
【资料】Environmental Chemistry 第七版

  • 环保得忍着等春天
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  • lye0721


    it's supposed to be a dictionary,but it is a pdf file,a special environmenal English book>_<

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  • 环保得忍着等春天



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  • poorlittle


    Quoted from the Preface:

    Environmental chemistry, Seventh Edition, continues much the same
    organizational structure, level, and emphasis that have been developed through
    preceding editions. In addition to providing updated material in the rapidly
    developing area of environmental chemistry, this edition emphasizes several major
    concepts that are proving essential to the practice of environmental chemistry at the
    beginning of the new millennium. These include the concept of the anthrosphere as
    a distinct sphere of the environment and the practice of industrial ecology,
    sometimes known as “green chemistry” as it applies to chemical science.
    Chapter 1 serves as an introduction to environmental science, technology, and
    chemistry. Chapter 2 defines and discusses the anthrosphere, industrial ecosystems,
    and their relationship to environmental chemistry. Chapters 3 through 8 deal with
    aquatic chemistry.
    Chapters 9 through 14 discuss atmospheric chemistry. Chapter 14 emphasizes
    the greatest success story of environmental chemistry to date, the study of ozonedepleting
    chlorofluorocarbons which resulted in the first Nobel prize awarded in
    environmental chemistry. It also emphasizes the greenhouse effect, which may be
    the greatest of all threats to the global environment as we know it.
    Chapters 15 and 16 deal with the geosphere, the latter chapter emphasizing soil
    and agricultural chemistry. Included in the discussion of agricultural chemistry is
    the important and controversial new area of of transgenic crops. Another area
    discussed is that of conservation tillage, which makes limited use of herbicides to
    grow crops with minimum soil disturbance.
    Chapters 17 through 20 cover several aspects of industrial ecology and how it
    relates to material and energy resources, recycling, and hazardous waste.
    Chapters 21 through 23 cover the biosphere. Chapter 21 is an overview of
    biochemistry with emphasis upon environmental aspects. Chapter 22 introduces and
    outlines the topic of toxicological chemistry. Chapter 23 discusses the toxicological
    chemistry of various classes of chemical substances.
    Chapters 24 through 27 deal with environmental chemical analysis, including
    water, wastes, air, and xenobiotics in biological materials.
    The last two chapters of the book, 28 and 29 include an overview of general
    chemistry and of organic chemistry. Although the book is designed for readers who
    have a good understanding of general chemistry and some knowledge of organic
    chemistry, these last chapters can serve as resource materials for individuals who
    may not have a very good background in chemistry.


