


  • 中国科技网合肥5月12日电 中国科学技术大学郭光灿院士领导的中科院量子信息重点实验室李传锋研究组,在固态系统中首次实现单光子偏振态的量子存储器,保真度达99.9%,刷新世界纪录。研究成果5月11日发表在美国《物理评论快报》上,并被美国物理学会网站“物理概要”栏目作亮点报道。




    该成果对进一步提高实用化量子通信网络元件的小型化和集成化具有重要意义。该超高保真度量子存储可应用于容错量子计算等具有苛刻要求的研究领域。(通讯员 杨保国 记者 吴长锋)

    《科技日报》(2012-05-13 一版)
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  • atlas



    Quantum memory, which creates a place for storing quantum information until it is needed later, is an essential component in quantum computing and long-distance quantum communication. Some solid-state materials can hold quantum states of light for long times, but many materials only optimally absorb light with a certain polarization. Quantum memories that could store any polarization of light would therefore offer much more flexibility.

    In a step toward this goal, three independent research groups, from China, Spain, and Switzerland, are now reporting in Physical Review Letters that they are able to store and retrieve arbitrary polarization states of light from a solid-state quantum memory. In their experiments, the teams utilized a light source limited to emit single photons, which were absorbed by rare-earth ions rigidly confined in a crystal. Each group devised a compensation technique allowing the efficient storage, for several tens to hundreds of nanoseconds, of both components of a photon’s polarization. They were able to effectively reverse the procedure to retrieve the original state.

    While the groups’ compensation methods differ, they all achieve fidelities (a measure of how faithfully a state can be recovered) greater than 0.95 , exceeding the maximum value achievable by a classical memory. This demonstrates that such solid-state devices could operate as quantum memories for polarization qubits. – Sonja Grondalski

    Synopsis: Polarized Light in Safe Storage

    Courtesy F. Bussières/University of Geneva

    Quantum Storage of Heralded Polarization Qubits in Birefringent and Anisotropically Absorbing Materials

    Christoph Clausen, Félix Bussières, Mikael Afzelius, and Nicolas Gisin

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 190503 (2012)

    Published May 10, 2012

    Quantum Storage of a Photonic Polarization Qubit in a Solid

    Mustafa Gündoğan, Patrick M. Ledingham, Attaallah Almasi, Matteo Cristiani, and Hugues de Riedmatten

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 190504 (2012)

    Published May 10, 2012

    Realization of Reliable Solid-State Quantum Memory for Photonic Polarization Qubit

    Zong-Quan Zhou, Wei-Bin Lin, Ming Yang, Chuan-Feng Li, and Guang-Can Guo

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 190505 (2012)

    Published May 10, 2012


