Bruker BeatBox 组织匀浆仪及细胞裂解仪

Bruker BeatBox 组织匀浆仪及细胞裂解仪


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BeatBox 组织匀浆仪及细胞裂解仪,大幅提升效率

BeatBox 可以进行高效、标准化、可重复的组织和细胞匀浆,革新了样品前处理流程。即使只有少量样本,BeatBox 也能够获得高产量蛋白质,是靶向蛋白降解和精准医疗工作流程的理想选择。BeatBox 具有样品承载量宽及扩展性强的特性,可以确保多种下游分析结果的一致性和可靠性。

The challenge

Tissue homogenates and cell lysates are the starting point for a wide variety of downstream applications in genomics and proteomics. The extracted biomolecules are further characterized with methods, such as genotyping, immunoassays, and mass spectrometry, in order to identify biomarkers or understand cellular pathways.

Particularly proteomics requires thoroughly homogenized samples to obtain high protein yields even from small inputs like needle biopsies for sensitive and quantitative analyses. Furthermore, standardization, reproducibility, and parallelization are key to the processing of large numbers of samples in high-throughput environments. However, scientists will require a homogenization method that allows for high flexibility and versatility to cover a broad range of projects.

The solution

BeatBox® is a dedicated system for convenient, semi-automated sample homogenization of many tissue types and cells. Flexible regarding input amounts from 1-50 mg, it consistently delivers reproducible results even for challenging downstream analyses like LC-MS-based proteomics with scalable throughput from 1-96 samples.


Compatible sample types

BeatBox® technology has been used successfully to extract proteins by homogenization from a wide variety of biological materials with varying textures and rigidity.

Comparison of protein yields from small amounts of mouse tissues

1-2 mg of four different mouse tissues were homogenized using the BeatBox® and two other methods. Results clearly show the same or increased protein yield using BeatBox® comparatively with good reproducibility evidenced by the %CV results.

Comparison of protein yields from three cell types

HEK293 (4E5 cells), E. coli (8.4E7 cells) and S. cerevisiae (4.4E6 cells) were homogenized using the BeatBox® and sonication. Data clearly shows a significantly decreased %CV across all three cell types using the BeatBox.

Key benefits of BeatBox®

  • Ensures reliable results

    Excellent reproducibility, even for challenging samples

  • Scalability and flexibility combined

    1-96 samples, compatible with both 96 well plates and single tubes

  • Suitable for any laboratory

    Compact and quiet instrument for beginners and experts alike

  • Straightforward FFPE sample preparation

    Xylene-free approach without separate deparaffinization step

Bruker BeatBox 组织匀浆仪及细胞裂解仪信息由冠乾科技(上海)有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于Bruker BeatBox 组织匀浆仪及细胞裂解仪报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应Bruker BeatBox 组织匀浆仪及细胞裂解仪外,冠乾科技(上海)有限公司还可为您提供Bruker HPLC 和 LC-MS 耗材 PepSep™ 色谱柱和喷雾针冠乾科技 纳米压印胶 正性光刻胶 负性光刻胶 显影液 去胶液超导体与金属复合材料 铌锡Niobium-Tin (Nb3Sn)等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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