
检测样品 食品药品,化妆品

检测项目 Arsenic*

关联设备 共1种 下载方案




ATOMIC ABSORBTIONSPECTROMETERWWW.LUMEX.BIZ ww DETERMINATION OF ARSENIC, CADMIUM, CHROMIUM, LEAD, MERCURY,AND TIN CONTENT IN FOOD PRODUCTS INTRODUCTION This analytical procedure is intended for measuring the content of the elements (cadmium, lead, arsenic, tin,chromium and mercury) in the samples of food products by atomic absorption spectrometry with electro-thermal atomization using an"MGA-915M”Graphite Furnace AA Spectrometer. MEASUREMENT METHOD The method is based on measuring resonance radiation absorption that occurs when the radiation passesthrough a layer of atomic vapor in the electrically heated graphite furnace of the“MGA-915M” AAspectrometer. The concentration of the elements is determined from the integrated analytical signal and iscalculated using a preset calibration graph. The samples of food products are digested prior to analysis in accordance with standard methods. MEASUREMENT RANGE Measurement range for the elements is listed in the table below: Element Measurement range, mg/kg Threshold value, mg/kg Arsenic* 0.025-10 0.05-1.0 Cadmium 0.005-1.0 0.01-1.0 Chromium 0.2-100 0.5 Lead 0.05-10 0.1-10 Mercury* 0.0025-0.05 0.005-0.3 Tin 1-100 200 *Measured using Hydride Generation Accessory“RGP-915”. EQUIPMENT AND REAGENTS The following equipment and reagents are used in measurements: “MGA-915M”Atomic Absorption Spectrometer “RGP-915” Hydride Generation Accessory SRM for the ionic composition of a solution of analyzed elements Bidistilled or deionized water Concentrated sulfuric acid, reagent grade Concentrated nitric acid, high purity grade Hydrogen peroxide (30%), high purity grade 10-100 uL dispenser (e.g.,《Biohit》). PREOPERATIONAL PROCEDURES The following procedures should be carried out to prepare for measurements: sampling and samplepretreatment, preparation of chemical glassware, preparation of ancillary and calibration solutions,preparation of the graphite furnace, rapid check-up of the quality of bidistilled water, calibration of thespectrometer and check-up of the calibration characteristic Sample digestion is made in accordance with guidelines for specific product by dry or wet digestion. It isallowed to use microwave digestion, for example,“MINOTAVR@-2”digestion system manufactured byLUMEX. MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES Depending on the expected concentrations of the elements, 10 to 40 pL of the analyzed sample is injectedinto the graphite furnace of the atomizer by a dispenser, and the measurement is made according to aselected operating mode. All the measurements are performed according to the Operation Manual for"MGA-915M”Spectrometer.Measurement data are processed and a user friendly measurement report is compiled by dedicated softwareincluded in the delivery set. The information in this leaflet is supplemental. To get more specific information on this method, please contact the developer of thismethod LUMEX Ltd. 该方法可用于测定液体样本(各种水质、饮料和生物液体)的重金属,检测矿化后的其他样本,如土壤、沉积物、废水、食物、原料、生物组织和石油化学类。采用采用塞曼高频偏振光谱技术(ZHFMPS)和电热原子化技术可对某些复杂样本直接分析,抗干扰性强。采用先进的ZAAS-HFM分析技术,使检测复杂样品更加简单,与其它的分析技术相比,MGA-915MD可用适当的成本和工作量,满足对低含量样品(ppb级)的检测需求。采用的激发光源--高频无极放电灯(EDL),其发射的高强度激发谱线,无需氢化物发生可直接检测砷、硒、锑等元素,消除了因氢化物发生所带来的试剂、温度等干扰因素,使结果更加准确。

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LUMEX INSTRUMENTS (鲁美科思分析仪器)为您提供《食品药品,化妆品中Arsenic*检测方案(原子吸收光谱)》,该方案主要用于食品药品,化妆品中Arsenic*检测,参考标准《暂无》,《食品药品,化妆品中Arsenic*检测方案(原子吸收光谱)》用到的仪器有LUMEX石墨炉原子吸收MGA-1000。


