醉卧古隆中 2007/07/14
第一篇文献我没有下载全文的权限 请高手帮忙吧 Investigation of enantioselective ligand-protein binding and displacement interactions using capillary electrophoresis Chirality, Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 230-238 (1994) David K. Lloyd, Song Li, Patricia Ryan Department of Oncology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Abstract When a protein such as human serum albumin is added to the separation buffer in capillary electrophoresis, the mobility of solutes which bind to that protein may be altered. The change in mobility of the solute is a function both of the strength of the binding interaction, and the difference in mobility between the free solute and protein additive. By adding other ligands which themselves bind to the protein, the strength of the solute-protein binding may be modified, leading to a measurable change in the mobility of the solute. These effects are particularly striking for chiral compounds, where enantioselectivity may be completely lost on addition of a competitive ligand. Capillary electrophoresis with human serum ablumin as a buffer additive was used to separate the enantiomers of benzoin and three phenothiazine derivatives. A comparison of the binding of (S)-benzoin to human serum albumin as determined by capillary electrophoresis and by ultrafiltration was made. A variety of other ligands were then added to the buffer along with the protein, and the effects on mobility and enantioselectivity were studied. The displacers included (R)- and (S)-oxazepam hemisuccinate, (R)- and (S)-warfarin, nitrazepam, phenylbutazone, and octanoic acid. From the results obtained, it seems that capillary electrophoresis may be a useful, rapid method to screen for drug-drug interactions. There are some advantages of using this technique to study protein-ligand interactions: Only very small amounts of ligand are needed (useful when dealing with metabolites); for chiral compounds, if protein binding is stereoselective, then the method is also stereoselective, so single enantiomers are not needed; finally, measurements are obtained in solution, without the need for immobilization of the protein. A disadvantage is that the ligand and protein must have significantly different electrophoretic mobilities.
Tom 2007/07/15
111111ooookkk! [img]https://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/affix.gif[/img][url=http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/download.asp?ID=58153]文献1[/url]
Investigation of enantioselective ligand-protein binding and displacement interactions using capillary electrophoresis
Chirality, Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 230-238 (1994)
David K. Lloyd, Song Li, Patricia Ryan
Department of Oncology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
When a protein such as human serum albumin is added to the separation buffer in capillary electrophoresis, the mobility of solutes which bind to that protein may be altered. The change in mobility of the solute is a function both of the strength of the binding interaction, and the difference in mobility between the free solute and protein additive. By adding other ligands which themselves bind to the protein, the strength of the solute-protein binding may be modified, leading to a measurable change in the mobility of the solute. These effects are particularly striking for chiral compounds, where enantioselectivity may be completely lost on addition of a competitive ligand. Capillary electrophoresis with human serum ablumin as a buffer additive was used to separate the enantiomers of benzoin and three phenothiazine derivatives. A comparison of the binding of (S)-benzoin to human serum albumin as determined by capillary electrophoresis and by ultrafiltration was made. A variety of other ligands were then added to the buffer along with the protein, and the effects on mobility and enantioselectivity were studied. The displacers included (R)- and (S)-oxazepam hemisuccinate, (R)- and (S)-warfarin, nitrazepam, phenylbutazone, and octanoic acid. From the results obtained, it seems that capillary electrophoresis may be a useful, rapid method to screen for drug-drug interactions. There are some advantages of using this technique to study protein-ligand interactions: Only very small amounts of ligand are needed (useful when dealing with metabolites); for chiral compounds, if protein binding is stereoselective, then the method is also stereoselective, so single enantiomers are not needed; finally, measurements are obtained in solution, without the need for immobilization of the protein. A disadvantage is that the ligand and protein must have significantly different electrophoretic mobilities.