


  • 几种常用NMR实验的基本参数:
    General information
    Higher field gives better S/N, so 600>500 > >400>300 MHz
    Probes optimized for a particular nucleus give the best S/N for that nucleus. The TXI-500 is an indirect detection probe and is thus most sensitive to proton. The most commonly used probes are QNP-500 and QNP-400. The QNP(Quattro Nuclear Probe) has 4 channels for running 1H, 13C, 19F and 31P. Other probes are also available.
    Higher field spreads out the signal better, makes coupling patterns simpler, separates different signals better. Again, 600>500 > 400>300 MHz.
    Linewidths in Hz are similar whatever the field, so the linewidths in ppm are smaller at the higher field strengths, unless a frequency-dependent line broadening mechanism interferes.
    Proton-detected experiments
    H1 experiments are available on all instruments.
    1D Proton experiment
    Default Parameters
    ~2 second acquisition time
    ~1.5 second relaxation delay
    Spectral width -2ppm to 18ppm
    16 scans
    Total time: 1 minute
    Variations on the 1D experiment include
    1D NOE or selective NOE (difference or gradient)
    1D COSY or Selective COSY (gradient)
    T1 determination
    Recommended Concentration
    > 0.1mM
    COSY - Proton-proton correlation experiment
    Gives information about pairs of protons that are J-coupled. This usually indicates that the protons are on adjacent carbons, e.g., 3-bonds away (though protons further apart may in some cases be J-coupled).
    Default Parameters
    1.5 second relaxation delay
    512 complex points in t2 and 192 increments in t1
    4 scans per increment (no PFG) / 1 scan per increment (PFG)
    Total time: 20 minutes (no PFG) / 5 minutes (PFG)
    Recommended Concentration
    > 10mM
    Variations on COSY
    phase-sensitive experiment
    diagonal peaks are narrower
    TOCSY - total correlation spectroscopy
    gives correlations for all protons within a spin system
    NOESY - Proton-proton through-space interactions via NOE
    Gives information about pairs of protons that are close in space (<5 A apart)
    Default Parameters
    1.5 second relaxation delay
    1024 complex points in t2 and 256 increments in t1
    2-8 scans per increment
    Total time: 1 - 5 hours.
    Recommended Concentration
    > 10mM
    ROESY - rotating frame NOE
    Compounds of molecular weight ~1000-2000
    Exchange peaks are opposite sign from NOE peaks
    HMQC - Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Correlation experiment
    Gives information about strong proton-carbon J-couplings. A strong proton-carbon J-coupling indicates that the proton is directly bonded to the carbon. This experiment gives information that is identical to HETCOR, but because it is proton-detected, it is more sensitive than the standard HETCOR especially on indirect-detection probes.
    Default Parameters
    1.5 second relaxation delay
    512 complex points in t2 and 192 increments in t1
    4 scans per increment (no Pulsed Field Gradient) / 1 scan per increment (PFG)
    Total time: 20 minutes (no PFG) / 5 minutes (PFG)
    Recommended Concentration
    > 50mM
    HMBC - Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Correlation experiment
    Gives information about weak proton-carbon J-couplings. A weak proton-carbon J-coupling indicates that the proton is two, three, or four bonds away from the carbon. This experiment gives information about which protons are near to (but not directly bonded to) different carbons. This experiment (in conjunction with the HMQC) can give an enormous amount of information about molecular structure, since the long range proton-carbon correlations can include quaternary carbons, in addition to protonated carbons.
    Default Parameters
    1.5 second relaxation delay
    512 complex points in t2 and 192 increments in t1
    4 scans per increment (no PFG) / 4 scan per increment (PFG)
    Total time: 20 minutes (no PFG) / 20 minutes (PFG) (NOTE: PFG HMBC experiments usually have less t1 noise than non-PFG HMBC experiments.)
    Recommended Concentration
    > 50mM
    Carbon-detected experiments
    Probes optimized for X-nuclei give better S/N. The direct detection probes are either QNP or Broadband Observe.
    Sensitivity is approximately 5700 times less than for proton, so adequate S/N for a reasonable length experiment (10 minutes, 256 scans) requires a concentration of > 100mM.
    1D Carbon experiment
    Default Parameters
    0.8 second acquisition time with proton decoupling
    2.0 second relaxation delay (with NOE enhancement)
    Spectral width -10ppm to 225ppm
    1024-256 scans
    1 hour
    Recommended Concentration
    > 100mM
    Special Considerations
    Increase d1 for carbons with long T1's (quaternary, carbonyls)
    DEPT experiment
    Gives information about the number of protons bonded to each carbon.
    Default Parameters
    0.8 second acquisition time with proton decoupling
    2.0 second relaxation delay (with NOE enhancement)
    Spectral width -10ppm to 225ppm
    96 scans per spectrum (2 spectra total)
    Total time: 10 minute
    Recommended Concentration
    > 100mM
    HETCOR - Proton-carbon correlation experiment
    Gives information about strong proton-carbon J-couplings. A strong proton-carbon J-coupling indicates that the proton is directly bonded to the carbon. This experiment gives information that is identical to HMQC, but because it is carbon-detected, it is less sensitive than the HMQC experiment.
    Default Parameters
    2.0 second relaxation delay
    512 complex points in t2 and 128 increments in t1
    4 scans per increment
    Total time: 30 minutes (make a not that time required for HETCOR is approximately 6 times the time required for HMQC)
    Recommended Concentration
    > 100mM
    Phosphorus-detected experiments
    The 500 Bruker Avance, 400 Bruker Avance can run 31P without changing any cable.
    Sensitivity is approximately 15 times less than for proton, so adequate S/N for a reasonable length experiment (10 minutes, 256 scans) requires a concentration of > 0.1mM.
    1D Phosphorus experiment
    Default Parameters
    0.8 second acquisition time with proton decoupling
    3.0 second relaxation delay (d1; with NOE enhancement)
    Spectral width -100ppm to 250ppm
    32 scans
    Total time: 2 minute
    Recommended Concentration
    > 0.1mM
    Fluorine-detected experiments
    The 400 Bruker Avance with QNP probe is best suited for direct observe 19F experiments.
    Sensitivity is approximately the same as for proton, so adequate S/N can be obtained with concentration > 0.1mM.
    1D Fluorine experiment
    Default Parameters
    0.8 second acquisition time
    3.0 second relaxation delay
    Spectral width 150ppm to -200ppm
    32 scans
    Total time: 2 minute
    Recommended Concentration
    > 0.1mM
    3. 1D Fluorine observe 1H decouple

    Setup is exactly like direct observe 19F, only F2 is 1H and uses Waltz 16 decoupling.
    +关注 私聊
  • 第2楼2005/08/16

    How important is the "3.0 second relaxation delay"?
    (We used to set up 1 second for D1)

    celan 发表:Fluorine-detected experiments
    General Default Parameters
    0.8 second acquisition time
    3.0 second relaxation delay

    +关注 私聊
  • 第3楼2005/08/19



