有没有那位在Journal of analytical chemistry 上投稿的?这个杂志的投稿指南看不懂,特别是有关参考文献的格式不明白,以下是该期刊对参考文献格式的说明,items for references to articles in journals include the authors’ surnames and initials (double slash mark), the title of the journal (period), the year of publication (period), the volume number (period), the issue number (period), and the page number(s);这里double slash mark是什么意思,另外这个杂志是不是通过邮局投稿的?谢谢!
我投过俄罗斯的另一个杂志,是通过邮局寄过去的,我看了一下你那个杂志的投稿需知,同样的也是要寄到它的编辑部: Editorial Board of Journal of Analytical Chemistry Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry ul. Kosygina 19 Moscow