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Film Metrology & More...For further information, please contact us at info@thetametrisis.com or sales@thetametrisis.comThetaMetrisis C 2018, www.thetametrisis.com ThetaMetrisis APPLICATION NOTE #026 Thickness measurement of Perovskites films Introduction: Perovskites are widely used for the development of solar cells. These types of solar cells aresystematically investigated due to their promising photovoltaic performance. The thickness and the morphologyof perovskite films are the most significant factors that influence the performance of solar cells. In particular, ithas been found that the efficiency of a perovskites solar cells is considerably dependent on the film thickness,when the thickness of perovskite is less than 400 nm; whereas the efficiency is significantly dependent on thefilm morphology of the perovskite layer when its thickness is greater than 400nml. In this application note, wemeasure the thickness of perovskite films using FR-Tools. Means & Methods: Samples for characterization were two CH3NH3PbBr3perovskite films with different thicknesses on a standardITO/SiO2/Soda-lime substrate, as shown in the schematic.Reflectance measurements performed using ThetaMetrisis FR-Basic VIS/NIR, operating at the spectral range of 350-1020nm. Figure 1. Schematic of the layer stack Results: Typical obtained reflectance spectra (black line) and fitted reflectance spectra (red line), as seen on theFR-Monitor software, of both samples, are illustrated in Figure 2a) and b), respectively. The fitting for bothmeasurements was applied in the 500-750 nm spectral range, and the thickness of the perovskite thin film insample 1 was measured at 516.9 nm, while the thickness in sample 2 was measured at 394.4 nm. Figure 2a): Experimental and fitted reflectance spectra ofSample 1. Thickness measured at 515 nm. Figure2b): Experimental and fitted reflectance spectra ofSample 2. Thickness measured at 392 nm. Conclusions: A demonstration of FR-Basic performance on thickness measurements of perovskite thin films wasdemonstrated. ( 1 K. Wang, C. Liu, P . Du, L . Chen, J. Z hu, A. Karim, and X. Gong,“Eff i ciencies of perovskite hybrid solar cells influe n ced by film thickness and morphology of CH3NH3Pbl3-xClylayer,"Org. Electron. physics, Mater. Appl.,vol. 21, no. February, pp.19-26, 2015. ) 2Xinyan Technology co. Limited 钙钛矿薄膜厚度的测量简介:钙钛矿广泛用于太阳能电池的开发。由于这些类型的太阳能电池具有良好的光伏性能,因此对它们进行了系统的研究。钙钛矿薄膜的厚度和形态是影响太阳能电池性能的重要因素。特别地,人们发现,当钙钛矿的厚度小于400nm时,钙钛矿太阳能电池的效率很大程度上取决于薄膜厚度;而当钙钛矿的厚度大于400nm时,效率则很大程度上取决于钙钛矿层的薄膜形态。在本应用说明中,我们使用FR工具测量钙钛矿薄膜的厚度。测量方法:用于表征的样品是两种不同厚度的CH3NH3PbBr3钙钛矿薄膜,它们位于标准ITO/SiO2/Soda-lime基底上, 使用ThetaMetrisis FR-Basic VIS / NIR进行反射测量,在350-1020nm的光谱范围内操作。结果: 两种样品的典型获得的反射光谱(黑线)和拟合的反射光谱(红线),如FR监控软件所示,分别在图2a)和b)中所示。 两种测量方法的拟合在500-750nm光谱范围内进行,样品1中钙钛矿薄膜的厚度在516.9nm处测量,而样品2中的厚度在394.4nm处测量。 结论: 对钙钛矿薄膜厚度测量的基本性能进行了验证。FR的工具基于白光反射光谱(Reports) 。准确同步的厚度测量及薄膜的折射率-一个广泛的多样化的应用范围广泛的光电特性的工具和整体解决方案,如:半导体、有机电子、聚合物、涂料和涂料、光伏、生物传感、化学传感...

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