


  • 悬赏金额:20积分状态:已解决
  • 目前很多成品厂商均要求不含BFR和CFR,相信很多零配件厂商都接到过关于这两个项目的调查表。那么面对客户的这种要求,该如何应对呢?



活到九十 学到一百 2008/06/18


花儿开了 2008/06/18

[em0806] [em0806] [em0806] 凭什么删除阿,我回答了问题不提醒他万一他不记得给我分怎么办,你给我分吗,讨厌!

piery2006 2008/06/18

现在看来做到BFR和CFR FREE是一个非常困难的问题 防火安全等级要达到 而且又能够既便宜又可以批量生产,在短期内解决这个问题根本是不可能的事情. 上次还碰到一件怪事情:一家客户在处理皮革有用到氯化钠 而他的买家又要求做到无卤,测试结果当然是含有很高的氯元素 连氯化钠也想禁,真的想骂人了,最怕的就是这种人了

轻风 2008/06/18

很多客户问过这种问题了,而且说要测试 我认为这种禁止方式确实太笼统了,太不道德了 就拿测试来说根本没办法做到, 现在一般的测试机构都有两种方法进行测试: 1、测试几种常见的阻燃剂, 2、测试氯和溴总量 但这两种方法都不严谨,但又是没更好的办法了。

yzlbq 2008/06/18


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    BFR:Brominated Flame Retardants溴化阻燃剂
    CFR:Chlorinated Flame Retardants氯化阻燃剂

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    jiping_111 发表:尽量减少使用或寻找替代品

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    The introduction of 'new materials'

    Today, we live in a modern society where we are surrounded by many consumer products, made out of flammable materials such as oil-based plastics and synthetic materials.

    Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs) are chemicals commonly used in many domestic and industrial appliances and equipment such as computers, TV's, mobile phones, furniture, insulation boards, mattresses and many more others. 90% of electrical and electronic appliances contain BFRs. BFRs are used to increase their resistance to fire. Flame retardants give up to 15 times more time to scape when there is a fire. BFRs are also used in textiles for upholstered furniture.

    For an overview of the applications of the different brominated flame retardants, please click here.

    Protecting peoples' lives

    In 2000 in the US, there were more than 4,000 deaths in fires. It is estimated that at least 280 lives were saved thanks to the use of Brominated Flame Retardants alone.
    In Europe, the EU Commission has estimated a 20% reduction of fire deaths as a result of the use of flame retardants in the last 10 years.
    In the United Kingdom , government scientists have estimated that more than 3,000 lives were saved in the period between 1988 - 2000 as a result of Flame Retardants, in particular BFRs. The UK and Irish Furniture Fire Safety Regulations from 1988 provide the UK consumer with the highest levels of fire safety protection in the world.

    Providing Safety in the Home

    The development of flame retardants has made possible the safe use of a wide range of materials and consumer products. Flame retardants are chemicals which are added to materials, either during or after manufacture, and because of their chemical nature reduce both the chances of the material igniting and, if they do, they slow the rate of combustion. The use of flame retardants in the manufacture of electronic equipment, upholstered furniture and textiles has been shown to save lives from fire.

    After many years of serious fires involving upholstered furniture (such as sofas), in 1988 the UK passed legislation requiring such furniture to meet a higher flammability standard, which required both the fillings and covers of most upholstered furniture to be flame-retarded. The legislation has proved highly effective as older furniture is replaced by new, safer furniture.

    However the UK is still one of the only countries in Europe to require the use of high levels of fire safety in upholstered furniture.
    Similarly in the case of televisions, the introduction of a higher fire safety standard in the US for television enclosures has led to a 73% decrease in the incidence of fires involving televisions.

    Yet, in Europe, where no such high standard exists, fires involving televisions, with resultant deaths and injuries, have continued to climb.

    Providing Safety in Public Places

    Flame retardants are not only important in the home, they also ensure the fire safety of many public places. In modern facilities such as cinemas and theatres, it is almost inconceivable that the textile furnishings would not be flame-retarded. The same applies to many forms of transport, including cars, airplanes and train furnishings. But flame retardants are perhaps most important in protecting people where they are at their most vulnerable, in schools, homes for the elderly, and hospitals.

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    How do Flame Retardants work?

    Fire is a chemical reaction between oxygen and a fuel, triggered by an ignition source or heat. Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs) are in many circumstances the most effective chemical to prevent ignition or a fire from developing. Basically, BFRs inhibit this chemical reaction from taking place and in that way prevent a fire from developing.

    When Flame Retardants started to be used

    Chemical flame retardants have been used since Roman times when they were used to prevent seige towers from catching fire. The first patent on a flame retardant was British Patent 551 to Obadiah Wilde in 1735 to flame retard canvas for use in theatres and public buildings. In the plastics industry they were first used in cellulose nitrate which was extremely inflammable. In the early '70s, the increasing use of flammable materials such as plastics in electrical equipment or synthetic fibres in sofas and curtains led to the wider use of flame retardants. Manufacturers of furniture and appliances began to move away from traditional materials such as wood and metal towards new materials such as plastics for appliances and polyurethane foam and fibre-based fillings for furniture. While these new materials provided many benefits, they had one problem - they were far more combustable than the materials they replaced, which meant they would both catch fire more easily, and once alight, combust more rapidly, giving people little time to escape. Flame Retardants are able to contribute greatly to reducing the risk of fires providing safety in the home and in public places.

    Different types of flame retardants

    There are a number of different "families" of flame retardants:

    Brominated flame retardants

    Chlorinated flame retardants

    Phosphorous-containing flame retardants

    Nitrogen-containing flame retardants (i.e. Melamines)

    Inorganic flame retardants
    The choice of a given flame retardant frequently depends on the type of application. Their suitability is subject to variables such as the material to be flame-retarded, the fire safety standards with which the product must comply, cost considerations and recyclability.

    Halogenated flame retardants

    Bromine, chlorine, fluorine and iodine, are the elements in the chemical group known as halogens. The word halogen derives from Greek, meaning 'salt-former', because these elements are commonly found in nature reacted with metals to form salts. For example, sodium chloride, or table salt, is the most common example of a halogen salt.

    Halogenated flame retardants act in the vapour phase. That is they actually interfere with the chemistry of the flame to prevent it from propagating. Chlorine and bromine are both effective in this role. Fluorine is too stable to be an active flame retardant and iodine based compounds are too unstable to be flame retardants.

    Chlorinated flame retardants are mainly used in plastics. They offer good light stability but compared to brominated flame retardants, higher quantities are needed for achieving comparable flame retardancy.

    Brominated flame retardants are often the most effective flame retardant when both performance and cost are considered.

    Why is bromine effective as a flame retardant?

    In general the stability of bromine in a typical flame retardant molecule means that they can offer the highest activity as a flame active retardant as well being very cost effective. The choice of flame retardant systems for any particular application will depend on how the material decomposes in a fire, as well as the physical properties required. BFRs, because they act in the flame, can be used in just about every application, indeed in some plastics and uses they may be almost the only choice.

    The fact that BFRs are particularly efficient on an addition level basis means that frequently they may have less impact on the physical properties of a plastic than other systems. There are also a wide range of BFRs available. These enable a formulator to select the optimum product to balance cost with physical properties, temperature resistance, processing characteristics and all the other important characteristics a particular end use may require.

    Different types of Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs)

    Among the many BFRs used in the world the main commercial BFRs are the following:

    TBBPA: Tetrabromobisphenol -A

    HBCD: Hexabromocyclododecane

    Deca-BDE (Decabromodiphenyl ether)

    Brominated polymers such as brominated epoxy, brominated polystyrene, brominated polycarbonate, poly (brominated acrylate), and brominated polyols.

    Octa-BDE (Octabromodiphenyl ether) - Phased out in Europe

    Penta-BDE (Pentabromodiphenyl ether) - Phased out in Europe

    PBB: Polybrominated biphenyls - Phased out in Europe
    Each of these Brominated Flame Retardants have very different properties.

    Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs) and the environment

    The important contribution of BFRs in protecting our environment is often not known. For instance, according to a life cycle assessment (LCA), the use of plastics flame retarded by BFRs reduces dramatically the emissions of toxic substances such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and dibenzodioxins and furans.
    Several studies have also found that recycling of plastics containing brominated flame retardant fully meets the German Dioxin Ordinance requirements. It was also found that this could be easily done to comply with the German Worker Health and Safety requirements.
    Moreover it has also been shown that recycling of plastics containing BFRs is preferable in terms of stability and flame resistance. The same can be said about the incineration of plastics containing brominated flame retardants.

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  • piery2006




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    目前,聚合型溴系阻燃剂主要为溴化聚苯乙烯(Brominated Polystyrene, BPS)、聚溴化苯乙烯、溴化环氧树脂齐聚物(Brominated Epoxy Oligomer,BEO)、溴化聚碳酸酯低聚物(Brominated Carbonated Oligomer,BCO)、聚溴化基丙烯酸酯(Poly(pentabromobenzyl acrylate),PPBA)等。通过分子量控制,可形成适用于不同树脂基体的阻燃剂系列。
    溴化聚苯乙烯是聚合型溴系阻燃剂的主要品种之一,包含聚溴化苯乙烯(Polybrominated styrenics,PBS)和溴化苯乙烯的低聚物。市场上的主要产品包括Albemarle公司的SAYTEX® HP-3010、HP-7010、PYRO-CHEK®68PB;ICL公司的FR803P、F-2000、F-2100、F-2200、F-2400、F-3100、Phenoxy-terminated carbonate oligomer of TBBA、FR-1025;Chemturo的BC-58、BC-52等。

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