
2019/07/16   下载量: 1


应用领域 其他
检测样本 其他
参考标准 暂无

采用LaVision的Imager Intense型,ImagerProX型相机。PTU9型可编程时序控制器,和软件平台,分别搭建了2DPIV,2DPTV,3D层析PIV和3DPTV测量系统,并对湍流边界层的流场进行了测量分析。


Measurement of turbulent statistics in the inner layer of wall flows is of fundamental and applied importance for development of passive and active flow control systems A ccuracy of two and three dimensional particle image velocimetry ( and particle tracking velocimetry ( in resolving the near wall turbulen ce statistics of a channel flow is evaluated at Reynolds number of Re H 6700 (based on average velocity and channel height H equivalent to Re τ 190 (based on friction velocity u τ 0.0638 m/s and the half channel height, H 2). The channel has a rectangular cross section of W × H 40×6 mm 2 and wall unit of λ 16.2 μm. The evaluated 2D techniques include PIV (2D PIV) with spatial resolution of 3.2 ××3.2 (digital resolution of 6. 2 5 μm/pix) and long range microscopic particle tracking velocimetry
(2D PTV) with spatial resolution of 1.7 ××1.7 (digital resolution of 2.3 μm/pix). The 3D techniques include tomographic particle image velocimetry (tomo PIV) and three dimensional PTV (3D PTV) both carried out at high digital resolution of 7.5 μm/voxel (M 0.9) and tracer density of 0.015 particles per pixel. The spatial resolution of the t omo PIV is 22 × 22 × 22 (0.36 × 0.36 × 0.36 mm 3 and wall normal spati al resolution of 3D PTV is 5.5 (90 μm) The measurements are compared with channel flow direct numerical simulation ( of Moser et al ( at Re τ 180. The 2D PTV technique shows maximum uncertainty of 0.06 pix in resolving mean velocity and 0.1 pixel uncertainties in measurement of Reynolds stresses. The high magni fication tomo PIV shows an uncertainty of 0.2 pix in resolving the mean velocity
while an uncertainty of 0.3 0.7 pixel in measuring peak value of Reynolds stresses. 3D PTV based on triangulation of particles demonstrated smaller uncertainty relative to tom o PIV and 3D PTV using MART reconstruction.

上一篇 在一个双稳湍流涡旋火焰中,对间歇性动态的时间-频率定位
下一篇 用拉格朗日粒子跟踪识别二维剪切流中的拉格朗日相干结构


相关仪器 更多


当前位置: 欧兰科技 方案 近壁湍流中高放大率二维和三维粒子图像跟踪/测速的评估


