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  • Microwave-assisted extraction of pyrethroid insecticides from semi permeable membrane devices (SPMDs) used to indoor air monitoring
    Francesc A. Esteve-Turrillas, Agust´ın Pastor, Miguel de la Guardia

    A rapid and environmentally friendly methodology was developed for the extraction of pyrethroid insecticides from semi permeable membrane devices (SPMDs), in which they were preconcentrated in gas phase. The method was based on gas chromatography mass–mass spectrometry determination after a microwave-assisted extraction, in front of the widely employed dialysis method. SPMDs were extracted twice with 30mL hexane:acetone, irradiated with 250Wpower output, until 90 ◦C in 10 min, this temperature being held for another 10 min. Clean-up of the extracts was performed by acetonitrile–hexane partitioning and solid-phase extraction (SPE) with a combined cartridge of 2 g basic-alumina, deactivated with 5% water, and 500 mg C18.

    Pyrethroids investigated were Allethrin, Prallethrin, Tetramethrin, Bifenthrin, Phenothrin, -Cyhalothrin, Permethrin, Cyfluthrin, Cypermethrin,Flucythrinate, Esfenvalerate, Fluvalinate and Deltamethrin. The main pyrethroid synergist compound, Pyperonyl Butoxide, was also studied. Limit of detection values ranging from 0.3 to 0.9 ng/SPMD and repeatability data, as relative standard deviation, from 2.9 to 9.4%, were achieved. Pyrethroid recoveries, for spiked SPMDs, with 100 ng of each one of the pyrethroids evaluated, were from 61±8 to 103±7% for microwaveassisted
    extraction, versus 54±4 to 104±3% for dialysis reference method. Substantial reduction of solvent consumed (from 400 to 60 mL) and
    analysis time (from 48 to 1 h) was achieved by using the developed procedure.

    High concentration levels of pyrethroid compounds, from 0.14 to 7.3 ug/SPMD, were found in indoor air after 2 h of a standard application.



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  • 我在故我思


    Determination of Triazines and Atrazine Metabolites in Soil by Microwave-Assisted Solvent Extraction and Highpressure Liquid Chromatography with Photo-Diode-Array Detection

    Nataša Kovačić, Helena Prosen, and Lucija Zupančič-Kraljb

    With our study microwave-assisted solvent extraction followed by chromatographic separation and quantification of selected triazines and atrazine metabolites were used. Soil matrix interferences negatively influenced the quantitation step, narrowing the linear range of the method. With the optimized microwave-assisted solvent extraction using 50:50 methanol/water mixture as the extraction solvent recoveries in the range 67-130% were reached, depending on the soil and the compound. The energy of microwaves was high enough to break down almost all sorption bonds between triazines/metabolites and soil.Due to matrix interferences desethyldesisopropylatrazine, desisopropylhydroxyatrazine and desethyldesisopropylhydroxyatrazine could not be determined. While higher organic matter content in soil seemed to slightly decrease the desorption, no correlation was proven between the clay content or soil pH and extraction efficiency.


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  • 我在故我思


    Microwave Assisted Extraction – An Innovative and Promising Extraction Tool for Medicinal Plant Research

    Vivekananda Mandal, Yogesh Mohan, S. Hemalatha

    In recent years, the use of microwave for extraction of constituents from plant material has shown tremendous research interest and potential. Conventional techniques for the extraction of active constituents are time and solvent consuming, thermally unsafe and the analysis of numerous constituents in plant material is limited by the extraction step. This review highlights the importance of extraction step in setting up respectable standards for herbal medicine worldwide. High and fast extraction performance ability with less solvent consumption and protection offered to thermolabile constituents are some of the attractive features of this new promising microwave assisted extraction (MAE) technique. A brief theoretical background of microwave heating and the basic principles of using microwave energy for extraction have been presented for better understanding. Discussions on the main parameters influencing the extraction efficiency (namely solvent nature and volume, extraction time, microwave power, matrix characteristics and temperature) and different statistical optimization strategies are also highlighted. Finally the potential applications of this new method with comparison of its performance to that of classical techniques are also elucidated.

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  • elfstar


    1.Microwave heating principles and the application to the regeneration of granular activated carbon
    S.M. Bradshaw, E.J. van Wyk*, and J.B. de Swardt

    The principles of microwave heating are discussed with reference to
    dielectric properties, heating phenomena and microwave
    equipment. Microwave regeneration of granular activated carbon
    for the carbon-in-pulp process is examined on a laboratory scale,
    with special attention being given to highlight the problem areas
    and specific considerations related to microwave heating. Results
    indicate that microwave regeneration of carbon with 40% moisture
    on a wet basis by heating to 650°C with steam addition regenerates
    the carbon to virgin carbon activity levels but with a higher
    abrasion resistance. A preliminary economic assessment showed
    that the capital cost for 120 kg/h microwave unit would be
    R540 000 with an annual operating cost of R 320/t carbon. These
    figures yield a return on investment of 12%. The aim of this paper
    is to provide an introduction to microwave heating and to illustrate
    its application to the microwave regeneration of granular activated
    carbon for the carbon-in-pulp (CIP) process.

    2.Microwave heating

    A.C. Metaxas

    The principles of microwave heating as applied to industrial processing are outlined and the basic design of applicators for material processing is described. Industrial applications range from food tempering to rubber vulcanisation and from vacuum drying to sintering of ceramics. Established applications to date are summarised.

    Microwave heating principles and the application to the regeneration of granular activated carbon

    Microwave heating


