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COMMUNICATIONSBIOLOGY ARTICLECOMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY|https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-018-0242-0 ARTICLE https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-018-0242-0 OPEN Light-induced structural changes in a full-lengthcyanobacterial phytochrome probed by time-resolved X-ray scattering Derren J. Heyeos,D Samantha J.O. Hardmanl, Martin N. Pedersen2, Joyce Woodhouse3, Eugenio De La Mora3,Michael Wulff2, Martin Weiko3o. Marco CammarataioiD4, Nigel S. Scrutton& Giorgio Schiro Phytochromes are photoreceptor proteins that transmit a light signal from a photosensoryregion to an output domain. Photoconversion involves protein conformational changes whosenature is not fully understood. Here, we use time-resolved X-ray scattering and opticalspectroscopy to study the kinetics of structural changes in a full-length cyanobacterialphytochrome and in a truncated form with no output domain. X-ray and spectroscopic signalson the us/ms timescale are largely independent of the presence of the output domain. Onlonger time-scales, large differences between the full-length and truncated proteins indicatethe timeframe during which the structural transition is transmitted from the photosensoryregion to the output domain and represent a large quaternary motion. The suggested inde-pendence of the photosensory-region dynamics on the us/ms timescale defines a timewindow in which the photoreaction can be characterized (e.g. for optogenetic design)independently of the nature of the engineered output domain. ( 1Manchester I n stitute of Biotechnology, University of Manchester, 131 Princess St, Manchester M1 7DN, UK. 2European Sy n chrotron Radiation Facility, 71Avenue des Martyrs, 38044 Grenoble, France. 3 I nstitut d e B iologie Structurale, CNRS, Univ . Grenoble Alpes , CEA, 7 1 Avenue des Martyrs, 38044 Grenoble, France. 4 U n i v. Rennes 1 , CNRS, UBL, Institut de Physique de R ennes (IPR)- U M R 625 1 , 263 avenue du G e neral Leclerc, 3504 2 Renne s , France. Correspondence an d requests for ma t erials sh o uld be addressed to D.J.H. ( em a il: der r e n. h e y es @ m an c h es t e r . a c.uk) o r t o G.S. ( emai l : giorg io. schi ro @ i bs.f r ) ) hytochromes are light-sensing proteins that are able totransduce a light signal into a biochemical output in plants,bacteria and fungil2. The photosensory activity of phyto-chromes results from their capacity to undergo a light-inducedand reversible switching between two conformers, a red-light-absorbing Pr form and a far-red-light-absorbing Pfr form, whichare characterized by distinct 3D structures and spectral proper-ties. Phytochromes are generally soluble and dimeric proteins,with each monomer consisting of multiple domains. The proteinconsists of an N-terminal photosensory region that comprisesthree domains, namely a PAS, GAF, and PHY domain,and a C-terminal output domain, which is normally a histidine kinasedomain. The light-sensing properties of phytochromes resultfrom the presence of a bilin chromophore, either phytochromo-bilin in plant phytochromes, phycocyanobilin in cyanobacterialphytochromes or biliverdin in bacterial phytochromes, which iscovalently attached to a conserved cysteine residue within theGAF domain. Due to their near-infrared spectral sensitivity,where the absorbance of other biological macromolecules is low,the phytochrome family is becoming an important target foroptogenetic applications and they are the preferred templates fordesigning optical molecular tools for applications in mammals. The mechanism by which phytochromes transmit the lightsignal from the chromophore through the photosensory module,and ultimately into the regulatory module to actuate signalingremains unclear. For most phytochromes, there is a generalconsensus that the absorption of a photon by the chromophore inthe Pr form triggers a Z/E isomerization of the C15-C16 doublebond between the C and D rings of the tetrapyrrole on thepicosecond timescale4.5 accompanied by deprotonation/reproto-nation of the pyrrole nitrogens°. Isomerization induces rotationof the D ring, which is followed by a translation of the bilinchromophore within its binding pocket. Photoisomerization ofthe chromophore is then followed by slower steps on the micro-to millisecond timescale, which have been proposed to involveglobal changes in protein structure, to form an active signalingconformation of the C-terminal region in the final Pfr state78. Arecent comparison between the crystal structures of a dark-adapted form and a red-light illuminated form has provided amodel for the structural changes in the photosensory module of abacterial phytochrome. It was proposed that a unique tongueregion, extending from the chromophore binding domain to theadjacent PHY domain,undergoes a change in secondary structurefrom an anti-parallel B-sheet configuration in the Pr state to an a-helix in the Pfr state,10. This change in secondary structure isthought to induce a strain along the dimer interface to force theopening of the neighboring PHY domains. Although this motionhas only been observed in crystals of the photosensory region of aphytochrome’, it provides a plausible mechanism to transmit thelight signal to the output domain in the full-length protein via astructural motion that triggers downstream signaling. While theinitial Z/E photoisomerization of the bilin chromophore at theC15-C16 position has been confirmed by several studies, it is stilllargely unknown how isomerization alters the bilin conformation,changes the structure of the bilin binding pocket, and ultimatelytriggers a rearrangement of the interface between the chromo-phore binding domain and the adjacent domains that results inthe secondary structure change in the tongue region. It is alsounclear if these motions that have been observed in the photo-sensory domain8-10 are affected by the presence of the output domain in the full-length phytochrome. In order to fully exploit phytochromes as optogenetic tools itwill be necessary to structurally reassemble the natural outputdomains with other biologically-relevant output modules. Thisrational design process will ultimately require a detailed spatio-temporal understanding of the structural changes that occur in full-length phytochrome proteins. However, no 3D structure of afull-length phytochrome containing an output domain has beensolved yet and it is unknown how structural changes in thephotosensory module extend to the C-terminal regulatory mod-ule to trigger the signaling process. Time-resolved X-ray scat-tering studies remain the most attractive approach for trackingstructural transitions of phytochromes in solution that follow theinitial photochemical event. Recent time-resolved X-ray scatter-ing studies have described the structural dynamics of a bacterialbiliverdin-containing phytochrome in both the photosensoryregion on its own and in a full-length form8,9,11. The majorstructural events in the bacterial phytochrome were found tooccur from tens of microseconds to a few milliseconds in bothforms of the protein. It was proposed that the entire phytochromeprotein undergoes a concerted structural rearrangement, resultingin the twisting of the output domains prior to the formation ofthe final Pfr state. However, it is unclear if the structural changesare specific for the bacterial homologs or if the mechanism isconserved across the plant and cyanobacterial phytochromes,which undergo more complex reaction cycles. Here we usee a combination of steady-statel2and time-resolved13 small-(<0.2 A) and wide-angle (之0.2A) X-rayscattering (TR-S/WAXS) approaches (Fig. 1) to study the con-formational changes that accompany the photoconversion of thePr state to the Pfr state in a full-length cyanobacterial phyto-chrome (Cph1) from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. We detectchanges in the scattering patterns from the small-angle region upto about 0.7 A-1, and from the microsecond timescale to hun-dreds of milliseconds, where the signal is still evolving, inagreement with spectroscopic data. The results indicate that thekinetics of structural changes in the full-length cyanobacterialphytochrome extends to the seconds timescale with at least twoidentifiable intermediates and is more complex than that recentlyreported for a similar phytochrome from Deinococcus radio-durans, where the global structural change occurs in a singleconcerted motion within a few milliseconds. Moreover, a com-parison of TR-S/WAXS and spectroscopic data on the full-lengthprotein with data collected for the photosensory region alone Fig. 1 Experimental setup. Schematic representation of the experimentalsetup for static and time-resolved S/WAXS experiments at the ID09beamline of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. A protein solutionflows through a quartz capillary connected to a peristaltic pump by a teflonloop. Sample reservoir is under continuous illumination by a LED source tostabilize Pr (illumination at 730 nm) or Pfr forms (illumination at 625 nm)for static measurements or to switch back the protein (illumination at730 nm) to the Pr form in time-resolved experiments to study the Pr to Pfrtransition. A nanosecond laser pulse (red) synchronized with amicrosecond X-ray pulse train (gray) selected by the ID09 chopper system(green) is used to trigger Pr to Pfr photoconversion and subsequent proteinstructural changes give raise to changes in the the X-ray scattering patternmeasured on a CCD detector (blue) iq (A-1) Fig. 2 Static X-ray scattering. Static X-ray scattering difference patternbetween the Pr and Pfr forms of the photosensory region (a) and full-lengthCph1 protein (b). The difference patterns were calculated by subtractingthe X-ray scattering data of the samples illuminated at 625 nm from thoseilluminated at 730 nm suggests that both localized and global changes on the us/mstimescale are largely independent of the presence of the outputdomain, while those at longer times differ significantly in thepresence of the output domain. Low-resolution modeling of thestatic small-angle data suggests that the differences in the small-angle scattering reflect a large motion of the output domains,allowing us to propose a model for the overall structural changesin the full-length cyanobacterial phytochrome. Results Time-resolved X-ray scattering. Time-resolved S/WAXS mea-surements13 were carried out to study the kinetics of the struc-tural transitions during the Pr to Pfr photoconversion for boththe full-length Cph1 protein and the photosensory region (PAS-GAF-PHY) of Cph1 upon laser excitation at 630 nm. Theexperimental setup is shown schematically in Fig. 1 and wasinitially used to collect the static X-ray scattering difference (Pfrminus Pr) patterns under prolonged illumination with 625 and730 nm LED light for each protein (Fig.2). A comparison of theshape of the static difference X-ray scattering pattern of thephotosensory region and full-length Cphl protein reveals majordifferences in both shape and intensity. The main differencebetween the photosensory region and the full-length protein canbe observed in the small-angle region (q region <0.2A-1)(Fig. 2). Time-resolved S/WAXS difference data shows that the signaldevelops in both intensity and shape on the microsecond-to-second timescale (Fig. 3). Only small changes could be observedon the microsecond timescale for both proteins whereas muchmore substantial changes in the scattering patterns were obtainedon the millisecond timescale. The time-resolved scattering datawere analyzed by singular value decomposition, which showedthat the entire datasets for both proteins could be described bythree main time-independent basis patterns (Figs. 3 and 4). Aglobal kinetic analysis of the whole dataset in terms of the threemain basis patterns revealed that the time evolution for bothproteins could be fitted to three exponentials with derivedlifetimes of ti=0.33±0.04 ms, T2=41.8±1.5 ms, and T3=1540±80 msSfor the photosensory region and ti=1.69±0.08 ms, T2=31.3±2.0 ms, and t3=1240±60 ms for the full-length protein. The kinetics of the intensity and the position ofthe two main features observed in the WAXS region of the time-resolved difference patterns, namely the two negative peaks around 0.62 and 0.3 A-1, are almost identical in data from thephotosensory region and the full-length protein (Fig.5). The timeevolution of the intensities of these peaks could be fitted to asingle exponential with lifetimes of To.62=0.93±0.40 ms and to.3=1.18±0.5 ms for the photosensory region and to.62=1.14±0.60 ms and to.3=1.30±0.24 ms for full-length Cph1 (Fig.5a, b),which are similar to the first lifetime obtained from the globalkinetic analysis (0.33± 0.04 ms for the photosensory region and1.69±0.08 ms the full-length protein). However, the position ofthese peaks does not change over time (Fig.5c, d). A direct comparison of the basis patterns obtained for bothforms of the protein provides further insights into the role of theoutput domain in the structural rearrangements (Fig. 6). Thesecond and third basis patterns, which represent the signaldeveloping on the micro-to-millisecond timescale, are verysimilar between the full-length and truncated forms of theprotein. This is confirmed by a comparison of the shape of the X-ray difference signal after a few ms and the second basis patterns,which appear to be nearly identical for both the photosensoryregion and the full-length Cph1 protein (Fig.6a). The third basispatterns for both proteins are also similar to the experimentaldifference pattern observed for the photosensory module of thebacterial phytochrome from Deinococcus radiodurans upon Pr-to-Pfr photoconversion (Fig.6b)9. However, there are consider-able differences between the photosensory region and the full-length protein in both the shape and intensity of the first basispattern, which represents the signal that is formed on thetimescale of hundreds of milliseconds (compare panels a and d inFig.4). It should be noted that for both proteins the transient X-ray scattering signal at the longest time-delay measured (500 ms)has not yet fully developed the shape of the static Pfr-Prdifference pattern (Figs. 3 and 4), but it already contains a majorcomponent of the final signal, as shown by the close similarity ofthe first basis patterns (Fig. 4a, d) with the static difference signal(Fig.2). Transient absorption spectroscopy. In order to correlate thetemporal behavior of the structural changes with optical changes,transient absorption spectroscopy measurements were performedon the full-length Cph1 protein and the photosensory region(PAS-GAF-PHY) of Cph1 on the microsecond-to-second time-scale. Kinetic transients were recorded at 720 nm followingexcitation with a nanosecond laser pulse at 630 nm to report onthe formation of the Pfr state (Fig. 7). The data were fitted to acombination of three exponentials with derived lifetimes (T1=0.345±0.010ms, t2=15.0±0.2 ms,, T3=393±11 ms for thephotosensory region and ti=0.294±0.009 ms,T2=15.6±0.2ms, t3=209±4 ms for the full-length protein) that are similar tothose reported previously on the same protein7,14,15. Ab initio modeling of static SAXS data. In order to interpret thedifference in the scattering patterns in the small-angle regionbetweene n1the photosensory region and the full-length Cphl pro-tein we used the absolute X-ray scattering patterns in the qregion0-0.3 A-1 of the full-length Cphl in both the Pr and Pfr states(Fig. 8a). The difference in the scattering pattern again showssignificant differences between the Pr and Pfr states in the small-angle region (Fig. 8a). The particle distance distribution functionP(r) obtained from the scattering patterns (Fig. 8b) shows anincrease of intensity at high distances, thus revealing an overallexpansion of the protein upon the Pr-to-Prf transition. To gainmore detailed structural insight and identify the structuraldomains we performed a low-resolution ab initio modeling of theabsolute static patterns of the Pr and Pfr states of full-lengthCph1. The models were generated by DAMMIN under the two q(A-1) q(A-1) Fig. 3 Time-resolved X-ray scattering. Light-induced time-resolved X-ray scattering difference patterns for the photosensory region of Cph1 (a) and thefull-length Cph1 protein (b) in solution. Blue points are experimental data and red lines are linear combinations of the first three basis patterns obtained bysingular value decomposition. Data have been vertically offset for clarity. Note that scattering difference patterns are multiplied by the scattering vector qto reduce differences in the amplitude scale in SAXS (≤ 0.2 A-1) and WAXS (> 0.2A-1) regions12 different illumination conditions and were superimposed ontothe structure of the photosensory region of Cph1 in the Pr statel6.The models show that the dimeric structure is retained in bothstates and suggest that there is an opening motion ofthe outputdomains upon photoconversion (Fig. 8c). As indicated by thearrows in Fig. 8c, the conversion from the Pr state (pink surface)to the Pfr state (green surface) is characterized by an increase ofthe distance between the output domains. Differences in thephotosensory region (which is compatible with the expectedoverall space distribution) are minor and anyway less evident tointerpret. Discussion Members of the phytochrome family share a common photo-chemical mechanism as the basis of light-signaling, whichinvolves photoisomerization of the bilin chromophore followedby global rearrangement of the protein structure. Until recentlythe nature of any structural changes in the protein was unknown.The recent X-ray solution scattering measurements on a phyto-chrome from Deinococcus radiodurans have provided a proposedmechanism for transmitting the structural transitions to thekinase output domain to initiate the photoresponse8,9,11,17. Achange in secondary structure of a unique tongue region isthought to result in the opening of neighboring PHY domainsand in the twisting of the output domains prior to the formationof the final Pfr state8. However, it is still unclear whether thesestructural changes are specific for the bacterial phytochromes and if more substantial structural changes occur in other phyto-chrome proteins. The results of the present study suggest that thephotoinduced Pr Pfr conversion in the cyanobacterial Cph1phytochrome from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 involves bothlocalized and global motions on the microsecond-to-secondtimescale (Fig.3) and is characterized by more complex structuraldynamics than those observed in bacterial phytochromes, wherethe structural activation of the entire phytochrome occurs in oneconcerted rearrangement within few milliseconds The initial changes at the chromophore of our cyanobacterialCph1 phytochrome, determined from time-resolved spectro-scopic measurements on timescales up to the tens of milliseconds,are unaffected by the presence of the output domain with similarlifetimes of~ 0.3 ms and ~15 ms for both the photosensory regionand the full-length protein. On this same timeframe the timeevolution of the photosensory region, derived from the time-resolved X-ray scattering measurements, exactly mirrors the timeevolution of the chromophore with a first time constant of also~0.3 ms. Although this lifetime increases slightly to ~2 ms for thefull-length protein, suggesting a minor effect of the outputdomain on the propagation of the signal from the chromophoreto the protein, the shape of the X-ray difference signal at thisstage is essentially the same for both forms of the protein.Moreover, the main features observed in the wide-angle region,which reflect more localized structural changes, also appear to beunaffected by the output domain, in both size and time evolution.Even if an univocal connection between X-ray difference signals and structural changes cannot be established for molecules withdifferent resting structures, taken together, these findings suggestthat the presence of the output domain in the biologically activefull-length Cph1 protein does not significantly alter the nature ofthe structural perturbation transmitted from the chromophoreto the photosensory region of the protein, which has not yetreached the output domain on the millisecond timescale. On longer timescales considerable differences start to appear inthe shape of the X-ray scattering difference patterns between thephotosensory region and the full-length protein. Indeed, a largeX-ray scattering change is evident in the small-angle region forthe full-length protein, indicating that large scale motions occurand most likely involve the transmission of the structural signal tothe output domain. Interestingly, both the X-ray scattering andoptical spectroscopy kinetics are slightly faster in the full-lengthprotein than in the photosensory domain. This may be due todifferences in the solvent environment which may affect theinternal protein dynamics and/or to a more efficient dissipationmechanism in the full-length protein where the light perturbationis transferred from the photosensory domain to the outputdomain. The final structural changes in both forms of the proteinoccur on slower timescales than is observed spectroscopically, asillustrated by the fact that the structural rearrangement is stillevolving after the longest X-ray scattering time-delay of 500 ms.Hence, it is likely that these slower conformational changes in theprotein do not impact on the environment of the chromophore asit is not reflected in any noticeable absorbance change. Thisfinding is in contrast to previous studies on the full-length bac-terial phytochrome where the main structural changes werecompleted prior to the final observed spectroscopic evolution. The second and third basis patterns are likely to represent twodifferent structural intermediates that form on the microsecond-to-millisecond timescale and involve changes in both the small-angle and wide-angle regions. These two basis patterns areessentially identical between the two different forms of the pro-tein. Moreover, the third basis pattern closely resembles the X-ray difference pattern measured by Westenhoff and co-workers in thephotosensory domain of the bacterial phytochrome from Deino-coccus radiodurans, which was attributed to an opening motion ofthe PHY domains8,9. Our findings reveal that this openingmotion, which was identified as the final structural event in thePr→ Pfr conversion of the photosensory module of the bacterialphytochrome, is only a transient structural change during thecourse of the photoinduced structural evolution in cyanobacterialCphl phytochrome, as was also recently observed in the photo-sensory region of an algal phytochrome from Dolihomastixtenuilepis18. In addition, the same differential signal is present inthe full-length form of the protein. Ab initio modeling of the small-angle static patterns of the Prand Pfr states of the full-length Cphl protein revealed the natureof the major conformational changes observed (see Fig. 8). Theanalysis suggested that the main structural event compatible withthe X-ray signal change is an opening motion of a part of thedimer interface in the output domain. This structural change is inqualitative agreement with the results previously obtained bymeans of pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR)spectroscopy and is reminiscent of the motions observed in thefull-length form of the bacterial phytochrome from Deinococcusradiodurans. However, it is important to note that the kinetics ofthe structural transitions described here for the full-length cya-nobacterial phytochrome are considerably more complex than forthe bacterial protein. In the case of the bacterial homolog, thestructural changes of the entire phytochrome, involving alterationsto the PHY tongue region and a rotation of the output domain,occurred in a single concerted rearrangement, complete within afew milliseconds. Conversely, for the cyanobacterial phytochromewe observe multiple structural transitions over the entire us-stimescale, which are likely to involve similar changes to the tongueregion and opening of the neighboring PHY domains, and thenleading to the opening motion of the output domains. Our find-ings suggest that the phytochrome family is characterized by avariety of kinetic pathways that connect the Pr and Pfr states. 0.7 Fig. 5 Time evolution of WAXS features. Time evolution of the peak intensity at ~0.62A-(a) and ~0.3A-1(b) for the photosensory region and full-lengthCph1 protein. Dashed lines show the fitting in terms of a single exponential with to.62=0.93 ms (photosensory region) and 1.14 ms (full-length), and withT0.3=1.18 ms (photosensory region) and 1.30 ms (full-length). The time evolution of the peak positions at ~0.62 A-1(c) and ~0.3 A-1(d) are shown for thephotosensory region and full-length Cph1 protein Fig. 6 Interpretation of basis patterns. a A comparison of the second basispatterns obtained by singular value decomposition of the photosensoryregion and full-length Cph1 protein with the transient experimental signalsat 2 and 5 ms, respectively. b A comparison of the third basis patternsobtained by singular value decomposition for the photosensory region andfull-length Cph1 protein with the experimental transient pattern measuredon the photosensory module of a bacterial phytochrome from Deinococcusradiodurans’ The results of the present study will also have implications inthe design of optogenetic tools based on phytochromes, whereone of the most promising strategies is to replace the naturaloutput domains with other domains that have the desired bio-logical function3,19,20. Previous structure-guided design of novelfusion proteins, where the photosensory region of a phytochromehas been linked to a guanylate cyclase enzyme, has highlightedthe importance of the linker region in the transmitting the Fig. 7 Time-resolved spectroscopy. Time evolution of the absorptionchange at 720 nm after laser excitation at 630 nm for the photosensoryregion of Cph1 (purple points) and the full-length Cph1 protein (greenpoints). Red lines are fitting in terms of a combination of three singleexponentials with ti=0.345 ms, t2=15.0 ms, t3=393 ms (photosensoryregion) and with t1=0.294 ms, t2=15.6 ms, t3=209 ms (full-lengthprotein). Data and fitting curve of full-length protein have been verticallyoffset by 0.003 structural changes to the output domain19,20. Indeed, our resultssuggest that the structural dynamics of both the chromophore(time-resolved spectroscopy) and the photosensory region (time-resolved S/WAXS) are largely unaffected by the presence of theoutput domain up to the millisecond timescale. This separationbetween the photosensory region dynamics and the outputdomain on the us/ms timescale indicates that in this time windowthe photoreaction can be characterized independently of thenature of the engineered output domain. It is only on slowertimescales that the structural changes are propagated to theoutput domain in a process that is likely to be transmittedthrough the linker region19,20. Methods Sample preparation. All chemicals were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich unlessotherwise stated. The photosensory region (residues 1-514) and full-length Cphlproteins from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 were produced and purified as a c q(A-1) Fig. 8 Low-resolution modeling of static X-ray scattering. a X-ray scattering patterns of full-length Cph1 in the Pr (pink line) and Pfr (green line) state andtheir difference (inset). b Particle distance distribution function P(r) obtained from scattering patterns. c Shape reconstructions with the ab initio modelsgenerated by Dammin for full-length Cph1 in Pr (pink envelope) and Pfr (green envelope) state, superimposed to the crystal structure (pdb entry: 2VEA16)of the photosensory region of Cph1 in the Pr state (pink sticks) phycocyanobilin-bound holoprotein using a dual-plasmid Escherichia coli expres-sion system. The Cphl genes were synthesized (GenScript) and cloned into thepET21a expression vector (Novagen). BL21 cells containing the two plasmids were0m1grown in 500 ml of Luria-Bertani medium to an OD600 of ~0.5 at 20℃ andexpression of the genes was induced overnight after addition of 100 uM isopropylB-D-thiogalactoside. The C-terminal His-tagged proteins were purified as describedpreviously. Time-resolved X-ray scattering. TR-S/WAXS experiments have been performedat the beamline ID09 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) inGrenoble, France. The protein samples (400 uM) were photolyzed with a circularly-polarized laser pulse (630 nm, 0.5 mJ) from a nanosecond laser (5 ns, EKSPLA)focused with cylindrical lenses to an elliptical spot approximately 2.0×0.25 mm(full width at half-maximum,FWHM) corresponding to a power density of ~1 mJ/mm2. To maximize the overlap between the pump- and probe-illuminatedvolumes, orthogonal pump-probe geometry was employed (Fig. 1). The X-raybeam consisted of pulses of 100 ps (FWHM) in length. The center of the X-raybeam (0.06×0.1 mm²FWHM) penetrated a 2-mm-diameter quartz capillary,0.3 mm from its edge. In order minimize any X-ray radiation damage over a largesample volume and to recover the Pr state of the protein after the laser pump pulsethe sample was continuously pumped (Gilson Minipulse 3) from the capillary to a~1 ml reservoir under 735 nm LED constant illumination (ThorLabs) and thenagain to the capillary through a teflon loop tubing. The flow speed was setaccording to both the laser pump-X-ray probe time delay and the repetition rate inorder to keep the sample in the pump-probe intersection area during apump-probe sequence and also to refresh the sample between two consecutivepump pulses. A variable number of single X-ray pulses were selected from thesynchrotron pulse train by means of a high-speed chopper and a millisecondshutter. The X-ray pulses scattered by the sample were collected with a 2D detector(Rayonix MX170-HS). Up to 25 patterns per time delay were acquired and aver-aged together to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Laser-off images were alsoacquired with the X-ray pulse arriving 1 ms before the laser pulse and used as areference to compute the TR-S/WAXS difference patterns. Images were azimuth-ally averaged and the peak of the undulator spectrum (0.8A-1) was used as thereference wavelength to convert the scattering angle to the momentum transfer q.All radial patterns were normalized to the water peak (2-2.2 A-1) before calcu-lating differences between laser-on and laser-off patterns. We also checked that thetime evolution of the solvent heating peak at 1.8 A-1 did not affect the scatteringpatterns in the q range where protein difference signal was present (0-0.7 A-1).X-ray scattering data have been also collected on the full-length and photosensoryregion proteins after illumination with constant 625 and 730 nm LED light toproduce Pfr and Pr stationary states, respectively. Time-resolved absorption spectroscopy. Laser photoexcitation experiments onthe photosensory region and full-length forms of Cph1 were carried out after all samples had been pre-illuminated with a 735 nm LED(Thorlabs) to ensure that theprotein was in the Pr state prior to laser excitation. Photoconversion to the Pfr statewas triggered by laser excitation at 660 nm (~20 mJ per pulse) in a cuvette of 1 cmpathlength. Absorption transients were recorded at 720 nm using an LKS-60 flashphotolysis instrument (Applied Photophysics Ltd)7. Lifetimes were obtained fromthe average of at least five time-dependent absorption measurements by fitting to atriple exponential function. Reduced x was 2 and 1.5 for the photosensory regionand the full-length protein, respectivelyy. Singular value decomposition analysis. In order to unveil the kinetic structure ofthe time-dependent evolution of X-ray scattering patterns, singular value decom-position (SVD) analysis has been performed of the X-ray scattering dataset with acustom-made Python-based code. Briefly, the dataset of time-dependent differencepatterns is arranged in a m × n matrix A, with m the number of q values and n thenumber of time delays. The SVD algorithm provides the matrices U and V and thevector S, so that A=U×SxVT,where the column of matrix U are called leftsingular vectors, or basis patterns, the rows of VT are called right singular vectors,or amplitude vectors, and the elements of S are called singular values. The basispatterns are ordered following the high-to-low sorting of singular values. The aimof the SVD analysis of kinetic data is to identify a number of time-independentpatterns containing all the relevant information out of the random noise and ableto reproduce the dataset as a linear combination of such time-independent pat-terns. Visual inspection of basis patterns, amplitude vectors and singular valuessuggested that only the first three basis patterns are significant. Autocorrelationanalysis of both basis patterns and amplitude vectors2 indicated three CcOoImponentscontaining significant information, with the rest containing essentially only ran-dom noise. A linear combination of the first three basis patterns was then used toreconstruct the entire dataset and to interpret and compare the kinetics of thephotosensory region and full-length Cphl protein. Modeling of SAXS data. Static X-ray scattering data on the full-length Cph1 inthe stationary Pr state was obtained by continuous LED illumination at 730 nm.Continuous LED illumination at 625 nm produced a Pr/Pfr equilibrium with 75%of the proteins being in the Pfr state, as determined by deconvolution of opticalspectra. Static X-ray scattering data of the pure Pfr state was obtained by adding thePr/Pfr-Pr difference pattern properly rescaled to the pattern of the Pr state. Thestatic patterns of Pr and Pfr states were then used to extract structural informationon the large scale protein motions responsible for the small-angle X-ray scattering(SAXS) changes. The pair distance distribution functions P(r) was calculated fromthe absolute scattering curves on the qrange 0-0.3 A-1 using the GNOM softwareof the ATSAS package22. Ab initio envelope models of the Pr and Pfr states werederived using the DAMMIN software (ATSAS package2). First, 30 models weregenerated for each scattering curve, using a P2 symmetry on the basis of the knownhomodimeric structures of Cph116. DAMAVER software (ATSAS package?) wasthen used to remove outliers, align the remaining models and produce an averaged and filtered model and used as an input for a second DAMMIN analysis. Themodel produced by this second DAMMIN round with a minimized discrepancyfrom the scattering data was used to reveal the overall conformational motionsresponsible for the large difference signal in the SAXS region of the full-lengthCphl patterns (see Fig. 2). Data availability The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study areavailable from the corresponding authors on reasonable request. Received: 14 June 2018 Accepted: 20 November 2018Published online: 03 January 2019 ( References ) ( 1. N agy, F. & Schafer, E. Phytochromes control p hotomorphogenesis by d ifferentially regulated, i nteracting signaling pathways in hi g her pla n ts. 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OMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY|(https://doi.org/swww.nature.com/commsbio Phytochromes are photoreceptor proteins that transmit a light signal from a photosensoryregion to an output domain. Photoconversion involves protein conformational changes whosenature is not fully understood. Here, we use time-resolved X-ray scattering and opticalspectroscopy to study the kinetics of structural changes in a full-length cyanobacterialphytochrome and in a truncated form with no output domain. X-ray and spectroscopic signalson the μs/ms timescale are largely independent of the presence of the output domain. Onlonger time-scales, large differences between the full-length and truncated proteins indicatethe timeframe during which the structural transition is transmitted from the photosensoryregion to the output domain and represent a large quaternary motion. The suggested independence of the photosensory-region dynamics on the μs/ms timescale defines a timewindow in which the photoreaction can be characterized (e.g. for optogenetic design)independently of the nature of the engineered output domain.

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