荧光猝灭也分静态和动态,静态猝灭就是形成复合物,和你理解意思差不多,动态的稍微少,但是也有。一下是文献中可找到的参考解释。It is well known that fluorescence quenching mechanism can be
classified as dynamic quenching and static quenching. Dynamic
quenching refers to a process that the fluorophore and the quencher come into contact during the transient existence of the excited
state, while static quenching refers to fluorophore–quencher complex formation. They can be distinguished by their different dependence features on temperature, and viscosity or, preferable, by
lifetime measurements . For static quenching, the quenching
constant decreases with increasing temperature, but the reverse
effect would be observed for dynamic quenching.