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检测项目 窗户玻璃反射率/透射率产品质量测试方案

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智能调光玻璃技术除了有便利和节能的优点外,还可以增强私密性、稳定性和安全性。总之,智能调光玻璃技术是一种在各种环境中提高舒适性、便利性和高效性的创新型解决方案。 该企业寻求一个能提高他们薄膜和窗户生产测试的效率和质量的供应商合作伙伴。具体来说,他们希望通过改善光谱反射率和透射率测量公差来改善颜色质量结果。


作为世界领先的先进玻璃涂层、耐用中空玻璃、钢化、夹层等产品的供应商,该公司在美国37个生产基地拥有7000多名员工。他们的愿景是通过他们的智能调光玻璃技术来设计和制计和制造业内最先进的住宅玻璃产品。智能调光玻璃技术指的是一种玻璃,它可以根据各种外部刺激(包括热、光或电)改变其性质,如透明度或不透明度。该技术是熟知的智能变光玻璃或者电色玻璃。这种玻璃可用于与不同的场合,例如家、办公室和车辆的窗户、门、隔板和天窗。也可用于零售显示器、投影屏幕和隐私屏幕。Smart Glass智能调光玻璃技术除了有便利和节能的优点外,还可以增强私密性、稳定性和安全性。总之,智能调光玻璃技术是一种在各种环境中提高舒适性、便利性和高效性的创新型解决方案。该企业寻求一个能提高他们薄膜和窗户生产测试的效率和质量的供应商合作伙伴。具体来说,他们希望通过改善光谱反射率和透射率测量公差来改善颜色质量结果。►►►目标该公司起初是和竞争对手的现货产品合作开启的这个项目。很糟糕的是,提供的解决方案非常不理想。该企业领导小组一位同事建议他们与Labsphere合作。该项目的主要目标是首先开发一个解决方案,然后通过迭代过程和加速原型设计,确定可能超越他们最初期望的潜在解决方案。►►►方案实施起初,该公司为Labsphere提供了这个特定应用程序的组件图。他们很快意识到Labsphere在积分球技术和应用程序方面的专业知识可以提供额外的价值。他们的性能目标是获得一个更紧凑和流线性的光谱反射和透射积分球组件,透射率和反射率积分球部件可以很容易集成到他们的产品或质量测试线中。该部件需要有极高的光谱反射效率并且对光源收集角度不敏感。该解决方案要求具有耐久性且可避免测试环境的破坏。►►►结果公司团队负责测试设备的设计、测试、完善和交付到各个工厂的全过程,在生产过程中全天候使用测试设备进行薄膜质量检测。他们测试所有的材料和部件,以确定其接受公差。为了达到较高的亮度均匀性,积分球内部涂层需要具有高漫反射性。Labsphere使用先进的材料Spectralon SRM-99,以及我们的制造和加工技术来开发反射/透射积分球插片。积分球内置在一个我们共同设计的外壳中,以捕获从薄膜发出的所有散射光。测试积分球的设计也便于安装和维护,在遭受损坏的情况下可以快速方便地更换。所收集的数据用于确定薄膜的光谱特性和颜色。►►►结论该公司的团队被指派提高现有现成组件的性能,他们需要各种配置的样本来加快最终解决方案的决策。该团队选择与Labsphere合作,Labsphere是一家专门从事定制OEM和生产解决方案的公司。通过与公司团队的密切合作,我们对他们的独特需求和规格有了更彻底的了解。五(5)个原型组件的快速开发最终产生了一个完全满足其需求的解决方案,该方案今天已被使用。现在我们正在为客户新生代产品商讨新的设计解决方案。Window Reflectance/Transmission Production Quality Test 窗户玻璃反射率/透射率产品质量测 试 Introduction 简介 A world-leading provider of advanced glass coatings, durable insulating glass, tempering, lamination, and more has grown to more than 7,000 employees located at 37 manufacturing locations around the United States. Their vision is to design and fabricate the most advanced residential glass products in the industry with their smart glass technologies. 作为世界领先的先进玻璃涂层、耐用中空玻璃、钢化、夹层等产品的供应商,该公 司在美国 37个生产基地拥有 7000多名员工。他们的愿景是通过他们的智能调光 玻璃技术来设计和制计和制造业内最先进的住宅玻璃产品。 Smart glass technology refers to a type of glass that can change its properties, such as transparency or opacity, in response to various external stimuli, including heat, light, or electricity. This technology is also known as switchable glass or electrochromic glass. 智能调光玻璃技术指的是一种玻璃,它可以根据各种外部刺激(包括热、光或电)改 变其性质,如透明度或不透明度。该技术是熟知的智能变光玻璃或者电色玻璃。 It can be used for a variety of applications, such as windows, doors, partitions, and skylights in homes, offices, and vehicles. It can also be used in retail displays, projection screens, and privacy screens. 这种玻璃可用于与不同的场合,例如家、办公室和车辆的窗户、门、隔板和天窗。也可用于零售显示器、投影屏幕和隐私屏幕。 In addition to the convenience and energy-saving benefits, smart glass technology can also enhance privacy, security, and safety. Overall, smart glass technology is an innovative solution for improving comfort, convenience, and efficiency in a wide range of environments. 智能调光玻璃技术除了有便利和节能的优点外,还可以增强私密性、稳定性和安全 性。总之,智能调光玻璃技术是一种在各种环境中提高舒适性、便利性和高效性的 创新型解决方案。 The company sought a supplier partner to improve the efficiency and quality of their thin film and window production testing. Specifically, they aimed to improve color quality results through improved spectral reflectance and transmission measurement tolerances. 该企业寻求一个能提高他们薄膜和窗户生产测试的效率和质量的供应商合作伙伴。具体来说,他们希望通过改善光谱反射率和透射率测量公差来改善颜色质量结果。 Objective 目标 The company initially collaborated with a competitor’s off-the-shelf product to begin this project. Unfortunately for them, the solution provided was less than satisfactory. A colleague of the company’s Team leader referred them to Labsphere, and the project’s primary objectives were to first develop a solution and then, through an iterative process, and rapid prototyping, identify potential solutions that could potentially surpass their initial expectations. 该公司起初是和竞争对手的现货产品合做开启的这个项目。很糟糕的是,提供的解 决方案非常不理想。该企业领导小组一位同事建议他们与Labsphere合作。该项目 的主要目标是首先开发一个解决方案,然后通过迭代过程和加速原型设计,确定可 能超越他们最初期望的潜在解决方案。 Implementation Initially, the company supplied Labsphere with a component drawing for this particular application. It quickly became apparent to them that Labsphere’s expertise in integrating sphere technologies and applications could provide additional value. Their performance objective was to acquire a more compact and streamlined spectral reflectance and transmittance integrating sphere component that could be readily incorporated into their production/quality test line. The component needed to have high spectral throughput and provide integrated radiance insensitive to the beam collection angle. The solution needed to be durable, and resistant to damage in the test environment. 实施 起初,该公司为 Labsphere提供了这个特定应用程序的组件图。他们很快意识到 Labsphere在积分球技术和应用程序方面的专业知识可以提供额外的价值。他们 的性能目标是获得一个更紧凑和流线型的光谱反射和透射积分球组件,透射率和反 射率积分球部件可以很容易集成到他们的产品或质量测试线中。该部件需要有极高 的光谱反射效率并且对光源收集角度不敏感。该解决方案要求具有耐久性且可避免 测试环境的破坏。 Results The company’s team is responsible for the entire process of designing, testing, perfecting, and delivering the test equipment to various facilities, where it is utilized around the clock for quality inspection of thin films during production. They test all the materials and components to determine their acceptance tolerances. To achieve high radiance uniformity, highly diffuse reflectance of the interior wall of the collection sphere is needed. Labsphere used its advanced material, Spectralon SRM-99, and our manufacturing and machining techniques to develop the reflectance/transmittance integrating sphere inserts. These are housed in an encloser we designed together to receive the collection optics and position the thin film surface near flush the interior of the cavity to capture all the scattered light emitted from the thin films. The test spheres are also designed to be easy to install and maintain, with features that allow for quick and easy replacement in case of damage. The data collected is used to qualify the spectral characteristics and color of the thin films. 结果 公司团队负责测试设备的设计、测试、完善和交付到各个工厂的全过程,在生产过 程中全天候使用测试设备进行薄膜质量检测。他们测试所有的材料和部件,以确定 其接受公差。为了达到较高的亮度均匀性,积分球内部涂层需要具有高漫反射性。 Labsphere使用先进的材料Spectralon SRM-99,以及我们的制造和加工技术来开 发反射/透射积分球插片。积分球内置在一个我们共同设计的外壳中,以捕获从薄 膜发出的所有散射光。测试积分球的设计也便于安装和维护,在遭受损坏的情况下 可以快速方便地更换。所收集的数据用于确定薄膜的光谱特性和颜色。 Conclusion The company’s team was assigned to enhance the performance over current off-the-shelf components, and they required samples of various configurations to expedite their decision on the ultimate solution. The team opted to partner with Labsphere, a company specializing in creating bespoke OEM and production solutions. Through close collaboration with the company’s team, we gained a thorough understanding of their unique needs and specifications. Swift development of five (5) prototyped components ultimately resulted in a solution that fully satisfied their requirements and is in use today. 结论 该公司的团队被指派提高现有现成组件的性能,他们需要各种配置的样本来加快最 终解决方案的决策。该团队选择与 Labsphere合作,Labsphere是一家专门从事 定制OEM和生产解决方案的公司。通过与公司团队的密切合作,我们对他们的独 特需求和规格有了透彻的了解。五(5)个原型组件的快速开发最终产生了一个完全 满足其需求的解决方案,该方案今天已被使用。 At present, we are engaged in discussions regarding a fresh design for the forthcoming generation of products. 现在我们正在为客户新生代产品商讨新的设计解决方案。

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