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正电子偶素 Na22同位素中正电子偶素的激光激发检测方案(激光产品)

检测样品 航天

检测项目 正电子偶素的激光激发

关联设备 共1种




    The AEgIS experimental program on antimatter systems involves the formation of antihydrogen atoms for gravitational and CPT studies. One of the key ingredients of theAEgIS strategy for the synthesis of antihydrogen atoms is the creation and manipulationof Positronium (Ps) atoms laser excited to Rydberg states (n > 15).    In AEgIS, Ps is produced in bunched mode and the Rydberg excitation is achieved witha two laser pulse technique, by passing through a n = 3 intermediate level. Because excitation on Ps n = 3 state has never been proposed before, in AEgIS a dedicated experimental apparatus and several detection strategies have been studied in order to observe the first measurement ever on this interesting process. In this work we present and discuss the experimental findings about the successful Ps n = 3 excitation.    Moreover, in this thesis, a study of the impact of involved nonlinear processes on theexcitation efficiency of a Doppler broadened atomic cloud is carried out. Presented simulationresults show that, by exploiting properly nonlinear processes in the generation of the desired wavelength, it is possible to improve the excitation efficiency of a laser pulse. It is crucial, in AEgIS, the use of a periodically poled crystal in quasi phase matching regime. This gives a broadband continuous output spectrum whose wings survive to the spectral cutting of the last nonlinear crystal of the chain (which has insufficient spectral acceptance). This means that, at high laser energies, these wings can be amplified and the spectrum gaps can be filled in, leading to high reachable saturation efficiencies. On the contrary, in a laser pulse with a comb-shaped spectrum with a Gaussian envelope, both wings and gaps drop rapidly to zero, and amplification hardly occurs at usually employed energy regimes.    The presented model is finally used to fit AEgIS Ps n = 3 excitation experimental data.



北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供《正电子偶素 Na22同位素中正电子偶素的激光激发检测方案(激光产品)》,该方案主要用于航天中正电子偶素的激光激发检测,参考标准《暂无》,《正电子偶素 Na22同位素中正电子偶素的激光激发检测方案(激光产品)》用到的仪器有NL300系列高能量电光调Q激光器。


