
2019/07/26   下载量: 0


应用领域 能源/新能源
检测样本 煤炭
参考标准 暂无

用LaVision的高速图像增强器HS-IRO和Photron, SA5型高速相机,建立了一套时间分辨高重复频率平面激光诱导荧光和粒子成像速度场联合同步测量系统,并利用这一系统研究了膨胀火焰结构与特性。


      To predict combustion instability, the study of the flame surface is necessary because there is a relationship between the heat release rate and the flame surface. Combustion instability is occurred and amplified when the three components of the perturbation constitute a positive feedback. Thus each of three components should be considered carefully. In order to predict the combustion instability, in this paper, the unique flame structure, called as ‘the puffed flame’, was investigated. In the previous work, Kim et al. [1] discovered the puffed flame structure at the specific forcing frequency and the velocity perturbation region. In this paper, therefore, we revealed the causes and the dynamic characteristics of the puffed flame. Thus, simultaneous OH-PLIF and PIV measurements were conducted.

      In case of the flame, the burke-schumann flame, a special case of the nonpremixed flame, was considered. The mixture of the methane and hydrogen was used as the fuel, and the air was used as the oxidizer. The acoustic forcing was applied for the several frequency region; from 100 Hz to 180 Hz with 20 Hz steps. Also incoming velocity perturbation amplitude was varied from 0.1 to 0.5 with 0.1 steps.

     The velocity, strain rate, and the distribution of the OH radical were measured at the same time due to the simultaneous laser diagnostics. From these results, the response characteristics and the flow behavior were found at the exact same time. Flame structure was captured from the OH-PLIF measurement and the other quantitative results such as velocity vector and strain rate field were measured from the PIV.

      In the same forcing frequency region, the flame puffed phenomenon was occurred over the specific velocity perturbation amplitude. If the forcing frequency became higher, the more velocity perturbation amplitude was necessary for the flame puffed. With this results, we could realize that the flame acts as a low pass filter. Also, it was revealed that the flame puffed
phenomenon was periodic process which was following the external acoustic excitation wave.

      With the simultaneous PIV and OH-PLIF results, we could find out the relative high strain rate and the oxidizer entrainment played important roles for the puffed process. High strain rate make flame wrinkle and flame throat more thinner. As the process proceeded, more higher strain rate was applied to the flame surface as well. At the final stage of the flame puffed phenomenon, highly irregular flow was generated, so that the strain rate became much higher.

       Meanwhile, oxidizer entrainment could be another reason for the puffed flame. During the process, surrounding air was continuously invaded into the middle of the flame. At last, flame was separated into two regions due to the entrainment of the surrounding air.

       When the flame puffed phenomenon was occurred, the dynamic characteristics became different from the non-excitation flame case. The flame length became more smaller and the flame surface area also decreased. However, flame length and the surface area perturbation were increased. In other words, when the flame puffed, we could say that the flame became
more unstable.

上一篇 在一个双稳湍流涡旋火焰中,对间歇性动态的时间-频率定位
下一篇 基于OH-PLIF技术的CO2稀释环形燃烧器预混火焰燃烧的实验研究


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当前位置: 欧兰科技 方案 同步激光激光诊断膨胀火焰结构与特性的实验研究


