职位名称:Sales Engineers 销售工程师 职位描述/要求:Sales Engineers 销售工程师 • University graduate in Analytical Chemistry or Material Sciences • 5 years experience in sales profession • Located in Beijing Office
Applicants are required good communication skills with customers, good command in English, mature, independent and self-motivation, frequent traveling in China. We offer attractive salary and fringe benefits to the right candidate. Please apply in strict confidential giving a detailed resume with a recent photo, contact telephone number, address and expected salary to: HR Officer LECO Corporation (Shanghai) Company Limited 上海市淮海中路283号,香港广场南座2508室 邮编:200021 E-mail: sales_cn@leco.com 一经录用通过上海市对外服务公司办理有关聘用手续.
公司介绍: 美国力可公司 (LECO, Laboratory Equipment Corporation) 始创于1936年,公司总部位于美国密歇根州圣约瑟市(芝加哥以东60公里的密执安湖东岸)。 发展至今,LECO公司已形成多元化的实验室分析仪器产品线, 拥有在无机、有机、金相、光谱和飞行时间质谱领域多种产品,广泛应用于各行业, 本着持续为用户传递正确的结果(Delivering the Right Re...查看全部