
【资料】COMMENTARY-USP 32/NF 27 First Supplement


  • COMMENTARY– USP 32-NF 27 First Supplement
    Revision proposals published in Pharmacopeial Forum often elicit public comments that
    are forwarded to the appropriate Expert Committee for review and response. In
    accordance with the Rules and Procedures of the 2005-2010 Council of Experts,
    revision proposals can advance to official status with minor modifications, as needed,
    without requiring further public review. In such cases a summary of comments received
    and the appropriate Expert Committee's responses are published in the Commentary
    section of the USP website at the time the revision becomes official. For those
    proposals that require further revision and republication in Pharmacopeial Forum, a
    summary of the comments and the Expert Committee's responses will be included in
    the briefing that accompanies each article.
    The Commentary section is not part of the official text of the monograph and is not
    intended to be enforceable by regulatory authorities. Rather, it explains the basis of the
    Expert Committee's response to public comments. If there is a difference between the
    contents of the Commentary section and the official monograph, the text of the official
    monograph prevails. In case of a dispute or question of interpretation, the language of
    the official text, alone and independent of the Commentary section, shall prevail.
    For further information, contact:
    The USP Executive Secretariat
    U.S. Pharmacopeia
    12601 Twinbrook Parkway
    Rockville, MD 20852-1790 USA
    No comments received for the following proposals:
    General Chapters
    <271> Readily Carbonizable Substances Test
    Albuterol Sulfate
    Aluminum Subacetate Topical Solution
    Bupropion Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets
    Calcium Citrate Tablets
    Cefaclor Capsules
    Chlorhexidine Acetate
    Chlorhexidine Gluconate Oral Rinse
    Chlorhexidine Gluconate Solution
    Chlorhexidine Hydrochloride
    Clonazepam Orally Disintegrating Tablets
    Clozapine Tablets
    Estradiol Tablets
    Fenoprofen Calcium
    Fexofenadine Hydrochloride and Pseudoephedrine Hydroclhoride Extended-Release
    Fluticasone Propionate Ointment
    Fosphenytoin Sodium
    Glucosamine Sulfate Potassium Chloride
    Glucosamine Sulfate Sodium Chloride
    Hydroxyzine Pamoate Capsules
    Hydroxyzine Pamoate Oral Suspension
    Isotretinoin Capsules
    Levorphanol Tartrate
    Meclocycline Sulfosalicylate
    Meclocycline Sulfosalicylate Cream
    Mefenamic Acid
    Methacholine Chloride
    Mupirocin Cream
    Naltrexone Hydrochloride
    Omega-3 Acids Triglycerides
    Orphenadrine Extended Release Tablets
    Pergolide Oral Suspension, Veterinary
    Phenylephrine Hydrochloride
    Potassium Citrate Tablets
    Pravastatin Sodium
    Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    Ranitidine Hydrochloride
    Sodium Fluoride
    Tiagibine Hydrochloride
    Tobramycin Inhalation Solution
    Zinc and Vitamin C Lozenges
    Zinc Citrate Tablets
    +关注 私聊
  • lingzhong


    General Chapters
    General Chapter/Section(s): <191> Identification Tests–General/Multiple Sections
    Expert Committee(s): General Chapters
    No. of Commenters: 1
    Comment Summary #1: For both the Acetate Identification test and the Ammonium Identification test, the commenter requested including an “equivalent or better”analytical method for species identification and the presentation of a better profile from safety, health and cost effectiveness standpoint. The commenter recommended either leaving the identification test “as is” or eliminating the odor testing portion of the existing test and soliciting input from stakeholders on an identification test that is more innocuous.
    Response: Comments not incorporated. The USP General Notices allows
    manufacturers to use alternative methods so it is not necessary to specify this in the chapter. With regard to the changes to the identification test, organoleptic tests are being removed from official text for safety reasons. The General Chapters Expert Committee is initiating a revision of all identification tests in General Chapter <191> to address safety concerns and clarify the procedures.
    General Chapter/Section(s): <401> Fats and Fixed Oils/Multiple Sections
    Expert Committee(s): Excipient General Chapters/Dietary Supplement-NonBotanicals
    No. of Commenters: 3
    Comment Summary #1: The commenter suggested revising the Saponification Value
    section because the description of the calculation was incorrect. The corrected calculation formula reads: [56.11(VB - VT) N]/W.
    Response: Comment incorporated.
    Comment Summary #2: The commenter requested revising the Polyunsaturated Fatty
    Acids Determination and Profile section to include other types of polyunsaturated fatty acids in addition to “EPA, DHA, and the other chain-desaturated and/or chain-elongated members of the omega-3 family.”
    Response: Comment incorporated by changing section title from “Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Determination and Profile” to “Omega-3 Fatty Acids Determination and Profile.”
    Comment Summary #3: The commenter requested revising the Polyunsaturated Fatty
    Acids Determination and Profile section to include “families of other fatty acids (i.e., the
    omega-6, omega-9, or omega-7).”
    Response: Comment not incorporated because no supporting data was provided. The Expert Committee is willing to consider future changes to the General Chapter upon receipt of supporting data.
    Comment Summary #4: The commenter requested revising the Polyunsaturated Fatty
    Acids Determination and Profile section changing analytical column from G-16 to a number of other “columns of choice due to their enhanced selectivity and separation characteristics.”
    Response: Comment not incorporated because no supporting data was provided. The Expert Committee is willing to consider future changes to the General Chapter upon receipt of supporting data.

    +关注 私聊
  • lingzhong


    General Chapter/Section(s): <467> Residual Solvents/Pressurization Time
    Expert Committee(s): General Chapters
    No. of Commenters: 1
    Comment Summary #1: The commenter requested two changes to the Pressurization
    time section: 1) increase the syringe temperature range 5 to 10ºC higher than the
    equilibration temperature and 2) add the phrase “if appropriate” because equilibration
    temperatures are typically used for injectors with a transfer line. Pressurization time is
    not applicable to syringe-based injectors.
    Response: Comment incorporated.
    General Chapter/Section(s): <1010> Analytical Data-Interpretation and Treatment/
    Multiple Sections
    Expert Committee(s): Statistics
    No. of Commenters: 3
    Comment Summary #1: The commenter indicated that in the Sampling Considerations
    section, systematic random sampling is recommended as a sampling scheme that may
    be preferred to simple random sampling in certain situations. While the stated reasons
    are valid, there are analytical issues with variance estimation associated with data
    collected via systematic sampling. Although the last sentence of the sub-section states
    that the tests discussed in the remainder of the chapter assume that simple random
    sampling was performed, the commenter recommend including an additional statement
    recommending consultation with a statistician to identify the optimal sampling strategy.
    Response: Comment incorporated.
    Comment Summary #2: The commenter indicated that in Appendix C, the
    recommended approach assesses the data first for a single outlier (correctly), then tests
    the reduced dataset again, using the same approach, to ensure there are no other
    outliers on the same side of the mean. The commenter viewed this as incorrect
    because there are outlier tests designed for more than one outlier on the same side of
    the mean. However, the commenter noted the warning in the conclusion and suggested
    making the warning more prominent at the end or beginning of Appendix C.
    Response: Comment incorporated. The following text was added under the Dixon-Type
    Tests subsection: "Dixon provides for testing for two outliers simultaneously; however,
    these procedures are beyond the scope of this Appendix. The stepwise procedure
    discussed below is not an exact procedure for testing for the second outlier as the result
    of the second test is conditional upon the first. Because the sample size is also reduced
    in the second stage, the end result is a procedure that usually lacks the sensitivity of
    Dixon's exact procedures.” The conclusion paragraph was replaced with the following
    text: “Therefore, 95.7 is declared to be an outlier but 99.5 is not an outlier.”
    Comment Summary #3: The commenter indicated that Appendix E, Sample Size
    section, the formula for 2
    L σ should be revised throughout the entire chapter from “RSD”
    to “%RSD.”
    Response: Comment incorporated.
    Expert Committee-initiated Change #1: Under Appendix B, the Expert Committee
    members proposed to revise the sentence from “Nevertheless, many statistical software
    packages can easily handle unequal replication" to “Many statistical software packages
    can easily handle unequal replication.”

    +关注 私聊
  • lingzhong


    General Chapter/Section(s): <1078> GMP for Bulk Pharmaceutical Excipients/Multiple
    Expert Committee(s): Excipient General Chapters
    No. of Commenters: 3
    Comment Summary #1: The commenter proposed replacing “In these cases,
    consultation and adaptation of detailed guidelines and compliance programs is
    recommended as necessary for the excipient in question," with "In these cases, detailed
    information pertaining to the intended use of excipient as provided by the end-user can
    be useful in determining appropriate GMP."
    Response: Comment incorporated.
    Comment Summary #2: The commenter proposed amending Appendix I to add a
    reference called Application of GMP Principles that provides a rationale for applying
    appropriate GMP concepts at various stages of the manufacturing process.
    Response: Comment not incorporated because the proposal reflects the current
    approved marketed product.
    Comment Summary #3: The commenter proposed replacing the statement
    “Customers and, if necessary, regulatory authorities (for example, for Drug Master Files
    [DMFs] or Certificates of Suitability to the European Pharmacopoeia [CEPs]) should be
    notified of significant changes …” with "Customers should be notified and, where
    applicable, excipient regulatory submissions (e.g. DMFs) should be amended to reflect
    significant changes...."
    Response: Comment incorporated.
    Comment Summary #4: The commenter proposed replacing the statement "Water
    used in the manufacture of excipients should be demonstrated to be of a quality suitable
    for its intended use” with “Water used in the manufacture of excipients should be
    demonstrated to be of appropriate quality in consideration of purity requirements and
    intended use of the excipient.”
    Response: Comment incorporated.
    Comment Summary #5: The commenter proposed replacing the statement “Supplier
    approval by the quality unit should require an evaluation of the supplier’s quality
    management system, including adequate evidence that they can consistently agreed
    requirements" with "Supplier approval by the quality unit should require an evaluation of
    the supplier's Quality Management System, including adequate evidence that they can
    consistently meet agreed upon specifications and maintain traceability."
    Response: Comment incorporated.
    Comment Summary #6: The commenter proposed adding the sentence “Excipient
    manufacturers should also have adequate knowledge about the origin of any raw
    materials derived from plant or animal matter.”
    Response: Comment incorporated.
    Comment Summary #7: The commenter proposed clarifying and expanding
    Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement section, Expiry/Retest Periods subsection to
    clearly describe the retest period and whether the stated retest period can be applied
    once or multiple times.
    Response: Comment not incorporated because the manufacturer provides information
    on the expiry/retest period as appropriate with each excipient.
    Comment Summary #8: The commenter proposed adding a statement regarding the
    periodic auditing of raw material manufacturers to support the use of identification
    testing only.
    Response: Comment not incorporated because supplier auditing requirements are
    defined and enforced by certification and regulatory bodies.
    Comment Summary #9: The commenter proposed adding a statement to Appendix 2,
    Documentation and Record Keeping subsection, suggesting an excipient manufacturer
    can provide documentation of the supplier’s manufacturing sites.
    Response: Comment not incorporated because the suggestion is more specific than
    the regulatory requirements for who retains supplier manufacturing site documentation.
    Comment Summary #10: The commenter proposed deleting statements or sections
    that are redundant throughout the chapter.
    Response: Comment not incorporated because the Expert Committee determined the
    redundancy ensured clarity.
    Comment Summary #11: The commenter proposed adding a statement on the use of
    a second person to verify the operation or data in the control of documents section.
    Response: Comment not incorporated because the record review requirements are
    defined and enforced by certification and regulatory bodies.
    Comment Summary #12: The commenter proposed adding a statement to strengthen
    the notification process in the change control subsection under the Quality Management
    System: Excipient Quality Systems.
    Response: Comment not incorporated because the suggestion is more specific than
    the regulatory requirements to ensure change control is appropriately communicated.
    Comment Summary #13: The commenter proposed removing the phrases “whenever
    feasible” and “otherwise verified prior to use” throughout the chapter.
    Response: Comment not incorporated because the Expert Committee determined the
    General Chapter wording is appropriate and allows for appropriate flexibility.


