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检测样品 其他食品

检测项目 过敏原

关联设备 共0种


There are many advantages in miniaturizing sample preparation. The use of less solvent reduces solvent cost and waste. Smaller sample sizes are easier to handle, store, and process in the lab. Reduction in sample amount provides cost savings on sample preparation sorbent and substantial decreases in cost associated with the use of labeled compounds as internal standards. With a smaller sample size, it may be possible to use additional labeled compounds for troublesome analytes that are cost prohibitive with larger sample sizes. We analyzed pesticides in food using miniaturized QuEChERS extraction and thultra-efficient ionization source of the Agilent 7010 Triple Quadrupole GC/MS, which reduces injected sample volume by 75%. On average, limits of quantitation (LOQ) ~10 ng/g were reached for 95% of the 126 pesticides studied in apple, carrot, and broccoli. Less matrix injected delivers prolonged uptime and sustained performance and, therefore, lower maintenance costs. By injecting only 25% of the standard 2 μL injection volume and implementing our recommended pesticide analysis method, we analyzed the pesticides at or below threshold MRLs of the EPA, EU, and Japan, 0.01 mg/kg (10 ng/g), which was adequate to monitor exposure.





