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本指南主要是从微生物方面,讨论和评估了原料药和制剂生产中用到的高纯水系统。本指南还 核实探讨了不同类型的水系统设计,以及和这些系统相关的问题。像其它指南一样,本指南并 非排他性指南文件,只是提供了高纯水系统审核和评估的背景信息和指导。制药产业微生物实 验室质量控制检查指南(1993 年5月)(The Guide To Inspections of Microbiological Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories (May, 1993))也提供了相关的指导信息


翻译: Pinky(jiuyun25@hotmail.com) 校对并解读: Chank (chank2006@gmail.com) 高纯水系统检查指南GUIDE TO INSPECTIONS OF HIGH PURITY WATER SYSTEMS Note: This document is reference material for investigators and other FDA personnel. Thedocument does not bind FDA, and does no confer any rights, privileges, benefits, or immunitiesfor or on any person(S). 注释:该文件只是检查官和 FDA 职员的参考资料。本指南不具法律约束力,也未授于任何人任何形式的特权,利益或豁免权。 This guide discusses, primarily from amicrobiological aspect, the review and evaluation of high puritywater systems that are used for the manufacture of drug products and drug substances. It also includesa review of the design of the various types of systems and some of the problems that have beenassociated with these systems. As with other guides, it is not all-inclusive, but provides backgroundand guidance for the review and evaluation of high purity water systems. The Guide To Inspections ofMicrobiological Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories (May, 1993) provides additionalguidance. 本指南主要是从微生物方面,讨论和评估了原料药和制剂生产中用到的高纯水系统。本指南还核实探讨了不同类型的水系统设计,以及和这些系统相关的问题。像其它指南一样,本指南并非排他性指南文件,只是提供了高纯水系统审核和评估的背景信息和指导。制药产业微生物实验室质量控制检查指南(1993年5月)(The Guide To Inspections of Microbiological PharmaceuticalQuality Control Laboratories (May, 1993))也提供了相关的指导信息。 Chank 解读 的确如此,该指南对于厂家做系统设计和设施设备确认的指导意义并不大。对于厂家制定相关的运行操作规程和系统维护规程的指导意义也不大。从更加严格的意义来说,对于确立制药用水的规格标准的借鉴意义也不全面。但是对于那些需要去进行现场审计和检查的检查官或是企业内部的质量审计人员来说,这个指南却是快速熟悉这个领域,把握这个领域关键的有效捷径。大家都知道设计到纯水就是和产品的微生物控制相关的,对于使用到水的生产系统来说,水是引入微生物污染的最大机会,也就是从风险控制的角度来说(虽然这个概念在当时的 FDA制度制订当局还不是主要的目标)),,水系统的微生物学考量的确是该系统最大的风险要素角度。所以,这个指南的实际应用意义就显而易见了。但是也由于该指南的固有局限性,所以本人建议相关的人员在全局掌握本指南后,对于所有指南中提到的各个水系统或是水系统的组成单元需要进行单独的详细地了解,那些信息应该涵盖的内容包括设备,设施,工程设计,使用,运行,维护以及标准确立的各个环节。参考供应商提供的技术信息和参考行业指南都是很好的途径。本人针对本指南的解读,思路也是希望可以起到一个索引的作用,让大家可以更多的去思考和解决实际的问题。 ( I译者把“High Purity Water”翻译为“高纯水”是考虑到本指南涵盖的对象不单单是 Purified Water(纯化 水),还包括了纯度更加高的“WFI”(注射用水)等 ) I.SYSTEM DESIGN One of the basic considerations in the design of a system is the type of product that is to bemanufactured. For parenteral products where there is a concern for pyrogens, it is expected that Waterfor Injection will be used. This applies to the formulation of products, as well as to the final washingof components and equipment used in their manufacture. Distillation and Reverse Osmosis (RO)filtration are the only acceptable methods listed in the USP for producing Water for Injection.However, in the bulk Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology industries and some foreign companies, UltraFiltration (UF) is employed to minimize endotoxins in those drug substances that are administeredparenterally. 1. 系统设计 系统设计的一个基本的考虑点,是所生产的产品的类型。对热原有控制要求的非肠道给药制剂,就需要用到注射用水。该原则适用于制剂产品的配制,以及生产中使用到的直接接触产品的零部件和设备的最后洗涤处理。蒸馏和反渗透(RO)过滤,是仅有的收载于USP²的可接受的制备注射用水的方法。然而,在原料药生产,生物技术行业,以及一些国外的工厂,超滤(UF)的方法,被用来降低非肠道用药原料药的内毒素。 Chank 解卖 对于要求最严格的产品无非是那些有热原控制要求的非肠道给药制剂产品,比如各种注射剂,大输液产品,无菌产品,水的质量要求是注射用水。这里提及的相关工艺有使用水作为溶剂来配制,或是直接接触产品的设备清洗,亦或是对制剂组分的直接处置(溶解等)。而 USP 相关专论只允许使用重蒸水和反渗透水,因为这样处理的水被认为可以有效的去处各种热原物质。(60度以上的温度重复加热半小时以上即可破坏热原和内毒素这个是重蒸水可用的机制;对于反渗透可用于去除热原和内毒素的机制主要是因为反渗透膜的孔径在0.5-10纳米的级别,生物大分子没有可能通过)。但是同时需要注意的是,在 USP 中只允许重蒸水不需要验证,其他方式(反渗透或超滤加化学方法)都需要验证其有效性。 For some ophthalmic products, such as the ophthalmic irrigating solution, and some inhalationproducts, such as Sterile Water for Inhalation, where there are pyrogen specifications, it is expectedthat Water for Injection be used in their formulation. However, for most inhalation and ophthalmicproducts, purified water is used in their formulation. This also applies to topicals, cosmetics and oralproducts. 对于一些眼科制剂,比如眼科冲洗液,和某些吸入制剂,比如吸入用无菌水,由于有热原控制的规格,在其制剂生产中,期望使用注射用水。然而,对大多数的吸入制剂和眼科制剂的生产中,使用纯化水就足够了。纯化水也应用于局部用药,外用药和口服制剂中。 Chank 解读 可以发现这里的界定性原则是比较宽松的,也没有完全限定死。具体的制剂生产需要用什么水,是需要参考该制剂的实际用途的。这里需要解释的一点是生产用水和将水作为相关的“制剂”产品使用的概念是不同的,要求也是不同的。还是回到了水的用途上了。这里建议参考详细的USP 对于各种制剂的规格要求通则,以及USP 对于各种水的规格标准要求。 Another design consideration is the temperature of the system. It is recognized that hot (65-80oC)systems are self sanitizing. While the cost of other systems may be less expensive for a company, thecost of maintenance, testing and potential problems may be greater than the cost of energy saved.Whether a system is circulating or one-way is also an important design consideration. Obviously,water in constant motion is less liable to have high levels of contaminant. A one-way water system isbasically a "dead-leg". 另一个设计的考虑点就是系统的温度。目前公认高温(65-80℃)系统能够自我消毒。虽然其他系统的成本可能会比高温系统低,但是其维护成本,测试成本以及潜在的问题会远远大于其在能源上的节约成本。系统是否是循环的,或是单向的,也是设计的一个重要考虑点。很明显,水处于不断运动中将不易有高水平的污染。而单向水系统是典型的“死角” 这里考虑的要素涵盖了温度和系统的状态。对于有基本常识的人来说,都知道的高温循环系统是最为安全的系统。国内对于能源是不在乎的,很多这样的系统保温设计不够,其实都是对能源的浪费。好的工程设计人员应该在最初的设计和安装的时候就应该考虑高温系统的能源节约,设计和安装一些保温系统。这里算是提醒,是否可以鼓励制药企业评估一下自己的无菌水系统,如果开展节能活动,一年下来可以节约多少成本呢?在设计层面,我们更多遇到和关注的问题还是所谓“死角”问题。也就是是否有回路,是否有未循环的储水罐,是否用到卫生阀门,取样点的设置是否合理,对于长的回路,回路的压力在各个角落是否合适来确保流速,管道的设计是否会有静止液体产生(弯管,斜管的角度)。这些在目前的设计考量中,大部分正规的设计单位和公司都会覆盖到。这里需要提醒的是,在制水单元的“潜在死角”问题。大部分的国内公司对于回路前的制水单元的控制是不充分的,经常看到的是一级反渗透的后面用到的阀门是球阀,后面的中间储罐是非循环系统等等。之所以不认为这样的设计是好的设计,是因为这些环节会给系统增加潜在的生物载量。好的设计应该可以防止任何没有必要的污染,这个概念应该是所有系统设计人员的基本意识。好的 QA 人员也应该有这样的控制意识。 Finally, and possibly the most important consideration, is the risk assessment or level of quality that isdesired. It should be recognized that different products require different quality waters. Parenteralsrequire very pure water with no endotoxins. Topical and oral products require less pure water and donot have a requirement for endotoxins. Even with topical and oral products there are factors that dictate different qualities for water. For example, preservatives in antacids are marginally effective, somore stringent microbial limits have to be set. The quality control department should assess eachproduct manufactured with the water from their system and determine the microbial action limitsbased on the most microbial sensitive product. In lieu of stringent water action limits in the system themanufacturer can add a microbial reduction step in the manufacturing process for the sensitive drugproduct(s). 最后,也有可能是最重要的一个考虑点,就是系统的风险评估,或者说是水的预期的质量水平。毋庸置疑,不同的产品生产,会要求不同质量的水。非肠道用药的生产,要求不含热原的很纯的水。局部用药和口服用制剂,对水的纯度要求没有那么高,也没有对热原提出要求。即便对局部用药和口服用制剂,还有些因素导致对水的质量要求会有不同。比如,抗酸剂中的防腐剂效果会打折扣,所以抗酸剂会有更加严格的微生物限度要求。质量控制部门需要评估用到此水系统的各个产品的实际情况,基于对微生物最敏感产品来设定微生物的行动限。若非如此,也可以用其它控制方法,比如在生产对微生物最敏感的产品的生产工艺中,增加降低微生物水平的工艺步骤。 Chank 解读 这里的总结性讨论有点冗长和多余。因为之前的考虑要素已经强调过“设计源于需求”了。有补充意义的是提出了“行动限”的概念和基本原则。需要考虑系统的“worst case”,并强调了质量部门在这个环节的重要作用。也就是这个原因,本指南其实不能单独学习和阅读,至少应该结合USP<1231>中对于制药用水的基本要求来学习。还必须参考所有 USP 中对于各种水的质量标准要求。最核心的还是要和你要生产的产品相结合,需要综合评估你设计的系统会涉及的所有产品物理化学性质,工艺原理以及产品的生物学特性。 总结这个章节,我们在设计一个水系统的时候,基本的思路应该是: I.SYSTEM VALIDATION A basic reference used for the validation of high purity water systems is the Parenteral DrugAssociation Technical Report No. 4 titled, "Design Concepts for the Validation of a Water forInjection System." The introduction provides guidance and states that, "Validation often involves the use of anappropriate challenge. In this situation, it would be undesirable to introduce microorganisms into anon-line system; therefore, reliance is placed on periodic testing for microbiological quality and on theinstallation of monitoring equipment at specific checkpoints to ensure that the total system is operatingproperly and continuously fulfilling its intended function." II.系统验证 对高纯水系统验证的一个基本参考指南是 PDA 技术报告 No.4的文件,题为“注射用水系统验证的设计理念””(("Design Concepts for the Validation of a Water for Injection System.")。 该文件介绍中提供了验证策略指导并申明:“验证通常包括了使用合适的挑战。但是在水系统验证中,人为引入微生物到一个在线系统中,是不可取的;更可行的方法是在特殊的检查点,安装监控设备,通过定期的微生物学检测来确保系统能正确的运行,并持续的生产符合质量要求的水。 严格意义上说,这个PDA的早期技术文件采用的还是后发制人的战略,或则是经验性总结的策略来验证水系统。一个类似的系统验证是病毒的去除性验证,!一样的不可能人为添加病毒到实际系统中去,但是法规部门也好,行业组织也好对于病毒的去除性验证一般都会要求进行模拟性验证。为什么水系统不能做类似的模拟性验证来对整个系统进行有效的挑战?这个是值得我们思考的。本指南文件和PDA的技术文件都是早期的要求,不知道在新的更新版本文件中会不会将主动风险控制的概念引入,然后提出这样的模拟挑战试验的要求。 这里还有几个概念需要引申:如何来定义“特殊的检查点”?仁什么样的监控设备算是合适的设备?做哪些微生物学检测?定期的概念如何去确认?这些问题的科学回答也就是构成了水系统验证的主体和核心。在这里我就举个例子,如果你可以把最新的 PTA技术快速微生物检测仪在线的安装到你的水系统中去,然后密集取样(这个密集度是相对于以往每天每周每月的概念的,你可以设置为每两个小时取样一次),然后使用快速微生物检测法(比如核酸检测)来确认系统中微生物的载量,那么整个系统的受控能力会大大的提升,应对潜在风险的处理效率也会大大的改观。而在回答什么类别的微生物学检测需要监控的时候,一般的常规做法是监控那些法定的致病菌,但是实际你的环境中的致病菌你却不去监控。这样的做法可能符合了当地的法规要求,却是不科学的,也存在着潜在的严重的产品质量风险。至少你应该去预先确认你的环境中的主要微生物类别,并有针对性地选择微生物学检测方法来监控这些微生物。这在国内的验证实际操作中是很贫乏的。 In the review of a validation report, or in the validation of a high purity water system, there are severalaspects that should be considered. Documentation should include a description of the system alongwith a print. The drawing needs to show all equipment in the system from the water feed to points ofuse. It should also show all sampling points and their designations. If a system has no print, it isusually considered an objectionable condition. The thinking is if there is no print, then how can thesystem be validated? How can a quality control manager or microbiologist know where to sample? Inthose facilities observed without updated prints, serious problems were identified in these systems.The print should be compared to the actual system annually to insure its accuracy, to detect unreportedchanges and confirm reported changes to the system. 在审核验证报告,或在验证高纯水系统时,有几点是需要考虑的。文件系统中需要包括一份水系统详细描述和系统打印稿。图纸中应该标出系统中从进水到使用点的所有的设备。还应该标出所有的取样点及其指定位置。如果系统验证时,没有打印的图纸文件,通常是不能被接受的。连打印图纸都没有,系统如何被验证呢?质量控制经理或微生物分析员如何知道在哪里取样?在那些检查到的,没有更新的打印稿图纸的工厂,往往也能发现水系统的严重问题。打印稿的图纸,需要每年和实际的系统相核对,以确保其正确,发现没有报告的变更,以及确认报告过的变更对系统的适用性。 Chank 解卖 这基本上是手把手的教你如何审核水系统验证报告了.在实际的审计过程中,的确发现很多这里提到的这个问题,相关的图纸不全面,不是符合现场的具体情况,不能很好的解释实际的操作的现象.我想这个问题的根源还是在于日常的监管不严格. After all the equipment and piping has been verified as installed correctly and working as specified,the initial phase of the water system validation can begin. During this phase the operational parametersand the cleaning/ sanitization procedures and frequencies will be developed. Sampling should be dailyafter each step in the purification process and at each point of use for two to four weeks. The samplingprocedure for point ofuse sampling should reflect how the water is to be drawn e.g. if a hose is usuallyattached the sample should be taken at the end of the hose. If the SOP calls for the line to be flushedbefore use of the water from that point, then the sample is taken after the flush. At the end of the twoto four week time period the firm should have developed its SOPs for operation of the water system. 当所有的设备和管道,确认正确安装,并按设定要求运行后,就可以开始水系统验证的第一个阶段。在这个阶段,需要确定操作参数,清洗/灭菌的程序和频率。必须在制水单元和每个纯化水使用点进行每天取样,持续2-4周时间。取样程序中,应参照实际使用水的方法来规定使用点如何取样,比如,使用点连有软管的话,取样应该在软管的末端。如果操作规程中有规定在使用水前应先冲洗管道,那在这个使用点取样的时候,也要在冲洗后取样。在2-4周的检查确认后,公司应该建立水系统的操作规程。 Chank 解读 这个阶段是水系统验证的初始阶段,也是数据收集的起始阶段.一般来说我们建议是执行4周时间,这样可以给第三阶段的取样间隔时间更多点.当然也要参考实际数据的稳定性能.这里强调了实际使用水的方法就需要在取样的时候尽可能去模拟,这也是对最差情况进行挑战的思路表现.在实际操作中,很多企业会忽视每个制水单元后的取样和分析,并不会针对每个制水单元的功能去制订合适的水质标准.这个是需要特别关注的.例如,你如果在系统中设置了两级RO,你就要针对每级 RO 设定其出水的水质标准,在第一个阶段就应该去监控一级 RO出水的水质是否可以达到设计的要求.这个层面的确认类似于设备的性能确认,只不过这个确认是连续的过程,而不是什么三批数据的概念.根据这个阶段的结果,你也可以比较具体的了解你的每个单元的实际性能,可以据此修正你的那些设计标准.完善你对这个系统的理解和控制.从而确认一个相对实际且稳定的水系统运行规程出来了. 最后还需要提醒的是,最好的情况应该连续监测原水的质量,这样才有了基本线作为对照.而在后期的验证中,坚持每个月监测一次,这样一年下来就知道了季节对原水质量的影响了. The second phase of the system validation is to demonstrate that the system will consistently producethe desired water quality when operated in conformance with the SOPs. The sampling is performed asin the initial phase and for the same time period. At the end of this phase the data should demonstratethat the system will consistently produce the desired quality of water. 验证的第二阶段,是阐明系统按照运行规程进行操作时,能持续的生产出符合指定质量的水。取样的程序和测试周期和第一阶段的相同。在这个阶段末,收集的数据,应该能表明系统能持续的生产出符合指定质量的水。 这个阶段其实是对第一阶段结束后制订的那个运行规程进行确认.这个阶段的数据应该足够多了,可以在这个基础上去建立系统的行动限或是警告限.如果第一阶段已经建立了这样的限度,那么可以参考这个阶段的数据进行重新计算后获得新的限度.这样的操作可以在第三阶段完成后再做一次.也可以在将来系统运行的每年做一次.这样可以对比发现系统的长期趋势和更加科学现实的反馈系统的状态. The third phase of validation is designed to demonstrate that when the water system is operated inaccordance with the SOPs over a long period of time it will consistently produce water ofthe desiredquality. Any variations in the quality of the feedwater that could affect the operation and ultimately thewater quality will be picked up during this phase of the validation. Sampling is performed according toroutine procedures and frequencies. For Water for Injection systems the samples should be taken dailyfrom a minimum of one point ofuse, with all points of use tested weekly. The validation of the watersystem is completed when the firm has a full years worth of data. 验证的第三阶段被设计来证明水系统按照运行规程长期运行后依然可以持续生产出符合指定质量的水。在这个阶段的验证中,可以确认任何可能影响系统运行和最终水质好坏的原水质量波动。取样方法和频率按照常规运行规程执行。对于注射用水系统,应该每天至少取样测试一个使用点,且保证所有使用点要每周至少取样测试一次。当公司积累了一整年的有价值的数据后,水系统的验证方能结束。 第三阶段的确认是一个长期的过程.这里仅对注射用水的取样频率作了规范和要求.对于纯化水,你完全可以参考第一阶段的时间间隔来做规范和要求.比如你第一第二阶段都是做了四周.那么每个月每个使用点轮到一次就可以了.规范的做法必须在验证方案中起草具体的时间点安排和取样点安排.这个阶段需要特别关注的是所有的偏差必须真实的记录,连续明显的趋势必须有相关的调查.相关的制水单元的清洗,消毒和更换对系统的影响要做相关的评估和讨论.尽可能的去调查任何异常现象,这个对于你将来更好的控制该系统提供了很好的经验.对于验证结束后建立合理的预防性维护措施有直接的借鉴作用.不要害怕异常,相反异常可以为你提供一个更加好的机会来了解你的系统. While the above validation scheme is not the only way a system can be validated, it contains thenecessary elements for validation of a water system. First, there must be data to support the SOPs.Second, there must be data demonstrating that the SOPs are valid and that the system is capable ofconsistently producing water that meets the desired specifications. Finally, there must be data todemonstrate that seasonal variations in the feedwater do not adversely affect the operation of thesystem or the water quality. 虽然以上验证计划不是水系统验证的唯一方法,但是它涵盖了水系统验证必须要素。首先,必须有数据支持你的运行规程。其次,必须有数据证明,运行规程的有效性以及系统能持续的生产出符合指定质量的水。最后,必须有数据证明原水的季节性波动不会对系统的运行,和水的质量产生负面的影响。 Chank 解读 这段话总结了 FDA 对于任何水系统验证的关注点,规程和标准的来历,已建立规程和标准的有效性,以及规程和标准在现实环境下的耐受性.这个其实给你采用其他的方法去做验证提供了一个依据.最为现实和有效的例子是:如果同一个企业之前做过一个水系统完整的验证,如果现在建立一个类似的系统,那么相关的第一个阶段的工作或许就可以不做,直接参考早先系统的数据和设计来建立新系统的运行操作规程和标准,在第三阶段,也可以减少取样频率,而是人为的选择那些原水质量最差的季节做重点地监控.这样对整个企业的长期运营成本将是有利有效的降低.当然前提是你有办法证明你的措施的合理性以及你历史数据的完整性.当然,目前的 PAT 技术应用越来越广,如果你可以应用这些新的技术手段,同时根据这些手段对验证方法进行调整,只要符合以上三个原则,FDA 当然也不会反对. The last part of the validation is the compilation of the data, with any conclusions into the final report.The final validation report must be signed by the appropriate people responsible for operation andquality assurance of the water system. A typical problem that occurs is the failure of operating procedures to preclude contamination of thesystem with non-sterile air remaining in a pipe after drainage. In a system illustrated as in Figure 1,(below) a typical problem occurs when a washer or hose connection is flushed and then drained at theend of the operation. After draining, this valve (the second off of the system) is closed. If on the nextday or start-up of the operation the primary valve off of the circulating system is opened, then thenon-sterile air remaining in the pipe after drainage would contaminate the system. The solution is toprovide for operational procedures that provide for opening the secondary valve before the primaryvalve to flush the pipe prior to use. 验证的最后一部分,就是对数据的汇总编辑,并在最终的报告中下结论。最终的验证报告,必须由负责水系统运行和质量保证的适当的人签字批准。 会发生的典型问题是系统的运行规程不能有效的避免系统被排水后残留在管道中的非无菌空气污染。在图-1系统中,当清洗机或软管在冲洗运行操作结束后,排空,潜在的问题就产生了。远离回路的阀门可能也在排空水后被关闭,等到第2天或下次系统启动的时候,靠近回路系统的阀 门先打开的话,排空后留在管道内的非无菌气体就会污染整个系统。解决该问题的方法就是在操作程序中规定打开靠近回路系统的阀门之前,必须先打开远离回路的阀门,这样在使用前就能冲洗管道。 图1 Chank 解读 这里的例子可以泛指任何软管连接出来的系统,如果有两个阀门的时候都必须注意的.如果远离回路的阀门不关闭,靠近回路的阀门关闭(靠近回路的阀门必须关闭,否则就是典型的死角了),这个系统没有大的问题.但是由于大多数的情况下,制剂清洗机器为了保证清洗机本身的干净,会在使用后把阀门关闭.这样就有了这个例子的情况了,一定要有书面的规程确保靠近回路的阀门被首先打开,否则这个管道或是空间内的无菌空气就会污染系统了.形成了一个暂时性的死角. 这个例子主要说明一个问题:需要根据实际设计来考虑潜在的污染风险,如果设计和硬件上没有办法修正,就可以考虑在实际操作和文件上去规范标准操作,来避免潜在的风险.对于系统的验证,其实也是对这些"软性"要求的确认和考量.这样制订的规程才有现实的操作意义. 在现实的审计中,需要关注的就是这样的"软性"要求和操作,搞清楚工厂这样操作的目的和潜在的问题.对于一个好的审核人员来说,他也要善长发现这样的关键操作和关键点. Another major consideration in the validation of high purity water systems is the acceptance criteria.Consistent results throughout the system over a period of time constitute the primary element. 高纯水系统验证的另一个主要考虑的问题,就是可接受标准。在一段时间内得到一致的检测结果,是系统验证首要的因素。 Chank 解读 这里一句话,可以做的工作却不少.可以参考产品年度质量审核的方法,应用各种统计学手段来分析验证中获得的数据,并对其受控范围,变化趋势,和异常数据点进行讨论和分析,这些都可以提升对系统的认识和系统的稳定性维护. 这里需要强调的是水的可接受标准不单单是本指南重点考虑的微生物指标,还必须考虑其他的物理指标.要知道不同地域,比如在上海,自来水的含氯量肯定超标的,你的水系统是否可以有效地去除这些过多的氯离子?不同季节,自来水的离子含量,微生物载量也是不同的,你的系 统是否可以承受这样的挑战?RO 也好,离子树脂也好是否要根据季节进行清洗频率的变化?所以那些看似简单的质量要求,PH阿,电导率阿,有机总炭阿,等等都需要考虑.这些不是本指南的重点考量,但是在实际的规格标准中是需要仔细考虑的,并有书面的文件支持,日常的检测也必须涵盖这些项目. 最后,总结一下这个部分的精华,注意其中注射用水是本指南的建议,纯化水项是笔者自己的建议 阶段 注射用水 纯化水 第一阶段 2-4周 每天每点全检 为系统运行确立规程和标准 4周 每天每点全检 为系统运行确立规程和标准 第二阶段 2-4周 每天每点全检 确认已建立的系统运行规程和标准 4周 每周每点全检 确认已建立的系统运行规程和标准 第三阶段 一年时间 每天至少一点全检,每点至少一周一次全检 确认长时间运行以及季节对系统稳定性的挑战 一年时间 每月每点全检 确认长时间运行以及季节对系统稳定性的挑战 III. MICROBIAL LIMITS Ⅲ.微生物限度 Water For Injection Systems Regarding microbiological results, for Water For Injection, it is expected that they be essentiallysterile. Since sampling frequently is performed in non-sterile areas and is not truly aseptic, occasionallow level counts due to sampling errors may occur. Agency policy, is that less than 10 CFU/100ml isan acceptable action limit. None of the limits for water are pass/fail limits. All limits are action limits.When action limits are exceeded the firm must investigate the cause of the problem, take action tocorrect the problem and assess the impact of the microbial contamination on products manufacturedwith the water and document the results of their investigation. 注射用水系统 对注射用水的微生物检测结果的要求,是期望能够无菌的。但是经常会在非无菌区域取样,所以实际上不可能是真实的无菌,偶尔会由于取样时的污染导致发现低水平的菌落数。药政当局的政策接受低于 10CFU/100 毫升这样的行动限.对于注用用水而言,无所谓合格或是不合格的限度,在这里只有一个行动限的控制。当超出行动限时,公司应该调查问题的产生原因,采取措施纠正问题,并评估用此水生产的产品的微生物污染问题,记录调查结果。 With regard to sample size, 100-300 mL is preferred when sampling Water for Injection systems.Sample volumes less than 100 mL are unacceptable. The real concern in WFI is endotoxins. Because WFI can pass the LAL endotoxin test and still fail theabove microbial action limit, it is important to monitor WFI systems for both endotoxins andmicroorganisms. 关于取样量,对注射用水来说, 100-300ml是适宜的。取样量低于 100ml是不能接受的。 对注射用水(WFI)来说,真正关心的问题是内毒素。因为有时候 WFI 的内毒素 LAL 合格,但微生物还是超出了行动限。同时监控 WFI系统的内毒素水平和微生物限度很重要。 Chank 解读 这里的规定确认了测试的取样量以及注射用水的行动限标准。在实际的操作中还需要注意的是微生物限度试验也好,无菌测试也好,从取样到最后出结果都需要3天以上的时间,这个期间,你的水可能已经用于多个批号的生产了。所以比较理智的做法是用内毒素的测试结果(一般从取样到分析结果出来不会超过40分钟)来初步判断水质的好坏,如果一旦发现内毒素测试的结果异常,立刻密集取样(所谓密集,也就是说不能每天才取一个样了,需要小时程度的取样确认了!),观测内毒素测试结果的变化情况,同时告知生产部门,注意使用水的批号。 Purified Water Systems For purified water systems, microbiological specifications are not as clear. USP XXII specifications,that it complies with federal Environmental Protection Agency regulations for drinking water, arerecognized as being minimal specifications. There have been attempts by some to establish meaningfulmicrobiological specifications for purified water. The CFTA proposed a specification of not more than500 organisms per ml. The USP XXII has an action guideline of not greater than 100 organisms per ml.Although microbiological specifications have been discussed, none (other than EPA standards) havebeen established. Agency policy is that any action limit over 100 CFU/mL for a purified water systemis unacceptable. 纯化水系统 对纯化水系统来说,微生物的限度规格就不那么明确了。 USP XXII规格中,规定了符合联邦环境保护局法规的饮用水要求,被认为是最低的标准。有些机构曾试图对纯化水建立有意义的微生物限度。CFTA(Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association, 化妆品香水协会)建议的规格标 准是1ml中不超过 500个微生物。 USP XXII有一个指南是1ml中不超过100个微生物。尽管大家都对微生物规格做了讨论,还是没有建立一个标准(除了EPA标准)(EPA即EnvironmentalProtection Agency)。药政当局的策略是,行动限超过 100CFU/ml的纯化水系统,都是不可接受的。 The purpose of establishing any action limit or level is to assure that the water system is under control.Any action limit established will depend upon the overall purified water system and further processingof the finished product and its use. For example, purified water used to manufacture drug products bycold processing should be free of objectionable organisms. We have defined "objectionableorganisms" as any organisms that can cause infections when the drug product is used as directed orany organism capable of growth in the drug product. As pointed out in the Guide to Inspections ofMicrobiological Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories, the specific contaminant, rather thanthe number is generally more significant. 建立行动限的目的,是确保水系统运行在监控下。任何行动限的建立,是基于整个纯化水系统和制剂的后续工艺以及它的最终用途。比如,制剂的生产有冷工艺的,所用到的纯化水应该不含有害微生物。我们定义“有害微生物”如下:如果使用了该制剂产品会导致感染的任何微生物或可以在制剂产品中生产繁殖的任何可生物。正如在”制药行业微生物质量控制实验室检查指南”中指出的,特殊污染微生物种类,通常比微生物个数更重要。 Organisms exist in a water system either as free floating in the water or attached to the walls of thepipes and tanks. When they are attached to the walls they are known as biofilm, which continuouslyslough off organisms. Thus, contamination is not uniformly distributed in a system and the samplemay not be representative of the type and level of contamination. A count of 10 CFU/mL in onesample and 100 or even 1000 CFU/mL in a subsequent sample would not be unrealistic. 存在于水系统中的微生物,或是悬浮在水中,或是附着在管道壁和储罐壁。当附着在壁上时,就形成了细菌生物膜,会不断的脱落微生物。因此,污染情况不是均匀的分散在系统中,取样也不能代表系统污染的类型和水平。一个样品中检测出 10CFU/ml, 而在后来的样品中检出 100甚至1000CFU/ml,也不是不可能的。 Page 12 of 28个人使用,不用做商业用途! Thus, in establishing the level of contamination allowed in a high purity water system used in themanufacture of a non-sterile product requires an understanding of the use of the product, theformulation (preservative system) and manufacturing process. For example, antacids, which do nothave an effective preservative system, require an action limit below the 100 CFU/mL maximum. 因此,要建立非无菌药品生产所用的高纯水系统的可接受的微生物限度水平,要对产品的用途,剂型(防腐剂体系)和制造工艺有好的理解。比如,抗酸剂体系中,由于缺乏有效的防腐剂体系,建立的行动限应该在最大值100CFU/ml以下。 The USP gives some guidance in their monograph on Microbiological Attributes of Non-SterileProducts. It points out that, "The significance of microorganisms in non-sterile pharmaceuticalproducts should be evaluated in terms of the use of the product, the nature of the product, and thepotential harm to the user."Thus, not just the indicator organisms listed in some of the specificmonographs present problems. It is up to each manufacturer to evaluate their product, the way it ismanufactured, and establish an acceptable action level of contamination, not to exceed the maximum,for the water system, based on the highest risk product manufactured with the water. USP 在专论中,针对非无菌产品的微生物特性提出了指南。专论中指出,在非无菌产品中的微生物控制限度,应该按照产品的使用途径,产品特性,和对使用者潜在的危害去评价。因此,并不仅仅是有些专论中列出的指标微生物会带来问题。每个工厂应该自己评价自己的产品和产品制造的方法,基于用到此水系统的风险最高的产品,来建立可接受的行动限,不要超过行动限最大值,即100CFU/ml. Chank 解读 这个部分很有意思的是主要以下的问题: 1. 纯化水的取样量多少合适?还是100-300毫升取样量?这样的话,数菌的时候岂不是要晕死了?怎么操作好呢? 2. 怎么防止管道内的生物膜?怎么进行有效的管道消毒? 3. 怎么确认环境中的有害微生物??需要做 DMF鉴别?还是做组织学观测? 4. 我怎么去了解我的产品配方是否有对微生物检测有影响呢?需要怎么了解呢? 5. 这里的行动限和规格标准是否是一个概念,如果是,是不是算是 OOS 或是偏差了?需要采取那些后续措施? 6. 这里怎么又不提内毒素了呢?难道内毒素对于纯化水不要求? 这里我就不详细去解答这些问题了,感兴趣的朋友去思考思考,找点资料出来。 IV. WATER FOR INJECTION SYSTEMS In the review and evaluation of Water For Injection systems, there are several concerns. Pretreatment of feedwater is recommended by most manufacturers of distillation equipment and isdefinitely required for RO units. The incoming feedwater quality may fluctuate during the life of thesystem depending upon seasonal variations and other external factors beyond the control of thepharmaceutical facility. For example, in the spring (at least in the N.E.), increases in gram negativeorganisms have beenknown. Also, new construction or fires can cause a depletion of water stores inold mains which can cause an influx of heavily contaminated water of a different flora. IV.注射用水系统(WFI) 在审核和评估WFI 系统时,有几个考虑点。 对大多数蒸馏设备生产厂家来说,原水进行预处理都是推荐的行为,尤其一定会推荐使用反渗透单元来预处理原水。原水的质量在整个系统生命周期内会受到季节变化和其他外界因素(这些因素是不受制药厂控制的)的影响。比如,在春季(至少在美国东北部地区),原水中的格兰氏阴性菌就会增加。另外,新的建造物或是火灾,会导致老管道中的水枯竭,然后导致被不同细菌群落高度污染的水涌入进来。这些都会对原水质量发生大的影响. A water system should be designed to operate within these anticipated extremes. Obviously, the onlyway to know the extremes is to periodically monitor feedwater. If the feedwater is from a municipalwater system, reports from the municipality testing can be used in lieu of in-house testing. 水系统必须设计在这些可预期的极端条件下正常运行。明显的,获悉极限条件的唯一方法,就是定期监控原水质量。如果原水来自于城市供水系统,可以用城市当局的检测报告,替代工厂内部的检测。 Chank 解读 这点我在前面讨论过了,但是说实话,本指南就这点单独列在这个目录下不合适,我一直怀疑是题目搞错了,应该叫做”水系统的原水”才对! V.STILL Figures 3-5 represent a typical basic diagram of a WFI system. Most of the new systems now usemulti-effect stills. In some of the facilities. there has been evidence of endotoxin contamination. In onesystem this occurred, due to malfunction of the feedwater valve and level control in the still whichresulted in droplets of feedwater being carried over in the distillate. V.蒸馏器 图3至图5代表了 WFI系统的典型图表。现在很多新的系统都使用了多效蒸馏器。在一些设施中也有发现内毒素污染的情况。主要是由于进水阀的故障和蒸馏器的水平控制不好导致进水的水滴被带入到蒸馏水中。 In another system with endotoxin problems, it was noted that there was approximately 50 liters of WFI in the condenser at the start-up. Since this water could lie in the condenser for up to several days (i.e., over the weekend), it was believed that this was the reason for unacceptable levels of endotoxins.在存在内毒素问题的另一个系统中,在系统启动的时候,大约有50L 的 WFI 存在于冷凝器中,由于这些水会在冷凝器中存在多日(比如经过一个周末),这就解释了为什么内毒素水平超标。More common, however, is the failure to adequately treat feedwater to reduce levels of endotoxins.Many of the still fabricators will only guarantee a 2.5 log to 3 log reduction in the endotoxin content.Therefore, it is not surprising that in systems where the feedwater occasionally spikes to 250 EU/ml,unacceptable levels of endotoxins may occasionally appear in the distillate (WFI). For example,recently three new stills, including two multi-effect, were found to be periodically yielding WFI withlevels greater than .25 EU/ml. Pretreatment systems for the stills included only deionization systemswith no UF, RO or distillation. Unless a firm has a satisfactory pretreatment system, it would be extremely difficult for them to demonstrate that the system is validated. 然而,更普遍的一个原因,是减少进水的内毒素的处理措施不适当。很多蒸馏器的制造商,只能保证 2.5log 到 3log 的内毒素消除量。因此,当有时系统原水的内毒素水平达到250EU/ml时,导致在得到的蒸馏水 (WFI)中的内毒素水平不能接受。比如,在最近检查中,我们发现有三个蒸馏器系统,包括两个多效蒸馏器系统,定期检测其所制得的注射用水的内毒素水平都超过0.25EU/ml。蒸馏器的预处理系统中只是去离子水系统,并不包括超滤、反渗透或蒸馏。所以,除非公司有满意的预处理系统,不然很难证明该系统是经验证的。 The above examples of problems with distillation units used to produce WFI, point to problems withmaintenance of the equipment or improper operation of the system indicating that the system has notbeen properly validated or that the initial validation is no longer valid. If you see these types ofproblems you should look very closely at the system design, any changes that have been made to thesystem, the validation report and the routine test data to determine if the system is operating in a stateof control. 上述利用蒸馏单元制备注射用水例子中的问题,说明设备没有良好的维护,或系统的操作不适当,也说明了该水系统没有恰当的验证过,或者起始的验证状态不再有效。如果你发现这些问题,你应该进一步检查系统的设计,系统所做的任何变更,验证报告以及常规监控的数据,以确证系统是否在可控的状态下运行。 Typically, conductivity meters are used on water systems to monitor chemical quality and have nomeaning regarding microbiological quality. 电导率监测是水系统中用于监控水的化学质量的典型仪器,对微生姓质量毫无意义。 Figures 3-5 also show petcocks or small sampling ports between each piece of equipment, such asafter the still and before the holding tank. These are in the system to isolate major pieces of equipment.This is necessary for the qualification of the equipment and for the investigation of any problemswhich might occur. 图3到图5也显示了在各设备间的小活栓或小取样口,比如在蒸馏器后注射用水储罐前的取样口,这些是分隔系统中主要设备的连接点。在设备确认的时候是需要考虑的,当问题发生做调查的时候,也是需要考虑的环节。 蒸馏器的主要考查点是:进水处理环节,蒸馏器本身的设计环节,设备维护环节,设备变更情况,设备附属(消毒,清洗,取样等)的部件环节。 这个思路其实是用于以下所有的制水设备单元的管理。 VI.HEATEXCHANGERS One principal component of the still is the heat exchanger. Because of the similar ionic quality ofdistilled and deionized water, conductivity meters cannot be used to monitor microbiological quality.Positive pressure such as in vapor compression or double tubesheet design should be employed to prevent possible feedwater to distillate contamination in a leaky heat exchanger. VI. 热交换器 蒸馏系统一个主要的部件是热交换器。由于蒸馏水和去离子水的离子质量接近,电导仪不能被用来监测水系统的微生物质量。可以采用水蒸汽中的正压,或双管板设计,来防止在热交换器渗漏的时候,进水滴落到蒸馏水中导致污染。 An FDA Inspectors Technical Guide with the subject of "Heat Exchangers to Avoid Contamination"discusses the design and potential problems associated with heat exchangers. The guide points out thatthere are two methods for preventing contamination by leakage. One is to provide gauges to constantlymonitor pressure differentials to ensure that the higher pressure is always on the clean fluid side. Theother is to utilize the double-tubesheet type of heat exchanger. FDA 检查人员技术指南“热交货器防止污染指南”中讨论了热交货器的设计以及由此带来的潜在问题。指南指出有两种方法可以阻止渗漏带来的污染。一种是用仪表持续的监控压差确保在洁净流这边始终保持更高的压力,另一种方法就是利用双管板的热交换器。 In some systems, heat exchangers are utilized to cool water at use points. For the most part, coolingwater is not circulated through them when not in use. In a few situations, pinholes formed in the tubingafter they were drained (on the cooling water side) and not in use. It was determined that a small Page 16 of 28 个人使用,不用做商业用 途! amount of moisture remaining in the tubes when combined with air caused a corrosion of the stainlesssteel tubes on the cooling water side. Thus, it is recommended that when not in use, heat exchangersnot be drained of the cooling water. 在一些系统中,热交换器被用来冷却使用点的水。在多数情况下,冷却水不使用的时候,是不进入循环的。在一些情况下,在热交换器排空(在冷却水的一侧)后,不使用期间会在管道上形成小孔。原因就是因为排空后,少量的湿气依然存在于管道中,和空气接触,会导致冷却水一侧的不锈钢管腐蚀。因此,建议在不用的时候,不要排空热交换器的冷却水。 Chank 解读 这种很具体的意见本身很重要,就是说你的热交换器需要保持正压,避免排空,并对其原因作了解释。但是由于产业的发展, 可能你实际检查或是生产中遇到的不是这个类型的设备了,你怎么办?向设备供应商拿来具体的图纸吧,看看其原理和结构吧,用常识去判断是否会在使用期间和不使用期间对整个系统的影响如何。 VII. HOLDING TANK In hot systems, temperature is usually maintained by applying heat to a jacketed holding tank or byplacing a heat exchanger in the line prior to an insulated holding tank. VII.储罐 在热的水系统中,通常温度是通过加热储罐的夹套来维持的,或者是在绝缘储罐前安装一个热交换器。 The one component of the holding tank that generates the most discussion is the vent filter. It isexpected that there be some program for integrity testing this filter to assure that it is intact. Typically,filters are now jacketed to prevent condensate or water from blocking the hydrophobic vent filter. Ifthis occurs (the vent filter becomes blocked), possibly either the filter will rupture or the tank willcollapse. There are methods for integrity testing of vent filters in place. 储罐组件中,讨论最多的是呼吸器的问题,这里,期望工厂有程序做呼吸器的完整性测试以确保它的完整性。现在典型的呼吸器装有夹套以防止冷凝物或水阻塞了疏水的呼吸器。如果呼吸器被阻塞,可能会导致呼吸器破裂,或者储罐爆破。现场必须有呼吸器的完整性测试方法。 It is expected, therefore, that the vent filter be located in a position on the holding tank where it isreadily accessible. 另外,呼吸器是应该装在储罐上人能接触到的位置。 Just because a WFI system is relatively new and distillation is employed, it is not problem-free. In aninspection of a manufacturer of parenterals, a system fabricated in 1984 was observed. Refer to Figure6. While the system may appear somewhat complex on the initial review, it was found to be relativelysimple. Figure 7 is a schematic of the system. The observations at the conclusion of the inspection ofthis manufacturer included,"Operational procedures for the Water For Injection system failed to ( Page 17 of 28 个人使用,不用做商业用 途! ) provide for periodic complete flushing or draining. The system was also open to the atmosphere androom environment. Compounding equipment consisted of non-sealed, open tanks with lids. The Waterfor Injection holding tank was also not sealed and was never sampled for endotoxins." Because ofthese and other comments, the firm recalled several products and discontinued operations. 由于注射用水系统相对较新,又引入了蒸馏,不可能不存在问题的。1984年在审计一个生产非肠道用药的工厂时,就发现了一个系统的造假行为。参照图6,系统初看起来有些复杂,其实可以发现相对简单的。图7是这个系统的示意图,审计工厂时判定的缺陷是“注射用水系统的操作程序,不能说明做了周期性的彻底清洗和排空。该系统还对大气和室内环静敞开。组合设备没有密封,储罐的盖子也打开了。注射用水的储罐也不密封,而且从来未曾取样做内毒素检测。”因为这个原因和其它的意见,该公司召回了几批产品,并停止生产。 图6 图7 Chank 解读 呼吸器一般用的是起泡点测试方法,对于呼吸器中使用的疏水系统的选择也是有讲究的,需要找专门的资料来参考参考,才能制订合适的确认参数。 对于堵塞的后果有比较好的解释了,但是不能忘记被污染或是泄露的情况。这又涉及到呼吸器的清洗消毒和更换操作了。记录必须到位。 VIII. PUMPS Pumps burn out and parts wear. Also,if pumps are static and not continuously in operation, theirreservoir can be a static area where water will lie. For example, in an inspection, it was noted that afirm had to install a drain from the low point in a pump housing.Pseudomonas sp. contamination wasperiodically found in their water system which was attributed in part to a pump which onlyperiodically is operational. VIII.泵 泵的问题在于其容易烧坏以及部分组件容易磨损。另外,如果泵静态不用,不是连续运行状态,其内部的空间可能变成了一个可以容纳水的静止区域了。例如,在一次检查中发现其水系统经常有假单胞菌污染,部分原因正是泵的运行不连续。结果工厂不得不在泵下方安装一个排水装置(来排空泵中积水)。 Page 18 of 28 个人使用,不用做商业用途! IX. PIPING Piping in WFI systems usually consist of a high polished stainless steel. In a few cases, manufacturershave begun to utilize PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) piping. It is purported that this piping cantolerate heat with no extractables being leached. A major problem with PVDF tubing is that it requiresconsiderable support. When this tubing is heated, it tends to sag and may stress the weld (fusion)connection and result in leakage. Additionally, initially at least, fluoride levels are high. This piping isof benefit in product delivery systems where low level metal contamination may accelerate thedegradation of drug product, such as in the Biotech industry. IX.管道 注射用水系统中的管道通常是高抛光的不锈钢。在不少案例中,工厂开始采用 PVDF(聚偏二氟乙烯)管道。有趣的是这样的管道即能耐热又没有可提取物释放。PVDF 管道的主要问题是它需要客观的支撑强度。当该管道受热时,会导致松弛,可能压迫焊接处而导致渗漏。此外,至少最初的新管道中氟含量很高。这种管道有益于产品传输系统的是,低水平的金属污染,而金属污染会加速相关药物产品的降解,比如在生物技术产业中。 One common problem with piping is that of "dead-legs". The proposed LVP Regulations defineddead-legs as not having an unused portion greater in length than six diameters of the unused pipemeasured from the axis of the pipe in use. It should be pointed out that this was developed for hot 75-80o circulating systems. With colder systems (65-75oC), any drops or unused portion of any lengthof piping has the potential for the formation of a biofilm and should be eliminated if possible or havespecial sanitizing procedures. There should be no threaded fittings in a pharmaceutical water system.All pipe joints must utilize sanitary fittings or be butt welded. Sanitary fittings will usually be usedwhere the piping meets valves, tanks and other equipment that must be removed for maintenance orreplacement. Therefore, the firm's procedures for sanitization, as well as the actual piping, should bereviewed and evaluated during the inspection. 对于管道一个普遍的问题,就是“死角”问题。LVP(大容量非肠道用药,large volume parenterals)法规提案中定义的死角是,用在使用管道的轴心计算,不使用的管道长度超过该管道直径的6倍。应该指出,这是基于热的(75-80度)循环系统而言。对于冷一冷的系统(65-75度),任何长度的不使用管道,都有形成生物膜的潜在可能,应该尽可能的消除,或有特殊的清洁程序。在制药工业的水系统中,不应该有潜在风险的装置。所有的管道连接应该采用卫生装置4或用对接焊缝的方式。在管道碰到需拆下来维护或修理的设备,比如阀门,储罐和其它的设备时,通常要求使用卫生装置。因此,公司的管道清洁的程序,以及实际的管道系统,在审计的时候都应该进行审核和评估。 Chank 解读 管道材质的选择要求考虑的点是:非吸附性,非溶出性,惰性以及相当强度和韧性。管道的安装上需要关注的是:卫生性(不提供潜在污染源),完整性,非“死角”,易拆卸,易清洗消 ( +例如卫生阀,隔膜阀等,那些不会滋生微生物的连接装置和设施。 Page 19 of 28 个人使用,不用做商业用 途! ) 毒。对于死角的定义最核心的不是4D 或是6D 的管道长度,而是是否有这个条件去生长生物膜。材质的热传导性如果不好,比如你使用的是 PVDF管道,我估计这里说到的高温系统的6D 原则也就不能适用了。 X.REVERSE OSMOSIS Another acceptable method for manufacturing Water for Injection is Reverse Osmosis (RO). However,because these systems are cold, and because RO filters are not absolute, microbiologicalcontamination is not unusual. Figure 8 shows a system that was in use several years ago. There arefive RO units in this system which are in parallel. Since RO filters are not absolute, the filtermanufacturers recommend that at least two be in series. The drawing also illustrates an Ultraviolet(UV) light in the system downstream from the RO units. The light was needed to controlmicrobiological contamination. X.反相渗透(RO) 制备注射用水的另一个可接受的方法就是反渗透 (RO)。然而,由于该系统是冷系统, RO过滤器也不是完全有效的,微生物污染是常见的。图-8显示了多年前使用的一个系统。在这个系统中有5个平行的反渗透单元。由于 RO 过滤器不是完全有效的,过滤器制造商们建议至少有两级反渗透。图纸中也显示了从RO单元出来,在系统的下游处安装了一个UV灯,这灯是用来控制微生物污染的。 图8 Also in this system were ball valves. These valves are not considered sanitary valves since the centerof the valve can have water in it when the valve is closed. This is a stagnant pool of water that canharbor microorganisms and provide a starting point for a biofilm. 还有,在这个系统中用到的是球阀,球阀是不被认为是卫生阀门,因为当阀门关闭时,阀门中心会留有水,这就形成一个滞水池,成为微生物滋养的港湾,还形成了生物膜的起始点。 As an additional comment on RO systems, with the recognition of microbiological problems, somemanufacturers have installed heat exchangers immediately after the RO filters to heat the water to 75-80oC to minimize microbiological contamination. 对反渗透系统的另一个建议是,考虑到其微生物问题,i,一些工厂在反渗透过滤器后紧接着就安装了热交换器,用来加热水到75-80度来把微生物污染降低到最低限。 With the development of biotechnology products, many small companies are utilizing RO and UFsystems to produce high purity water. For example, Figure 9 illustrates a wall mounted system that isfed by a single pass RO unit. 随着生物制药的发展,很多小公司用反渗透和超滤系统来生产高纯水。比如,图9阐述了一个壁挂式系统只含有一级反渗透单元。 图9 As illustrated, most of these systems employ PVC or some type of plastic tubing. Because the systems. are typically cold, the many joints in the system are subject to contamination. Another potentialproblem with PVC tubing is extractables. Looking at the WFI from a system to assure that it meetsUSP requirements, without some assurance that there are no extractables would not be acceptable.如上阐述过的,很多系统采用了PVC(聚氯乙烯)或某些塑料材质的管道。因为这类系统是典型的冷系统,系统中很多的连接点会遭受到污染。另一个潜在的问题,就是PVC管具水萃性。要检查一下系统,确保生产出来的注射用水符合USP的要求,如果不能确保管道没有水萃性,将不会被接受的。 The systems also contain 0.2 micron point of use filters which can mask the level of microbiologicalcontamination in the system. While it is recognized that endotoxins are the primary concern in such asystem, a filter will reduce microbiological contamination, but not necessarily endotoxin contamination. If filters are used in a water system there should be a stated purpose for the filter, i.e.,particulate removal or microbial reduction, and an SOP stating the frequency with which the filter is tobe changed which is based on data generated during the validation of the system. 系统还包括使用点的0.2微米的过滤器,可以降低系统中微生物污染的水平。然而在这样的系统中,内毒素问题是首要的问题,过滤膜可以降低微生物污染,但无法降低内毒素污染。如果系统中有用到这样的过滤器,其用途要说明,比如是去除颗粒物或降低微生物水平,还必须有SOP 规定多久更换该过滤器,更换频率应该是在系统验证阶段积累的数据基础上制定的。 As previously discussed, because of the volume of water actually tested (.1ml for endotoxins vs100ml for WFI), the microbiological test offers a good index of the level of contamination in a system. ( ’即在水中一定条件下会有物质被萃取出来. Page 21 of 28 途! ) Therefore, unless the water is sampled prior to the final 0.2 micron filter, microbiological testing willhave little meaning. 如前讨论,考虑到实际检测的水样量(注射用水100毫升样品中只有 0.1ml 被用来检测内毒素),微生物测试为系统中微生物污染的水平提供了好的参考。因此,除非是在最后的0.2微米过滤器之前取样,微生物测试实际的意义不大。 At a reinspection of this facility, it was noted that they corrected the deficient water system with acirculating stainless steel piping system that was fed by four RO units in series. Because thismanufacturer did not have a need for a large amount of water (the total system capacity was about 30gallons), they attempted to let the system sit for approximately one day. Figure 9 shows that at zerotime (at 9 AM on 3/10), there were no detectable levels of microorganisms and of endotoxins. Afterone day, this static non-circulating system was found to be contaminated. The four consecutive onehour samples also illustrate the variability among samples taken from a system. After the last sampleat 12 PM was collected, the system was resanitized with 0.5% peroxide solution, flushed, recirculatedand resampled. No levels of microbiological contamination were found on daily samples after thesystem was put back in operation. This is the reason the agency has recommended thatnon-recirculating water systems be drained daily and water not be allowed to sit in the system. 在对该厂的复查中,发现工厂水系统的缺陷已经整改,采用了一套循环系统的不锈钢管道,用四级 RO组处理。由于该厂对水的需求量不大(水系统总的产能约30加仑),他们试图让系统静置一天,图9显示,在起始点(3月10号的9:00am),并没有检测到微生物和内毒素。当过了一天后,这个静置的无循环的系统,检测出被污染了。随后每隔一小时进行了四小时的连续取样,显示了所取样品的微生物含量波动。在 12: 00pm 最后一个样品收集后,用0.5%的双氧水溶液重新对系统进行灭菌,清洗,重新循环并再次取样。在系统回归正常使用后,在日常检查中,又没检测到微生物污染。这就是为什么当局建议对非循环的系统,需要每天排空,水不应该在系统中静置的原因。 Chank 解读 单纯的 RO 备备于注射用水的生产,目前已经不常见了,要注意本指南毕竟已经是近16年前的东西了,很多设计目前都不用了.但是这里提到的潜在的污染途径还是值得注意的.这里的讨论很具体了,可以直接作为设计和审计的主要考察点去考察. XI. PURIFIED WATER SYSTEMS Many of the comments regarding equipment for WFI systems are applicable to Purified WaterSystems. One type system that has been used to control microbiological contamination utilizes ozone.Figure 10 illustrates a typical system. Although the system has purported to be relatively inexpensive,there are some problems associated with it. For optimum effectiveness, it is required that dissolvedozone residual remain in the system. This presents both employee safety problems and use problemswhen drugs are formulated. XI.纯化水系统 Page 22 of 28个人使用,不用做商业用途! 对注射用水系统的设备的很多建议,也适用于纯化水系统。用来控制微生物污染的一种系统是利用臭氧。图-10是一个典型的系统。这个系统设备相对来说是便宜的,不过还是有问题存在的。为了灭菌的合适效力,需要在系统中存有适当的臭氧残留,这就引起了员工的安全问题和药物制剂在使用中的一些问题。 图10 Published data for Vicks Greensboro, NC facility showed that their system was recontaminated in twoto three days after the ozone generator was turned off. In an inspection of another manufacturer, it wasnoted that a firm was experiencing a contamination problem with Pseudomonas sp. Because ofpotential problems with employee safety, ozone was removed from the water prior to placing it in theirrecirculating system. It has been reported that dissolved ozone at a level of 0.45 mg/liter will remain ina system for a maximum of five to six hours. 位于北加州 Greensboro 的 Vicks 化工厂发布的数据表明他们的系统在臭氧发生器关闭后2-3天内就会被污染。在另一家工厂的检查中,发现工厂曾经有假单胞细菌的污染问题。由于对员工健康的潜在风险,臭氧应该在水回到循环系统之前被除去。有报导说,系统中溶解在水里的臭氧浓度达到 0.45mg/L时,会保持最久达5-6小时。 Another manufacturer, as part of their daily sanitization, removes all drops off of their ozonated watersystem and disinfects them in filter sterilized 70% isopropyl alcohol. This manufacturer has reportedexcellent microbiological results. However, sampling is only performed immediately after sanitizationand not at the end of operations. Thus, the results are not that meaningful. 另一家工厂,作为日常消毒的一部分,除去水系统中所有含臭氧的水,并使用70%异丙醇消毒处理过的过滤器进行消毒处理.该工厂报告了良好的微生物结果。然而,取样是在灭菌后立即进行的,而不是在操作后的最终时刻。因此,结果不是那么有意义。 臭氧系统依然是目前纯化水消毒处理的常用手段,必须根据系统的实际规模和臭氧发生器的实际功率来确保灭菌的有效性和残留臭氧的安全性.要注意的是不是所有的产品都适用于该方法消毒,所以必要的产品兼容性试验是可以提供有用的数据和信息的.还必须考虑到臭氧对人员健康的潜在危险,模拟消毒效果的试验对于使用最低浓度的臭氧来达到消毒的效果是很有必要的. ( Figure 11 and Figure12 illustrate another purified water system which had some problems. Unlike ) ( most of the other systems discussed, this is a one-way and not recirculating system. A heat exchanger Page 23 of 28 个人使用,不用做商业用 途! ) is used to heat the water on a weekly basis and sanitize the system. Actually, the entire system is a"dead-leg." 图-11和图-12显示了有问题的另一种纯化水系统。和其它讨论的大多数的系统不同,该系统是个单向流系统,而不是循环系统。。-一个热交换器被用来每周一次加热和灭菌水系统。实际上,整个的系统,就是一个“死角”。 Figure 11 also shows a 0.2 micron in line filter used to sanitize the purified water on a daily basis. Inaddition to the filter housing providing a good environment for microbiological contamination, atypical problem is water hammer that can cause "ballooning" of the filter. If a valve downstream fromthe filter is shut too fast, the water pressure will reverse and can cause "ballooning". Pipe vibration is atypical visible sign of high back pressure while passage ofupstream contaminants on the filter face isa real problem. This system also contains several vertical drops at use points. During sanitization, it isimportant to "crack" the terminal valves so that all of the elbows and bends in the piping are full ofwater and thus, get complete exposure to the sanitizing agent. 图-11还显示了一个0.2um 的管道过滤器,用来每天消毒处理纯化水系统。此外,在过滤器管道中提供了微生物污染的一个良好的环境, 一个典型的问题就是水锤会引起过滤器的气泡现象。如果过滤器的下游水阀门关闭太快,水压会倒转,而形成气泡。管道振动就是一个典型的高回转压力的可见指征,而因此造成的上游污染物通过了过滤器是个真正的问题。该系统还涵盖了几个使用点的垂直弯点。在清洗消毒的过程中,把终端阀彻底打开很重要,这样,所有含水的关节和管道弯曲的地方都能完全暴露到消毒剂中。 It should be pointed out that simply because this is a one-way system, it is not inadequate. With goodStandard Operational Procedures, based on validation data, and routine hot flushings of this system, itcould be acceptable. A very long system (over 200 yards) with over 50 outlets was found acceptable.This system employed a daily flushing of all outlets with 80oC water. 需要指出的是,并不是因为系统是单向系统就有问题,这样的简单判断是不够的。基于良好的操作 SOP, 基于验证数据和日常的热水冲洗该系统,还是可以被接受的。。一个很长的系统(超过200码),包含50个以上的出口,检查中也被认为是可行的,这个系统采用了80度的水每天冲洗所有的出口。 The last system to be discussed is a system that was found to be objectionable. Pseudomonas sp. foundas a contaminant in the system (after FDA testing) was also found in a topical steroid product (afterFDA testing). Product recall and issuance of a Warning Letter resulted. This system (Figure 13) is alsoone-way that employs a UV light to control microbiological contamination. The light is turned on onlywhen water is needed. Thus, there are times when water is allowed to remain in the system. Thissystem also contains a flexible hose which is very difficult to sanitize. UV lights must be properlymaintained to work. The glass sleeves around the bulb(s) must be kept clean or their effectiveness willdecrease. In multibulb units there must be a system to determine that each bulb is functioning. It mustbe remembered that at best UV light will only kill 90% of the organisms entering the unit. 要讨论的最后一个系统,是被检查发现有问题的。在这个系统中,检测到假单胞菌污染物(在FDA检测后),这个污染物也在外用的激素产品中被检测到(在FDA检测后)。产品被召回,并签发了警告信。该系统(图-13)也是个单向系统,采用了UV 灯来控制微生物污染。UV 灯只在用水的时候开启。因此,经常有水保留在系统中。该系统还包含一段很难清洁的软管。UV灯必须适当的维护以确保其有效。在紫外灯灯泡周围的玻璃套子必须保持洁净,否则他们的有效性就会降低。在多灯管单元中,必须有系统监测各个灯泡都是有效运行的。必须记住的是,即便是最好的UV灯,只能杀灭进入单元的90%的有机体。 图13 Chank 解读 这个环节讨论到的 UV 灯,还需要考虑其使用的时间,以及保留相关的记录.当然这里对我们传统一概否认的死角也有了特例说明,对于公司不能做硬件修正的条件下的系统,或许可以提供有意义的借鉴和参考.过滤器的反冲是很致命的问题,一个合理的操作规程可以避免过滤器的使用问题.需要操作工进行有效的培训,熟悉这些单元的特点,然后有针对性地编写 SOP用于日常操作和监控. XIII. PROCESS WATER Currently, the USP, pg. 4, in the General Notices Section, allows drug substances to be manufacturedfrom Potable Water. It comments that any dosage form must be manufactured from Purified Water,Water For Injection, or one of the forms of Sterile Water. There is some inconsistency in these twostatements, since Purified Water has to be used for the granulation of tablets, yet Potable Water can beused for the final purification of the drug substance. Page 25 of 28 个人使用,不用做商业用途! XIII.工艺用水 现在,在USP第4页的通则部分,允许在原料药生产中用饮用水。也建议了任何剂型的制剂,其生产都必须用纯化水,注射用水或任一种的无菌水。这样的声明中,有不一致的地方,就是片齐制造中必须用到纯化水,而原料要生产的最终纯化,却还能用饮用水。 The FDA Guide to Inspection of Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals comments on the concern for thequality of the water used for the manufacture of drug substances, particularly those drug substancesused in parenteral manufacture. Excessive levels of microbiological and/or endotoxin contaminationhave been found in drug substances, with the source of contamination being the water used inpurification. At this time, Water For Injection does not have to be used in the finishing steps ofsynthesis/purification of drug substances for parenteral use. However, such water systems used in thefinal stages of processing of drug substances for parenteral use should be validated to assure minimalendotoxin/microbiological contamination. FDA 原料要检查的指南,提到了原料要生产中的水的质量,尤其是非肠道用制剂的原料药生产的水。在原料药中发现的过量的微生物或内毒素的污染,都来源于纯化阶段用到的水。。目前,还没规定在非肠道用药的原料药生产的最终合成/纯化步骤一定要用到注射用水。然而,用到非肠道用药的原料药生产最终阶段的水,水系统应该验证确保内毒素/微生物污染控制在最低。 In the bulk drug substance industry, particularly for parenteral grade substances, it is common to seeUltrafiltration (UF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems in use in water systems. While ultrafiltrationmay not be as efficient at reducing pyrogens, they will reduce the high molecular weight endotoxinsthat are a contaminant in water systems. As with RO, UF is not absolute, but it will reduce numbers.Additionally, as previously discussed with other cold systems, there is considerable maintenancerequired to maintain the system. 在原料药生产工业,尤其是非肠道用药的原料,在水系统中通常用常超滤(UF)和反渗透(RO)系统。但是超滤对于降低热原不是很有效,他们能去除水系统中的高分子量的内毒素。RO, UF虽然不是绝对有效的,但可以降低污染物的数目。此外,和以前讨论到的其它冷系统一样,系统需要适当的维护。 For the manufacture of drug substances that are not for parenteral use, there is still a microbiologicalconcern, although not to the degree as for parenteral grade drug substances. In some areas of the world,Potable (chlorinated) water may not present a microbiological problem. However, there may be otherissues. For example, chlorinated water will generally increase chloride levels. In some areas, processwater may be obtained directly from neutral sources. 对于不是生产非肠道用药的原料药生产,仍然有微生物污染的讨论,虽然程度不及非肠道用药的级别。在世界的某些地区,饮用水(氯化过的)也许不会有微生物问题,然而,仍会存在其它问题,比如,氯化过的水,通常增加了含氯的水平。在一些地区,工艺用水直接来自中性水源。 ( ’关于这个说法,建议读者参考最新的 USP 规定. Page 26 of28 途! ) ( 个人使用,不用做商业用 ) In one inspection, a manufacturer was obtaining process water from a river located in a farming region.At one point, they had a problem with high levels of pesticides which was a run-off from farms in theareas. The manufacturing process and analytical methodology was not designed to remove andidentify trace pesticide contaminants. Therefore, it would seem that this process water when used inthe purification of drug substances would be unacceptable. 在一次检查中,, 一个工厂的工艺用水来自一个农场附近的一条河。他们曾经碰到的问题,是来自农场区域的水中含高含量的杀虫剂。生产的工艺和检测方法学,是不能去除或追踪到杀虫剂污染物的。因此,用于该原料药纯化步骤的该工艺用水,是不能被接受的。 Chank 解读 这个环节基本解决了原料药生产用什么水的问题.还是按照产品用途进行区分,用于非肠道给药制剂的水对微生物和内毒素的限度要求就高,否则就不是那么严格.水源来自城市用水,需要了解其基本的质量标准,国内的自来水还不能达到欧美饮用水的标准.对于来自自然环境的水,比如井水,河水和湖水,也必须对周边环境和水质本身有基本的了解.避免水质污染造成的潜在产品污染.实际在发酵生产中,由于水质的问题造成的各种问题也是层出不穷,需要大家注意. XIV.INSPECTION STRATEGY Manufacturers typically will have periodic printouts or tabulations of results for their purified watersystems. These printouts or data summaries should be reviewed. Additionally, investigation reports,when values exceed limits, should be reviewed. XIV. 审计策略 工厂通常都有他们纯化水系统周期性的打印图纸或表格化的监测结果。应该评估这些打印图纸和汇总数据。此外,当发现有超标的数据时,应该查查相应的调查报告。 Chank 解读 有经验的检查人员应该查看多年的系统运行数据.并着重关注变化的趋势和异常的数据.还必须学会和设备设施的更换,清洗,消毒,故障的特殊时间点结合起来,就可以比较真实地判断出企业在系统运行管理上的实际情况和状态了. Since microbiological test results from a water system are not usually obtained until after the drugproduct is manufactured, results exceeding limits should be reviewed with regard to the drug productformulated from such water. Consideration with regard to the further processing or release of such aproduct will be dependent upon the specific contaminant, the process and the end use of the product.Such situations are usually evaluated on a case-by-case basis. It is a good practice for such situationsto include an investigation report with the logic for release/rejection discussed in the firm's report. Endproduct microbiological testing, while providing some information should not be relied upon as thesole justification for the release of the drug product. The limitations of microbiological sampling andtesting should be recognized. 由于水系统的微生物测试,通常在制剂生产以后才能得到,有超标的结果时,需要评估用此水生产的制剂的结果。关于对制剂的进一步的处置或放行,有赖于特定污染物本身,制造工艺和产品的最终用途。这种情况通常是具体问题具体分析。在公司的调查报告中涵盖放行或是不放行的逻辑性探讨是很好的做法。终产品的微生物检测,虽然提供了一些信息,但不能作为产品放行的唯一判断。应该考虑到微生物取样和检测的局限性。 Chank 解读 快速微生物检测方法的应用可以减少受影响产品的批次和数量,提高解决问题的效率,并对最终的受影响产品的放行与否提供科学的依据(一般都可以有效地鉴别出污染菌的种类). Manufacturers should also have maintenance records or logs for equipment, such as the still. Theselogs should also be reviewed so that problems with the system and equipment can be evaluated. In addition to reviewing test results, summary data, investigation reports and other data, the print ofthe system should be reviewed when conducting the actual physical inspection. As pointed out, anaccurate description and print of the system is needed in order to demonstrate that the system isvalidated. 工厂还必须保留设备(比如蒸馏塔)的维护记录或日志。这些记录应该被审核,以便评估系统和设备的问题。 在实际审计中,除了检查测试结果,汇总数据,调查报告和其它数据,打印的系统图纸一定要查看。如上面指出的,系统的精确描述和打印图纸,是要被用来显示该系统是否经过验证的。 个人使用,不用做商业用途!Page of 请参引具体的 USP 关闭

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