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Every year again, stories about wildfires in Spain and other southern European countries make newspaper headlines. In the summer of 2012 for example, much of Spain's countryside was left tinder-dry by a prolonged heat wave, resulting in major wildfires in northern Catalonia - near the Pyrenees - and on La Gomera, in the Canary Islands. Be it because of human negligence or malicious intent, forest wildfires result in a major cost forsociety, the loss of valuable forest areas, and the risk of human casualties.


FLR APPLICATIONSTORY 38 FLIR thermal security cameras toprevent outdoor tires in Spain A FLIR FC-309 is mounted on a Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) system thatallows for 360°continuous rotation. FLIR FC-Series security cameras offer reliable and cost-effective solution for outdoor fire detection. Every year again, stories about wildfires in Spain and other southern European countriesmake newspaper headlines. In the summer of 2012 for example, much of Spain’scountryside was left tinder-dry by a prolonged heat wave, resulting in major wildfires innorthern Catalonia - near the Pyrenees - and on La Gomera, in the Canary Islands. Be itbecause of human negligence or malicious intent, forest wildfires result in a major cost forsociety, the loss of valuable forest areas, and the risk of human casualties. ln order to offer a solution for this everreturning problem, Spanish company SR7,a provider of surveillance and securitysystems, has built up extensive experiencen developing fire detection systems basedon thermal imaging technology that areable to detect fires in an early stage andovera long range. SR7, based in Llanera in the north ofSpain, offers surveillance and securitysolutions for the industry, the environment,military infrastructures, public and private administrations, ports, airports, etc. Thecompany has a worldwide install baseandrange from new installations tocustomizations of existing systems. SR7 isspecialized in the use of thermal imagingcameras and the analysis of thermal andconventional images, radars, sensors, andcommunication systems. Thermal imaging ffor outdoor fireprotection Thermal imaging cameras for fire detectionare not new. They have been used for Mr. Jesús Angel del Campo Martinez:"With the integration ofFLIR's FC-Series security cameras, we believe we have developedan extremely cost-effective fire detection system that will pro-vide reliable results and that is able to cover large areas." Although a forest fire application is the origin of this system,itis also suitable for use on any outdoor fire detection environ-ment, or indoor long range areas. example for indoor detection in wasteplants, which often contain thousandsof tons of solid waste. This waste ispotentially flammable when stored, dueto self-combustion, spontaneous chemicalreactionsbetween the disposals ormethane gas-building. Cameras like theFLIR A-Series for example detect fires basedon temperature changes and actuallymeasure the temperature. When a certain,unwanted temperature level is reached,the registered camera images can triggeran alarm. “We know the application of indoor firedetection with FLIR's A-Series" commentsMr. Jesús Angel del Campo Martinez,Technical Director at SR7."However, firedetection for outdoor use and for detectionover a long range distances, requiresadditional complex detection algorithms.Therefore, we developed a solution thatcould meet both these requirements" Pan-Tilt-Zoom system SR7 decided to useFLIR's FC-SeriesSecurity thermal imaging camera to builda proprietary system. With the FC-309model, the system is able to detect a fireoverheating area of 1m- in a range of2,500 meters. FC Series Security camerasare combined with SR7 propriety videoanalytics software, which will trigger alarmsin case flame detection, and mounted on aPan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) system that allows for360°continuous rotation. And although a forest fire application isthe origin of this system, it is also suitablefor use on any outdoor fire detectionenvironment, or indoor long range areas.It can be applied for a wide variety ofinstallations, like industrial premises, solarfields, electrical stations, flammable outdoordeposits, nuclear plants, airports, ports andmanyothers. With the FC-309 model,the system is able to detect a fire overheating area of 1m2 in a range of 2,500 meters. The SR7 system is providing reliable detection results during various weather conditions, sunlight or rain, and significantly reducesthe number ofunwanted alarms. Sunlight reflections Another drawback ofusingtypicalindoor thermal imaging camera systemsis sunlight reflection causing unwantedalarms."Sunlight reflection can come froma wide variety of sources, comments Mr.Martinez."Any metallic structure, like cars ormachines, or even the nearby presence ofwater can cause reflections and unwantedalarms. The detection by the SR7 video analyticssolution however looks for movement inthe thermal imaging picture, and neglectsthe sunlight reflections. This way, thesystem is providing reliable detectionresults during various weather conditions,sunlight or rain, and significantly reducesthe number of unwanted alarms. Environmental protection The FC-Series Security cameras havebeen designed in such a way that thesurvivability of the camera in electricallyadverse environments is guaranteed."Power sources in forest areas are generallynot the most stable ones, due to theremoteness and vastness of those areas"comments Mr. Martinez.“Voltage dips orinterruptions can cause a normal camerato break. Also,lightning strikes can be fatalfor a security camera system. The FC-Series Security cameras have beenengineered with propriety FLIR circuitry toprovide a high degree of protection againsta variety of problematic power conditionsthat have been shown to cause problemsfor typical cameras. The benefits of thisadded protection include: uninterruptedoperation in a wide range of conditions, ahigh degree of protection against electricalstorms and immunity to electrical noise inindustrial environments. FC-Series S is intended for outdoor applications andhas protection circuitry that only allows the intendedsignaling to pass through. In order to offer a solution for this ever returning problem, Spanish company SR7,a provider of surveillance and security systems, has built up extensive experiencein developing fire detection systems based on thermal imaging technology that areable to detect fires in an early stage and over a long range.

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菲力尔中国为您提供《火灾中安全防护检测方案(红外热像仪)》,该方案主要用于其他中安全防护检测,参考标准《暂无》,《火灾中安全防护检测方案(红外热像仪)》用到的仪器有菲力尔FLIR A655sc 红外热像仪。


