
“优化 • 精益 • 卓越”------2015 默克密理博制药高峰论坛在成都成功举办

  • 蜡笔小新星
  • 私聊


  • 4月23日, “优化 精益 卓越“为主题的2015默克密理博制药高峰论坛在四川成都的天府丽都喜来登酒店成功举办。本届默克密理博制药论坛是第一次移师西南举行,反响热烈,约250名当地的制药企业和科研院所代表莅临参会。 论坛邀请了行业专家分享了新药典背景下药物质量监管的新趋势和新方法,并与业内同僚共同探讨如何通过产品,工艺,法规等全面提高药品安全标准。
    上午的主论坛暂告段落后,三个分论坛于当天下午同期举行,主题分别为“制药工艺”,“微生物安全远不止于所见“,及“精准分析”。 来自默克密理博全球制药工艺业务部,实验室分析业务部及实验室纯水部的产品和技术专家与参会客户进行了更为深入细致的技术交流,并详细解答了业界用户的技术及应用需求。
    With the slogan of “Continuous optimization, Best practice”, 2015 Merck Millipore Pharm Forum was successfully held on 23th April in Sheraton Lido Hotel in Chengdu, Sichuan. It was the first time that Merck Millipore Pharm Forum moved to western-south area of China and attracted about 250 professionals in pharmaceutical area to attend this significant event. The forum invited industrial experts to share the new trend of technology under the background of 2015 pharmacopoeia, and discussed the tactics to improve drug safety via product innovation, process optimization and laws upgrading.
    The opening speech of the shared forum in the morning was addressed by Mr. Ray Shin, general manager of Merck Millipore China. He firstly retrospected the history of Merck developing in China and introduced the business performance Merck Millipore had devoted to the pharmaceutical industry as well as vision of prosperous future. After that, Ms. Zheng Jing, manager of regulatory department, Merck Millipore China, introduced international trend of impurity element analysis in APIs and excipient to the audience. And the invited consultant of China Quality Association for Pharmaceuticals, Mr. Dun Xin presented applications of drug analytical methodologies and data integrity management mode. All the rich and professional speeches with vivid expression received loud cheers.
    In the afternoon, three sub-forums regarding pharmaceutical processing, microbiological safety and precise analysis were simultaneously held. Marketing and product specialties of Merck Millipore introduced in details of new techniques in pharmaceutical process, analytical solution, and related regulation progress, while deeply communicating with onsite customers.
    Merck is the oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company in the world, leading with innovative and top-quality high-tech products in the pharmaceutical and chemical sectors. As a division of Merck Group, Merck Millipore devotes to life science technology with over 60,000 products and service from R&D to manufacturing, fully supports and ensures the sustainable development of pharmaceutical industry.


