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KOSTERGuangZhou Andor-iQKOSTERGuangZhou LED光源与第三方图像软件整合介绍 QQ :501747125 LED光源已经整合到哪些软件包中? Andor-iQ Hamamatsu-HClmage Intelligent Imaging Solutions -Slidebook Leica -LAS X Molecular Devices -MetaMorph Nikon -NIS Elements Olympus - CellSens Dimension Open Imaging-Micro-Manager Visitron Systems-VisiView ZeisS-ZEN · iiCQ (Image and Quantify) is Andor’s flagship Live Cell imaging software. Confocal microscopy and photostimulation 3D live cell imaging, TIRF, ion imaging, bioluminescence and FRET. Integrated since 2014. KOSTER GuangZhou Individual Wavelength Control with full integration for the following CoolLED pproducts: grent Hamamatsu -HClmage HClmage range of imaging suites: HClmage Analysis HClmage DIA HCImage IPA HClmage Live. CoolLED's systems mainly used with HCImage DIA (Dynamic Intensity Analysis),although are usable with all. High speed processing and intensity analysis over time, as well as live viewing ofimages and data. KOSTER GuangZhou Individual Wavelength Control with full integration for the following CoolLED pproducts: Add IO/LED Device Controller 奥林巴斯-CellSens Dimension整合 与以下CoolLED产品完全整合的独立波长控制: pE-300:未正式整合:可用作CellSens 1.14的pE-2 奥林巴斯- CellSens Dimension软件整合截屏 Microscope Control ? 4 Shutters Device Cusi ? x Reflected Open Observation Methods 635 660 770 2x1137 ms Fluo 3 Col 34265 405 5 a REPL 460 490 500 525 550 580 595 Device Units , Manual Mirror Turret CoolLED pE-4000 405 v +67% m 460v 42 % 525 -01+84% 635 100% CExperi...(E Proce...Micro... 奥林巴斯- CellSens Dimension软件整合截屏 Microscope Control ? 4X Expereiri....Proce...Micro..0. Start PagexCDFTCy5 timelapse pE4000.oex* Dapi Fitc TexRed CDyy5 CoolLED virtual shutter NI USB-6501 (24-ch,8.5 mA) Low-Cost USB Digital I/O Device USB-> PC, TTL BNC->盒式连接器RSComponents296/7747 开放式成像软件-MicroManager MicroManager是一个开源显微镜软件 Micro-Manager用于图像采集和分析, pE-2自2009年以来就整合了,并且仍是可下载软件包的一部分。 pE-300和pE-4000可通过CoolLED创建的封闭源设备适配器使用,该适配器于2017年上市。 开放图像软件- MicroManager整合 与以下CoolLED产品完全整合的独立波长控制: pE-2:与Micro-Manager 1.4整合 pE-300:与Micro-Manager 1.4.22整合 pE-4000:从Micro-Manager 1.4.22整合 注意: pE-300和pE-4000需要直接从CoolLED安装设备适配器 开放图像软件-MicroManager屏幕截图 FOCUS ONIMAGING www.kosterscience.com 广州科适特科学仪器有限公司www.kosterscience.com 本方案简要介绍了LED光源整合到如下图像软件和科研摄像头的方法。已经通过摄像控制光源的方案。Andor - iQ  •Hamamatsu – HCImage •Intelligent Imaging Solutions – Slidebook •Leica - LAS X •Molecular Devices - MetaMorph •Nikon - NIS Elements •Olympus - CellSens Dimension •Open Imaging - Micro-Manager •Visitron Systems - VisiView •Zeiss - ZEN

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广州科适特科学仪器有限公司为您提供《荧光中LED光源与第三方图像软件整合检测方案(活体成像系统)》,该方案主要用于其他中其他检测,参考标准《暂无》,《荧光中LED光源与第三方图像软件整合检测方案(活体成像系统)》用到的仪器有ibidi加热孵育系统通用型、定制FISH显微成像系统、Photometrics 摄像头 R1、μ-Dish 35 mm培养皿 81156 81151 80136 80131 81158、活细胞骨架染料(LifeAct质粒)。


