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使用ATR PRO ONE VIEW进行纤维产品分析

检测样品 纤维

检测项目 纤维材料、微量、化学分析、光谱图像

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


在本应用说明中,使用ATR PRO ONE VIEW演示了几种纤维产品的测量。 关键词纤维,样本图像,材料分析,ATR Pro One视图,FT/IR-4000


纤维材料的分子结构分析在新材料的评估、质量控制、取证和刑事调查中都很有用。纤维是通过混合不同的材料和染料化合物制成的,以满足颜色和质地的要求。红外光谱法(根据JIS L 1030的要求)广泛用于纤维材料的分子结构分析;ATR是一种优秀的技术,因为它只需要最少的样品制备,无损且易于使用。JASCO的FTIR配件ATR PRO ONE VIEW允许用户在观察样品与棱镜接触的同时进行测量,并提供清晰的全色图像。光谱和图像一起保存在光谱管理器™中以获得分析的全面记录。在本应用说明中,使用ATR PRO ONE VIEW演示了几种纤维产品的测量。本应用中结论:如前所述,使用ATR PRO ONE VIEW可以将样本位置、化学成分、形状和颜色记录在一个综合数据集中。ATR PRO ONE VIEW可用于各种领域,包括质量控制和刑事调查。Application Note260-AT-0243 2/3Fiber Product Analysis usingATR PRO ONE VIEWApplication Note I ntroduction The analysis of the molecula r structure of fiber materia l s i s useful i n the evaluation of new mat e r i als, qual i ty con tr ol, f ore n sics and i n crim in al investigat i on . F i bers are made by mixing diffe r ent m aterials and dye compounds to meet the requirements for color and texture .In f rared spectroscopy (as r equired by JIS L 1030) i s widely used in t h e mo l ecu l ar st r ucture analysis of f iber ma t eri al s; ATR i s an e xcell e n t tec h nique b ecau s e it r e q u i r es only mini ma l sample prepara t i on , i s non-destructive and easy to use. JASCO's FT I R accessory, the ATR PRO ONE VIEW allows the user to perform measuremen t s whilst observ in g th e sample conta ct wi th t h e p rism , and p rovides a cle a r f u ll color image. The spectrum a n d image a re saved together in Spectra Manager "for a comprehensive record of the analys i s . I n this application n ote , th e measurement of sever a l fiber p roducts are d e monstrat e d using a n ATR PRO ONE VIEW. Figure 1. A TR PRO ONE V I EW K eyword s F i ber, sam p le i mage, mate r ial analysis, ATR Pro One View, FT/IR-4000 Measurement Instruments FT/IR-4600 Resolution 4cm1 Method ATR Detector DLATGS Accumulation 50 times Accessory ATR PRO ONE VIEW Prism PKS-D1V Prism Observation Diamond Non-Observation ZnSe, Ge (Option) Sample Contact Area f1.8 mm (Diamond) Reflectance One Incident Angle 45° Pressure Resistance 700 kg/cm² (Diamond) Measurement Wavenumber Range 10000-300 cm-1* 10000-30 cm-1*(Option) Observation (USB Camera) View: 1.1x0.8 mm,LCD: 5 inch VGA Software SP data format with image, wavelength tool, image processing function Size, Weight 182(W)x166(D)x205(H) mm 2.0 kg Accessory Pressure tip (2 type) * Hi g h perfor ma nce d i amond prism kit (P KS-D1V): 10000-300c m- * Wide range diam o n d p ri s m ki t (PKS -D1V F ): 10000-30c m- Resu l t 2.1 Fiber Image F i gure 2 is a d i gital image of a fiber captu r ed us i n g the ATR PRO ONE VIEW. A micro sample was set at t h e center of the pr i sm and ca n be clearly observed in the 1.1 x0.8 mm f ie l d . Figure 2. Fi b e r i mage captured b y ATR PRO ONE V I EW Th e Spec t rum Measu r eme n t software al l ows t h e measurement of sample dime n sio n s and to save th e I R spectrum with a captured i m age. T h is additional in f ormation i s useful when collating data, i n cludi n g t h e sample image, a n d provides valuable informa t ion for a complete record and comprehensive reporting. 2.2 Blended Fiber Analysis F i gure 3 Images and IR spectra of a neu t ral colored cloth and a beige/green cloth. The peaks around 1640, 1550 cm-1ass i gned as am i de l, Il are o b served i n spectrum (A). Peaks assig n ed as nitr i l e (2300 cm -1) and ca rb onyl (1720 cm -ar e observed i n addit i on to t h e amide l, II peaks. These r esults indicate t h at (A) is pure wool and (B) i s a m ixture of acrylic and WOOl. Figure 3. IR spect ra and image s of b e i ge clot h (t o p ) and red clot h (bottom) Conc l u s ion As mentioned, u s i ng the ATR PRO ONE VIEW allows the sample p osition, c h emist r y, shape and color to be recorded i n a single comprehe n sive dat a set. T he ATR PRO ONE VIEW can be used i n various fields including qual i ty cont r ol and c ri minal invest i gation. A pp l i ca ti o n L i br a r y: j asco i nc.com/appl i cations

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《使用ATR PRO ONE VIEW进行纤维产品分析》,该方案主要用于纤维中纤维材料、微量、化学分析、光谱图像检测,参考标准《暂无》,《使用ATR PRO ONE VIEW进行纤维产品分析》用到的仪器有JASCO FTIR-4000傅立叶变换红外光谱仪。


