水喷雾中的乙烯 - 空气爆轰

2019/08/19   下载量: 0


应用领域 其他
检测样本 其他
参考标准 暂无

采用美国Artium 公司的PDI-200MD型相位多普勒粒子干涉仪,水喷雾中的乙烯 - 空气爆轰的液滴粒径和D10,D32,液态水含量等参数实验测量研究。


   In this paper, we present an experimental work on the influence of liquid water spray in an ethylene/air gaseous mixture on detonation, for equivalence ratio from 0.9 to 1.1.

    Spray detonation investigations has nowadays a strong interest in propulsion by establishing mixture detonation parameters for PDEs and RDEs to design detonation chambers, and also in hazard prevention, by knowing quenching specifications for hazardous mixtures.

    Early studies on spray detonations have been performed by Dabora and Raglands ([1], [2]), showing the influence of large droplet size (from 290 to 2600m) desintegration, vaporization and combustion mechanisms on the detonation propagation. Mar [3] exposed that the detonability range is all the wider the droplets are small (with droplets from 9.5 to 45 m). Besides, investigations on detonation quenching with water spray injection (200-750 m droplets, spray densities of 0.72-1.6 kg=m3), in a H2/O2 stoechiometric mixture diluted with Ar, revealed that it is more efficient with a fine spray (200 m) [4]. A 10% velocity deficit in comparison with the CJ speed has been observed for an initial pressure of 20kPa.
    Numerical works on detonation with solid particles also reveal interesting features about the twophase influence. Williams [5], showed the stability of liquid spray based detonation. Cheatham and Kailasanath [6] developed a numerical model for liquid-fuelled detonation in tubes. They show that preheating and prevaporization of small liquid droplets generate a faster transition to a self-sustained detonation. Fedorov et al. [7] studied a 2-D detonation in a C2H4/air mixture with solid inert particles. Significant velocity deficit, greater than 10 %, was shown for a fairly significant solid mass fraction Yinert  0:1, and even failure for Yinert  0:34, with 10 um particles.

     But nevertheless, despite the amount of current works on spray detonations, few experiments on detonation quenching remain available.

上一篇 在一个双稳湍流涡旋火焰中,对间歇性动态的时间-频率定位
下一篇 除污过程中喷雾性能的实际状况与理论分析的对比


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