破损及疲劳耗损。

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    BIFMA X7.1-2005


