


  • 欧洲药典中甘露醇铅盐镍盐采用液液萃取方法进行前处理,原子吸收火焰法采用标准曲线加入法测得样品中杂质含量,有人做过此类处理吗?做了两三次,线性非常差,想求助各位牛人,完全按照方法操作,还有什么要注意的呢?
    Limit Test for Lead in Sugars 铅盐检查

    (Ph. Eur. method 2.4.10)

    Determine the lead by atomic absorption spectrometry (2.2.23, Method II).
    Test solution  Dissolve 20.0 g of the substance to be examined in a mixture of equal volumes of dilute acetic acid R and water R and dilute to 100.0 mL with the same mixture of solvents. Add 2.0 mL of a clear 10 g/L solution of ammonium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate R and 10.0 mL of methyl isobutyl ketone R and then shake for 30 s protected from bright light. Allow the layers to separate and use the methyl isobutyl ketone layer.
    Reference solutions . Prepare 3 reference solutions in the same manner as the test solution but adding 0.5 mL, 1.0 mL and 1.5 mL respectively of lead standard solution (10 ppm Pb) R in addition to the 20.0 g of the substance to be examined.

    Set the zero of the instrument using methyl isobutyl ketone R treated as described for the test solution without the substance to be examined. Measure the absorbance at 283.3 nm using a lead hollow-cathode lamp as source of radiation and an air- acetylene flame.
    Limit Test for Nickel in Polyols 镍盐检查

    (Ph. Eur. method 2.4.15)

    Determine the nickel by atomic absorption spectrometry (2.2.23, Method II).
    Test solution? Dissolve 20.0 g of the substance to be examined in a mixture of equal volumes of dilute acetic acid R and water R and dilute to 100.0 mL with the same mixture of solvents. Add 2.0 mL of a saturated solution of ammonium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate R (about 10 g/L) and 10.0 mL of methyl isobutyl ketone R and then shake for 30 s protected from bright light. Allow the layers to separate and use the methyl isobutyl ketone layer.
    Reference solutions?. Prepare 3 reference solutions in the same manner as the test solution but adding 0.5 mL, 1.0 mL and 1.5 mL respectively of nickel standard solution (10 ppm Ni) R in addition to the 20.0 g of the substance to be examined.

    Set the zero of the instrument using methyl isobutyl ketone R treated as described for preparation of the test solution omitting the substance to be examined. Measure the absorbance at 232.0 nm using a nickel hollow-cathode lamp as source of radiation and an air-acetylene flame.
    +关注 私聊
  • 柠檬绿茶加冰




