


  • 答案在风中飘

    鲍勃•迪伦(Bob Dylan)是美国“民歌摇滚”的创始人和代表人物。歌曲《答案在风中飘》写于1962年,是他的代表作,也是“民歌摇滚”的代表作,被人们奉为争取民权运动的圣歌。
    Blowin'in the Wind
    How many roads must a man walk down 一个男人要走过多少路
    Before you call him a man? 才能将其称作好汉?
    how many seas must a white dove sail 一只白鸽要飞越多少道海
    Before she sleeps in the sand? 才能在沙滩上入眠?
    how many times must the cannon balls fly 炮弹要飞多少次
    Before they're forever banned? 才能将其永远禁锢?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind, 朋友,答案在风中飘摇
    The answer is blowin' in the wind. 答案在风中飘摇

    How many years can a mountain exist 一座山峰能屹立多久
    Before it's washed to the sea? 才会被冲刷入海?
    how many years can some people exist 那些人还要活多年
    Before they're allowed to be free? 才能最终获得自由?
    how many times can a man turn his head, 一个人能多少次扭过头去
    And pretend that he just doesn't see? 假装他并没有看到?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind, 朋友,答案在风中飘摇
    The answer is blowin' in the wind. 答案在风中飘摇

    How many times must a man look up 一个人要仰多少次头
    Before he can see the sky? 才能望见苍天?
    how many ears must one man have 一个人要有多少只耳朵
    Before he can hear people cry? 才能听见民众呼号?
    how many deaths will it take till he knows 多少人死后他才知道
    That too many people have died? 无数人的性命已抛?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind, 朋友,答案在风中飘摇
    The answer is blowin' in the wind. 答案在风中飘摇
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    豆沙般的嗓音,桀骜不驯的舞台形象,源源不断的创作灵感构成了摇滚巨星Rod Stewart.

    I am sailing, I am sailing 我在航行,我在航行,
    home again across the sea. 跨越海洋,回到家乡。
    I am sailing stormy waters, 我在航行,迎着风暴,
    to be near you, to be free. 向你靠近,获得自由。

    I am flying, I am flying 我在飞翔,我在飞翔,
    like a bird across the sky. 像只鸟儿,飞越天空。
    I am flying passing high clouds, 我在飞翔,与你同行,
    to be near you, to be free. 穿越白云,获得自由。

    Can you hear me, can you hear me, 远隔万里,茫茫夜空,
    Through the dark night far away? 你可听到,我的哭声。
    I am dying, forever crying 我将死去,与你远离,
    to be near me, who can say? 我在哭泣,为靠近你。

    I am sailing, I am sailing 我在航行,我在航行,
    home again across the sea. 跨越海洋,回到家乡。
    I am sailing stormy waters, 我在航行,迎着风暴,
    to be near you, to be free. 向你靠近,获得自由。

    Oh Lord, to be near you, 向你靠近,
    to be free. 获得自由,
    Oh Lord, to be near you, 向你靠近,
    to be free. 获得自由,
    Oh Lord, to be near you, 向你靠近,
    to be free. 获得自由,
    Oh Lord. 今生今世,直到永远。

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    Love me tender
    猫王Elvis Presley是20世纪的摇滚乐之王,这首歌是电影《铁血柔情》的主题歌,也是《情暖童心》的插曲。歌手充满磁性的嗓音在旋律优美的吉他声中更显魅力,愿你我也在歌声中找到爱的真谛!
    Love me tender, 温柔地爱我
    love me sweet 甜蜜地爱我
    Never let me go 朝夕在身边
    You have made my life comp lete 你使我的生活完美
    And I love you so 我也深爱着你

    Love me tender, 温柔地爱我
    love me true 真诚地爱我
    All my dreams fulfill 我所有地梦想都如愿
    For, my darlin', I love you 亲爱的人儿我爱你
    And I always will 相爱到永远

    Love me tender, 温柔地爱我
    love me long 情意深长
    Take me to your heart 心中常思念
    For it's there that I belong 因为我在你心中
    And we'll never part 我们永远不分离

    Love me tender, 温柔地爱我
    love me dear 脉脉含情地爱我
    Tell me you are mine 你我心相连
    I'll be yours through all the years 我永远属于你
    Till the end of time 直到海枯石烂

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    Where do I begin 我将从何说起
    To tell the story of how great a love can be 向你细说这爱情故事是多么伟大
    The sweet love story that is older than the sea 这甜蜜的爱情故事比大海还古老
    The simple truth about the love she brings to me 她给我带来爱情的朴实真理
    Where do I start 我从何说起

    With her first hello 自从她的第一声招呼
    She gave a meaning to this empty world of mine 她使我这空虚的世界有了意义
    There'd never be another love 再也不会有另一个爱人
    Another time 不会有下一次
    She came into my life and made the living fine 她走进了我的生活,使生活快乐
    She fills my heart 她充满了我心窝

    She fills my heart with very special things 她充满了我心窝
    With angel songs, 用奇妙的感觉、天使的歌声
    With wild imaginings 和美丽的幻想
    She fills my soul with so much love 她用绵绵无尽的爱充满了我心田
    That anywhere I go 不论走到哪里
    I'm never lonely. 我也不会寂寞
    With her along who could be lonely 和她在一起。谁会寂寞
    I reach for her hand 她温暖的双手
    It's always there总是陪伴在身边

    How long does it last 相爱有多长
    Can love be measured by the hours in a day 难道爱情能用时间来计算
    I have no answers now but this much I can say: 我现在没有答案,但我可以这样说
    I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away 我永远爱她直到海枯石烂
    And she'll be there 她仍在那里

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    ――Joan Baez and Chad Mitchell
    On a wagon bound for market 一辆颠簸赶集的马车上
    There’s a calf with a mournful eye一只小牛目露哀伤
    High above him there’s a swallow 在他头顶上方
    Winging swiftly through the sky 一只燕子振翅高飞,穿越蓝天
    How the winds are laughing 风儿正自笑开怀
    They laugh with all their might 笑啊笑,笑得真起劲
    Laugh and laugh the whole day through 一天到晚笑不停
    And half the summer’s night 笑到夏日夜半冥
    Donna Donna 多娜 多娜

    Stop complaining, said the farmer “别再抱怨了”农夫说
    Who told you a calf to be “谁叫你是一头牛
    Why don’t you have wings to fly with 你为何没有能飞的翅膀
    Like the swallow so proud and free? 像燕子那般骄傲而自由”
    How the winds are laughing 风儿正自笑开怀
    They laugh with all their might 笑啊笑,笑得真起劲
    Laugh and laugh the whole day through 一天到晚笑不停
    And half the summer’s night 笑到夏日夜半冥
    Donna Donna 多娜 多娜

    Calves are easily bound and slaughtered 牛儿任人捆缚宰割
    Never knowing the reason why 从来不知原因为何
    But whoever treasures freedom 谁要珍惜自由之躯
    Like the swallow has learned to fly 就要象燕子学会飞翔
    How the winds are laughing 风儿正自笑开怀
    They laugh with all their might 笑啊笑,笑得真起劲
    Laugh and laugh the whole day through 一天到晚笑不停
    And half the summer’s night 笑到夏日夜半冥
    Donna Donna 多娜 多娜

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    Edelweiss, edelweiss 雪绒花,雪绒花
    Every morning you greet me 每天清晨你我问候我
    Small and white 小而白
    Clean and bright 洁而亮
    You look happy to meet me 见到我你面露喜色
    Blossom of snow 雪白的花朵
    May you bloom and grow 愿你开花成长
    Bloom and grow forever 永远开花成长
    Edelweiss, edelweiss 雪绒花,雪绒花
    Bless my homeland forever 永远保佑我的祖国
    Small and white 小而白
    Clear and bright 洁而亮
    You look happy to meet me 见到我你面露喜色
    Blossom of snow 雪白的花朵
    May you bloom and grow 愿你开花成长
    Bloom and grow forever 永远开花成长
    Edelweiss, edelweiss 雪绒花,雪绒花
    Bless my homeland forever 永远保佑我的祖国

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    《袖底风• 绿袖》
    我思断肠,伊人不臧。  Alas my love, you do me wrong
    弃我远去,抑郁难当。  To cast me off discourteously
    我心相属,日久月长。  I have loved you all so long
    与卿相依,地老天荒。  Delighting in your company
    绿袖招兮,我心欢朗。  Greensleeves was all my joy
    绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂。  Greensleeves was my delight
    绿袖摇兮,我心流光。  Greensleeves was my heart of gold
    绿袖永兮,非我新娘。  And who but my Lady Greensleeves
    我即相偎,柔荑纤香。  I have been ready at your hand
    我自相许,舍身何妨。  To grant whatever you would crave
    欲求永年,此生归偿。  I have both waged life and land
    回首欢爱,四顾茫茫。  Your love and good will for to have
    伊人隔尘,我亦无望。  Thou couldst desire no earthly thing
    彼端箜篌,渐疏渐响。  But still thou hadst it readily
    人既永绝,心自飘霜。  Thy music still to play and sing
    斥欢斥爱,绿袖无常。  And yet thou wouldst not love me
    绿袖去矣,付与流觞。  Greensleeves now farewell adieu
    我燃心香,寄语上苍。  God I pray to prosper thee
    我心犹炽,不灭不伤。  For I am still thy lover true
    伫立垅间,待伊归乡。  Come once again and love me

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    月亮河(Moon River)
    派拉蒙影业公司1996年的影片Breakfast at Tiffany's,说的是一位农村姑娘向往上流社会的生活,一心想嫁个百万富翁,于是去纽约寻找一个属于她自己的“理想的归宿”。但在纽约谋生艰难,只好去做应召女。她结识了邻居一位年轻的纽约作家,经历了一次又喜又恼的恋爱。

    这里上传的是Andy Williams的版本。感觉奥黛丽.赫本的版本稍稍柔了一点。

    Moon river, wider than a mile. 月亮河,宽又广
    I'm crossing you in style someday, 总有一天,我要潇洒地把你跨过
    old dream make your heartbreaker. 你引我遐思,你让我心碎
    Whenever you re going, 无论你流向何方
    I'm going your way, 我都会伴你左右

    two drifters, off to see the world. 两个流浪的人儿,漂泊到海角天涯
    There's such a lot of world to see. 赏尽人间美景
    We're after the same rainbow's end, 我们要追寻彩虹的尽头
    waiting round the bend. 于河湾处静候
    My huckleberry friend, 我亲爱的朋友
    Moon rive and me. 月亮河和我

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    Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree)老橡树上的黄丝带

    I'm coming home I've done my time 我服刑已满,我准备回家
    Now I've got to know what is and isn't mine 我现在才渐渐明白什么是属于我的
    If you received my letter telling you如果你收到我的信知道
    I'd soon be free我将会自由
    Then you'll know just what to do 那么你会知道该怎么做
    if you still want me ,If you still want me 如果你还需要我,如果你还爱我

    Oh tie a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree 就在老橡树上系条黄丝带
    It's been three long years我离开了漫长的三年
    do you still want me 你可还爱着我吗?
    If I don't see a ribbon round the ole oak tree 如果我看不到老橡树上的黄丝带
    I'll stay on the bus forget about us我将不下车,忘掉我们的过去
    put the blame on me 责备我自己
    If I don't see a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree 如果我看不到老橡树上的黄丝带

    Bus driver please look for me 司机先生,请你帮我寻找
    'Cause I couldn't bear to see what I might see 因为我无法承受我可能要看到的
    I'm really still in prison我的心像仍被关在狱里
    and my love she holds the key 只有我的爱人握着开启的钥匙
    A simple yellow ribbon's what I need to set me free 那就是在老橡树上系一条普通的黄丝带
    I wrote and tell her please 我写信告诉了她

    Oh tie a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree就在老橡树上系条黄丝带
    It's been three long years 我离开了漫长的三年
    do you still want me你可还爱着我吗?
    If I don't see a ribbon round the ole oak tree如果我看不到老橡树上的黄丝带
    I'll stay on the bus forget about us 我将不下车,忘掉我们的过去
    put the blame on me 责备我自己
    If I don't see a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree如果我看不到老橡树上的黄丝带

    Now the whole damn bus is cheering 现在整个汽车的人都在欢呼
    And I can't believe I see 眼前的一切令我难以置信
    A hundred yellow ribbons round the ole oak tree 老橡树上系满了上百条的黄丝带
    I'm coming home 我将回家

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    take me to your heart

    hiding from the rain and snow 藏身于雨雪之中
    trying to forget but i won't let go 努力忘记,但我怎能就这样离去
    looking at a crowded street 看着熙熙攘攘的街道
    listening to my own heart beat 却只能听见自己的心跳

    so many people 这么多的人
    all around the world 在世界上
    tell me where do i find 请告诉我在哪里可以找到
    someone like you girl 像你一样的女孩

    take me to your heart将我留存心间
    take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴
    give me your hand before i'm old给我你的手,在我老去之前
    show me what love is 问情为何物
    - haven't got a clue 在我们彼此离开前
    show me that wonders can be true 问奇迹上演
    they say nothing lasts forever 他们说没有什么可以天长地久
    we're only here today 我们也能此时相守
    love is now or never 现在或者永不回头
    bring me far away 请带我一起远走
    take me to your heart请爱我吧
    take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴
    give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手拥我入怀
    show me what love is 问情为何物
    - be my guiding star 让星辰照亮我路
    it's easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单

    standing on a mountain high 站在高山之颠
    looking at the moon through a clear blue sky 看着月亮高挂于清澈的蓝天
    i should go and see some friends 也许我应该去和朋友们在一起
    but they don't really comprehend 但他们真的不明白我此时的心情

    don't need too much talking 不需要繁琐的言语
    without saying anything 甚至可以一语不发
    all i need is someone 我仅仅需要

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    Because You Loved Me《因为你爱过我》
    For all those times you stood by me那些你在我身旁的时光
      For all the truth that you made me see那些你让我看到的真相
      For all the joy you brought to my life那些你带给我的喜悦
      For all the wrong that you made right那些你更正的错误
      For every dream you made come true 那些你使之成真的梦想
      For all the love I found in you那些我在你身上得到的爱
      I'll be forever thankful baby我将永远感谢你 宝贝
      You're the one who held me up你是始终支持我
      Never let me fall对我永不放弃
      You're the one who saw me through 你是真正了解我的人
      Through it all了解我的一切
      You were my strength when I was weak当我脆弱时 你是我的力量
      You were my voice when I couldn't speak当我缄默时 你是我的声音
      You were my eyes when I couldn't see当我无法洞察时 你是我的眼睛
      You saw the best there was in me你看见了我心中的最好
      Lifted me up when I couldn't reach 当我无力攀登时 你将我高高举起
      You gave me faith 'coz you believed你给了我信仰 因为你相信
      I'm everything I am 我拥有了一切
      Because you loved me 因为你爱过我
      You gave me wings and made me fly 你给了我翅膀 让我飞翔
      You touched my hand 你触摸到我的手
      I could touch the sky 使我能碰到天空
      I lost my faith, you gave it back to me 当我失去信心 你帮我找回
      You said no star was out of reach你告诉我说没有摘不到的星星
      You stood by me and I stood tall 你站在我的身旁 让我高高在上
      I had your love I had it all 我拥有你的爱 我就拥有了一切
      I'm grateful for each day you gave me 我感激你赐给我的每一天
      Maybe I don't know that much也许我了解的不多
      But I know this much is true但我明白这些都是千真万确
      I was blessed because I was loved by you 我感到幸福 因为被你爱着
      You were my strength when I was weak 当我脆弱时 你是我的力量
      You were my voice when I couldn't speak当我缄默时 你是我的声音
      You were my eyes when I couldn't see 当我无法洞察时 你是我的眼睛


