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  • 私聊


  • 悬赏金额:20积分状态:已解决
  • 如题,如能把摘要转成word也可以,多谢了.

大陆 2008/08/02

大家动作都挺快,等我克服完最后一篇的转换汇总起来的时候,发现地板都没有了. 技巧:摘要信息并非只能从全文中获得,只要知道杂志信息,DOI最好,摘要信息网上都有,免费的。[em0814] [em0814]

86068910 2008/08/02

我的电脑比较慢.还有一个可能是比较大,转换的很慢,所以只有四个 [img]https://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/affix.gif[/img][url=http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/download.asp?ID=101261]DNA1[/url] [img]https://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/affix.gif[/img][url=http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/download.asp?ID=101262]DNA2[/url] [img]https://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/affix.gif[/img][url=http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/download.asp?ID=101264]DNA3[/url] [img]https://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/affix.gif[/img][url=http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/download.asp?ID=101266]DNA4[/url]

poorlittle 2008/08/02

[img]https://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/affix.gif[/img][url=http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/download.asp?ID=101257]DNA/Protein郋眕摯萇趙悝換覜源醱腔軘扴恅梒[/url] [img]https://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/affix.gif[/img][url=http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/download.asp?ID=101257]DNA/Protein芯片以及电化学传感器方面的综述文章[/url] ========== I just found that melu has converted the files; therefore, I shall suspend further action.

迷失的精灵 2008/08/02

[quote]原文由 [B]ruojun[/B] 发表: [quote]原文由 [B]melu[/B] 发表: 呵呵,发了我1个小时,终于完成转换成word档,但没有翻译,另外,还有一篇是重复的,一共四篇,见以下压缩档(.RAR)文件! [img]http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/affix.gif[/img][url=http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/download.asp?ID=101251]1[/url][/quote] 多谢Melu,有一篇还是图象形式的编辑不了.转换成word档的也比较乱,能否有更好地软件转,多谢.[/quote] 能否告诉我是哪一篇?我直接转给你!

何当奇 2008/08/02


    +关注 私聊
  • 迷失的精灵



  • 该帖子已被版主-闲鹤野云加4积分,加2经验;加分理由:感谢帮助
    +关注 私聊
  • 86068910



  • 该帖子已被版主-闲鹤野云加5积分,加2经验;加分理由:感谢帮助,你的转换格式更好
  • 该帖子已被版主-闲鹤野云加4积分,加2经验;加分理由:谢谢老兄帮忙
    +关注 私聊
  • 闲鹤野云



    melu 发表:呵呵,发了我1个小时,终于完成转换成word档,但没有翻译,另外,还有一篇是重复的,一共四篇,见以下压缩档(.RAR)文件!

    +关注 私聊
  • 闲鹤野云


    Abstract We review the development of reagentless,
    electrochemical sensors for the sequence-specific detection
    of nucleic acids that are based on the target-induced folding
    or unfolding of electrode-bound oligonucleotides. These
    devices, which are sometimes termed E-DNA sensors, are
    comprised of an oligonucleotide probe modified on one
    terminus with a redox reporter and attached to an electrode
    at the other. Hybridization of this probe DNA to a target
    oligonucleotide influences the rate at which the redox
    reporter collides with the electrode, leading to a detectable
    change in redox current.

    +关注 私聊
  • 闲鹤野云


    Abstract: Electrochemical-based protein sensors offer sensitivity, selectivity and reliability
    at a low cost, making them very attractive tools for protein detection. Although the sensors
    use a broad range of different chemistries, they all depend on the solid electrode surface,
    interactions with the target protein and the molecular recognition layer. Traditionally, redox
    enzymes have provided the molecular recognition elements from which target proteins have
    interacted with. This necessitates that the redox-active enzymes couple with electrode
    surfaces and usually requires the participation of added diffusional components, or assembly
    of the enzymes in functional chemical matrices. These complications, among many others,
    have seen a trend towards non-enzymatic-based electrochemical protein sensors. Several
    electrochemical detection approaches have been exploited. Basically, these have fallen into
    two categories: labeled and label-free detection systems. The former rely on a redox-active
    signal from a reporter molecule or a label, which changes upon the interaction of the target
    protein. In this review, we discuss the label-free electrochemical detection of proteins,
    paying particular emphasis to those that exploit intrinsic redox-active amino acids.

    Keywords: label-free, electrochemical, sensor, protein, amino acids, biosensor,

    +关注 私聊
  • 闲鹤野云


    Progress in protein and antibody
    microarray technology

    Philipp Angenendt
    The success of genome sequencing projects has led to a shift from the description of
    single molecules to the characterisation of complex samples. At the same time, there
    is growing interest not only in studying organisms at the genomic level, but in the
    characterization of their proteome. Such a task would not be possible without the
    availability of appropriate technologies. Protein and antibody microarray
    technologies are, in addition to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by
    mass spectrometry, two of the most propitious technologies for the screening of
    complex protein samples. Nevertheless, to succeed, protein and antibody microarrays
    have to overcome their current limitations. This review aims to introduce these new
    technologies and highlights their current prospects and limitations.

    +关注 私聊
  • 闲鹤野云


    Recent trends and challenges in the electrochemical methods for the
    detection of DNA hybridization are reviewed. Electrochemistry has superior
    properties over the other existing measurement systems, because
    electrochemical biosensors can provide rapid, simple and low-cost on-field
    detection. Electrochemical measurement protocols are also suitable for
    mass fabrication of miniaturized devices. Electrochemical detection of
    hybridization is mainly based on the differences in the electrochemical
    behaviour of the labels towards the hybridization reaction on the electrode
    surface or in the solution. Basic criteria for electrochemical DNA biosensor
    technology, and already commercialized products, are also introduced.
    Future prospects towards PCR-free DNA chips are discussed.

    Keywords:    electrochemical DNA hybridization biosensor, transduction of
    DNA hybridization, DNA recognition interface, redox-labels, label-free
    detection, metal nanoparticles, electrical detection

    +关注 私聊
  • 迷失的精灵



    ruojun 发表:多谢Melu,有一篇还是图象形式的编辑不了.转换成word档的也比较乱,能否有更好地软件转,多谢.

    +关注 私聊
  • 大陆



    1 DNA/Protein芯片以及电化学传感器
    M. Vestergaard et al, An overview of label-free electrochemical protein sensor, Sensors, 7, 3442-58(2007)
    Abstract: Electrochemical-based protein sensors offer sensitivity, selectivity and reliability at a low cost, making them very attractive tools for protein detection. Although the sensors use a broad range of different chemistries, they all depend on the solid electrode surface, interactions with the target protein and the molecular recognition layer. Traditionally, redox enzymes have provided the molecular recognition elements from which target proteins have interacted with. This necessitates that the redox-active enzymes couple with electrode surfaces and usually requires the participation of added diffusional components, or assembly of the enzymes in functional chemical matrices. These complications, among many others, have seen a trend towards non-enzymatic-based electrochemical protein sensors. Several electrochemical detection approaches have been exploited. Basically, these have fallen into two categories: labeled and label-free detection systems. The former rely on a redox-active signal from a reporter molecule or a label, which changes upon the interaction of the target protein. In this review, we discuss the label-free electrochemical detection of proteins, paying particular emphasis to those that exploit intrinsic redox-active amino acids.

    2 电化学DNA传感器
    F. Ricci and K.W. Plaxco, E-DNA sensors for convenient, label free electrochemical detection of hybridization, Microchim Acta,     10.1007/s00604-008-0015-4
    Abstract: We review the development of reagentless, electrochemical sensors for the sequence-specific detection of nucleic acids that are based on the target-induced folding or unfolding of electrode-bound oligonucleotides. These devices, which are sometimes termed E-DNA sensors, are comprised of an oligonucleotide probe modified on one terminus with a redox reporter and attached to an electrode at the other. Hybridization of this probe DNA to a target oligonucleotide influences the rate at which the redox reporter collides with the electrode, leading to a detectable change in redox current. Because all sensing elements of this method are strongly linked to the interrogating electrode, EDNAsensors are label-free, operationally convenient and readily reusable. As E-DNA signaling is predicated on a binding-specific change in the dynamics of the probe DNA (rather than simplymonitoring the adsorption of a target to the sensor surface) and because electroactive contaminants (interferents) are relatively rare, this class of sensors is notably resistant to false positives arising from the non-specific adsorption of interferents, and performs well even when challenged directly with blood serum, soil and other complex sample matrices.We reviewthe history of and recent advances in this promising DNA and RNA detection approach.

    3 电化学protein传感器
    P. Angenendt, Progress in protein and antibody microarray technology, DDT, Volume 10, Number 7 • April 2005
    Abstract: The success of genome sequencing projects has led to a shift from the description of single molecules to the characterisation of complex samples. At the same time, there is growing interest not only in studying organisms at the genomic level, but in the characterization of their proteome. Such a task would not be possible without the availability of appropriate technologies. Protein and antibody microarray technologies are, in addition to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by mass spectrometry, two of the most propitious technologies for the screening of complex protein samples. Nevertheless, to succeed, protein and antibody microarrays have to overcome their current limitations. This review aims to introduce these new technologies and highlights their current prospects and limitations.

    4 电化学protein传感器
    K. Kerman et al, Recent trends in electrochemical DNA, Meas. Sci. Technol. 15 (2004) R1–R11
    Abstract: Recent trends and challenges in the electrochemical methods for the detection of DNA hybridization are reviewed. Electrochemistry has superior properties over the other existing measurement systems, because electrochemical biosensors can provide rapid, simple and low-cost on-field detection. Electrochemical measurement protocols are also suitable for mass fabrication of miniaturized devices. Electrochemical detection of hybridization is mainly based on the differences in the electrochemical behaviour of the labels towards the hybridization reaction on the electrode surface or in the solution. Basic criteria for electrochemical DNA biosensor technology, and already commercialized products, are also introduced. Future prospects towards PCR-free DNA chips are discussed.

    5 电化学protein传感器
    G. Ramsay, DNA chips: state-of-the art, Nature, 16, 40-4(1998)
    Abstract: The technology and applications of microarrays or immobilized DNA or oligonucleotldes are reviewed. DNA arrays are fabricated by high-speed robotics on glass or nylon substrates, for which labeled probes are used to determine complementary binding allowing massively parallel gene expression and gene discovery studies. Oligonucleotide microarrays are fabricated either by in situ light-directed combinatorial synthesis or by conventional synthesis folloowed by immobilization on glass substrates. Sample DNA is amplified by the polymerase chain reaction(PCR) , and a fluorescent label is inserted and hybridized to the microarray. This technology has been successfully applied to the simutaneous expression of many thousands of genes and to large-scale gene discovery, as well as polymorphism screening and mapping of genomic DNA clones.

    Ruojun: 就按这个格式翻译吧.多谢大家的参与.我也翻译一下.大家互相比较,有问题可以提问.

  • 该帖子已被版主-闲鹤野云加5积分,加2经验;加分理由:感动呢,大老远大周末你来帮忙

