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CrossMark10s-1). With the experimental system and knowledgeacquired in this work, we shall be able to explore systematically themechanotransduction at single cell level produced by high strain-rate shear flows associated with inertial cavitation and dynamicbubble-bubble interactions that are prevalent in therapeutic ul-trasound applications. The mechanistic insights and precise 0-con-trol in microfluidic systems will also offer us ample opportunitiesin single cell analysis for disease diagnosis and treatment moni-toring based on mechanical characterization of the cell. Materials and Methods Fabrication of Microfluidic Chip. The microfluidic chip was assembled from apolydimethylsiloxane (PDMS; Sylgard 184; Dow Corning) microchannel mold(40×25×5 mm) and a patterned glass substrate (50×37.5×1 mm). ThePDMS microchannel, having a cross-section of 800 × 25 um, was producedfrom a silicon master using soft lithography. AutoCAD was used to designhundreds of repeating units on the glass substrate with each unit consistingof a pair of gold dots and a square island with a H-shaped region (Fig.1) tobe covered by fibronectin while the surrounding background was passivatedwith PLL-g-PEG to prevent cell adhesion (56). The main variations in differ-ent repeating units are S。 and the orientation of the H-shaped region.During the fabrication, the arrays of gold dots were first patterned on theglass substrate by means of metal lift-off (57). Using molecular assembly bypatterned lift-off (MAPL) technique (58), PLL-g-PEG was coated on the sur-face except for the H region, which was subsequently covered by fibronec-tin. The patterned glass substrate and the PDMS microchannel were treatedby O2 plasma separately before they were permanently bonded together.The PDMS mold was aligned to the patterned glass under a stereomicro-scope aided by alignment marks. Detailed preparation protocol can befound in Supporting Information. Cell Culture and Handling. HeLa cells were routinely maintained in DMEMsupplemented with 10%FBS and 1% antibiotic/antimycotic solution in a cellculture incubator. On the day of experiment, cells were trypsinized andresuspended in culture medium to a density of ~5 × 10 cells/mL beforeintroduced into the microfluidic chip. The injected cells were allowed tosettle down and initiated adhesion onto the fibronectin covered H regionsfor 30 min. Nonattached cells were flushed out, and the chip was sub-sequently placed back in the incubator for 1.5 h under continuous perfusionof culture medium at a flow rate of 0.2 pL/min. Using this protocol, indi-vidual cells could fully spread out and grown on the fibronectin-coveredpatterns (H-0°or H-90). To facilitate membrane deformation analysis, 1 um carboxyl functional-ized PS beads were attached to the cell membrane, serving as displacementtracers. A seeding density of 1× 10°beads/mL was used, corresponding toabout 60 beads per cell on the apical membrane surface. To ensure persis-tent binding, the PS beads (1% wt/vol, activated with water soluble carbo-diimide) were coated with RGD-containing peptide (Peptite-2000; 100 ug/mLin PBS) before attachment (59). Before experiment, the regular DMEM was replaced by propidium iodide(PI) solution (100 ug/mL in DMEM) in the microchannel to trace in real-timemacromolecular uptake after membrane poration (7). A constant flow rateof 0.5 mL/min was used throughout the experiment. For early-stage apo-ptosis assay, FITC Annexin V (20x dilution in PBS from stock; Life Technolo-gies) solution was perfused for 15 min before epifluorescence microscopyimaging. Thereafter the chip was perfused with regular DMEM and returnedto the incubator for culture overnight. The phenotype morphology changesof the treated cells were recorded next day. TB Treatment and Image Acquisition. The microfluidic chip with cells wasplaced on the stage of a motorized inverted microscope (Axio Observer Z1;Zeiss). Two Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers (New Wave Research) were focusedthrough a 63x objective (LD Plan Neofluar; Zeiss) and projected on a pair ofgold dots to generate tandem bubble next to a target cell. Before treatmentthe original intracellular PI intensity and morphology of the cell wererecorded by a CCD camera (AxioCam MRc; Zeiss) using fluorescence andbright field (BF) imaging, respectively. Zeiss AxioVision software was usedto control illumination shutter, dichroic mirror, and switching betweentwo adjacent alternative positions in the rotating turret (within 200 ms).Transistor-transistor logic (TTL) trigger signals from a delay generator(565-8c; Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation) were used to synchronize lasersand cameras for TB generation and image acquisition. Bubble oscillation, jet formation, and resultant cell deformation were cap-tured by a high-speed video camera (HPV-X; Shimadzu) operated at 200-nsinterframe time (IFT) or 5 M fps with 100-ns exposure time for 25 us followingthe trigger of the first laser. Immediately after the TB-cell interaction, therecovery of the target cell membrane deformation was recorded for 1 msusing a second high-speed video camera (Phantom V7.3; Vision Research)operated at 20-us IFT with 1-us exposure time. Thereafter, the AxioCam cam-era, operated at 2-10 s IFT, was used to record PI diffusion from the porationsite into the target cell for 300 s; or in other experiments, Annexin Vand Plstaining performed at 2 and 24 h after the TB treatment. Characterization of TB-Generated Flow Field. PS beads (1 um, 2.6% wt/vol inculture medium) were used as tracers to map the flow field produced by TBs.High-speed image sequences of TB interaction recorded by the Shimadzucamera were analyzed offline using a commercial PIV software (DaVis 7.2;LaVision). The image field (100 ×200 um) was divided into multiple interro-gation windows of 16 × 16 um each with 75% overlap, and multipass itera-tions and regional filters were applied to reduce the error in velocity fieldcomputation (see details in Supporting Information). To improve the accuracy 1. Rooney JA (1970) Hemolysis near an ultrasonically pulsating gas bubble. Science169(3948):869-871. 2. Miller MW, Miller DL, Brayman AA (1996) A review of in vitro bioeffects of inertial ul-trasonic cavitation from a mechanistic perspective. Ultrasound Med Bio/ 22(9):1131-1154. 3. Mitragotri S (2005) Healing sound: The use of ultrasound in drug delivery and othertherapeutic applications. Nat Rev Drug Discov 4(3):255-260. 4. 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Biophys J 85(4):2746-2759. of velocity field calculation, each flow field was recorded up to 3 times underthe same experimental condition and the resultant images were superimposedbefore PIV analysis. To further illustrate the characteristics of the flow motion produced by theTBs, the deformation of five parallel imaginary material lines, each 40 um inlength and initially placed at Sa=20, 30, 40, 50, 60 um, respectively, weretraced. Each material line consisted of 1,000 individual material points theincremental displacements of which at consecutive time points were calcu-lated based on the local velocity interpolated from the PlV results. Byinterconnecting these material points at different time steps, the evolutionof the material lines in TB-induced flow field could be visualized (Fig. 2C). Calculation of Cell Membrane Deformation. A triangulation scheme wasadapted to analyze the local membrane strain (60). The triangular areas se-lected for strain calculation were in the peripheral region of the cell awayfrom the nucleus, and therefore the beads' displacement was confined withinthe focal plane of the objective lens. The beads were traced over time andtheir coordinates were recorded from the high-speed images. Area straincalculations were carried out based on principal strains (see details in Sup-porting Information) determined by using a custom code written in Matlab(The MathWorks) following established protocols (61, 62). For comparison,thearea strain was also calculated based on trigonometry to determine thechange of the triangular area encompassed by the triad of beads. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The authors acknowledge Georgy Sankin and YingZhang for their technical support, and Harold Erickson and Tomoo Ohashi forproviding the LifeAct-GFP DNA plasmid. The authors thank Todd Rumbaugh ofHadland Imaging for providing the Shimadzu HPV-X camera. 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We have demonstratedthat pinpoint membrane poration can be produced at the leadingedge of the HeLa cell in standoff distance Sd ≤ 30 μm, driven bythe transient shear stress associated with TB-induced jetting flow.The cell membrane deformation associated with a maximum strainrate on the order of 104 s−1 was heterogeneous. The maximumarea strain (eA,M) decreased exponentially with Sd (also influencedby adhesion pattern), a feature that allows us to create distinctlydifferent treatment outcome (i.e., necrosis, repairable poration, ornonporation) in individual cells. More importantly, our results suggestthat membrane poration and cell survival are better correlatedwith area strain integral (Re2Adt) instead of eA,M, which ischaracteristic of the response of materials under high strain-rateloadings. For 50% cell survival the corresponding area strain integralwas found to vary in the range of 56 ∼ 123 μs with eA,M inthe range of 57 ∼ 87%. Finally, significant variations in individualcell’s response were observed at the same Sd, indicating the potentialfor using this method to probe mechanotransduction at thesingle cell level.

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