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    附录VI A 相对密度测定法
    VI A Determination of Relative Density
    Relative density is defined as the ratio of the mass density of a substance to that of water under the same conditions of temperature and pressure. Unless otherwise specified, the measuring temperature is 20°C.
    Relative density of the pure substance is a constant under particular condition. But, when the substance is not purified the determined value of relative density changes with the purity. So relative density is indicative of the identity and purity of the substance being examined.
    The relative density of a liquid can be determined with a pycnometer. In some cased, the Westphal balance is used, for example, in the determination of the relative density of a volatile liquid.
    The temperature of the determination environment of the pycnometer and balance should be a little bit below 20°C or that specified under individual monograph.

    1. Pysnometric method
    (1) Fill a clean, dry and accurately weighed pycnometer with the substance being examined (keep the temperature below 20°C or that specified under individual monograph), fix the thermometer (no air bubble is left in the pycnometer). Place the pycnometer in a water bath maintained at 20°C or the specified temperature, allow to stand in the water bath for several minutes, so as to raise the temperature of the content to 20°C or to the temperature specified in the monograph. Wipe away the liquid overflown from the side tube with a piece of filter paper and put the cap immediately. Remove the pycnometer from the water bath and clean off any material on the outside with a piece of filter paper, weigh the pycnometer accurately and calculate the weight of its content.
    Discard the content of the pycnometer and wash the pycnometer with water, fill it with freshly boiled and cooled water. Determine the weight of the water in the pycnometer in a similar manner. The relative density of the substance being examined can be calculated from the following formula:
    Relative density = weight of the substance being examined / weight of water

    (2) Fill a clean, dry and accurately weighed pycnometer with the substance being examined (keep the temperature below 20°C or that specified under individual monograph). Inser t the capillary stopper and wipe away the overflown liquid with a piece of filter paper. Place the pycnometer in a water bath maintained at 20°C or the specified temperature, allow to stand in the water bath for several minutes.
    Some of the liquid spills out through the capillary constantly with the rise of the temperature of the content. Wipe away the overflown liquid with a piece of filter paper at any time until the fluid does not overflow anymore. Remove the pycnometer from the water bath rapidly. Proceed as described under method (1), starting from the words “clean off any material on the outside with a piece of filter paper…”.

    2. Hydrostatic method
    Fill the glass cylinder of the Westphal balance with freshly boiled and cooled water to about 80% of the volume. Place the cylinder and stir the content of it in a water bath maintained at 20°C or the specified temperature. Dip the plunger hung on the end of the beam into the water in the cylinder, place a rider at the notch marked 1.0000 and adjust the equilibrating screw until the beam is horizontal. Discard the water and wipe away any water left in the cylinder, fill the cylinder with the substance being examined to about 80% or the volume and adjust the temperature as mentioned above. Dip the plunger into the substance being examined and equilibrate again by placing suitable riders at appropriate notches along the beam. The reading gives directly the relative density of the substance being examined. If the Westphal balance is standardized to give a relative density of 1.0000 at 4°C, the riders should be placed at appropriate notches to give a reading of 0.9982 when calibrating with water at 20°C, and the relative density of the substance being examined, measured at 20°C, should be divided by 0.9982.
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    附录Ⅵ B 馏程测定法

    仪器装置 如图。用国产19标准磨口蒸馏装置一套。A为蒸馏瓶;B为冷凝管,馏程在130℃以下用水冷却,馏程在130℃以上用空气冷凝管;C为具有0.5ml刻度的25ml量筒;D为分浸型具有0.5℃刻度的温度计,预先经过校正,温度计汞球的上端与蒸馏瓶出口支管的下壁相齐;根据供试品馏程的不同,可选用不同的加热器,通常馏程在80℃以下时用水浴(其液面始终不得超过供试品液面),80℃以上时用直接火焰或其他电热器加热。
    测定法 取供试品25ml,经长颈的干燥小漏斗,转移至干燥蒸馏瓶中,加入洁净的无釉小瓷片数片,插上带有磨口的温度计,冷凝管的下端通过接流管接以25ml量筒为接收器。如用直接火焰加热,则将蒸馏瓶置石棉板中心的小圆孔上(石棉板宽12~15cm,厚0.3~0.5cm,孔径2.5~3.0cm),并使蒸馏瓶壁与小圆孔边缘紧密贴合,以免汽化后的蒸气继续受热,然后用直接火焰加热使供试品受热沸腾,调节温度,使每分钟馏出2~3ml,注意检读自冷凝管开始馏出第5滴时与供试品仅剩3~4ml或一定比例的容积馏出时,温度计上所显示的温度范围,即为供试品的馏程。
    测定时,气压如在101.3kPa(760mmHg)以上,每高0.36kPa(2.7mmHg),应将测得的温度减去0.1℃;如在101.3kPa (760mmHg)以下,每低0.36kPa (2.7mmHg),应增加0.1℃。

    VI B Determination of Distilling Range

    The distilling range of a liquid is the temperature range, corrected for a pressure of 101.3 kPa (760mmHg), within which the liquid distils under the following conditions. The lower limit of the range is the temperature at which the fifth dro-p of condensate leaves the tip of the condenser and the upper limit is the temperature at which all the liquid except 3-4ml has been distilled, or when a specified amount of distillate has been collected.
    Distilling range is indicative of the identity and purity of the substance being examined.
    Apparatus Use a set of distillation apparatus No. 19, with standard ground joint made in China, A, a distillation flask; B, a condenser, for liquids distilling below 130℃, the condenser is cooled by water, for liquids distilling above 130℃, it is cooled by air; C, a 25ml glass cylinder, graduated in 0.5ml increments; D, a partial-immersion thmometer, graduated in 0.5℃ subdivisions and calibrated. The upper end of the mercury bulb is level with the lower wall of the side-tube of distillation flask. According to different distilling range of the substance being examined, select different heater. For liquids of distilling range below 80℃, a water bath is used as the heater; for liquids of distilling range above 80℃, use an open flame of an electric heater.
    Procedure Pour 25ml of the substance being examined into the dried distillation flask through a dry funner with a long stem. Add a few enamel-free porcelain fragments and inser* the thermometer with ground joint. Attach an adapter to the lower end of the condenser and put the cylinder under the adapter. If heat with an open flame, place the distillation flask on the hole in the center of an asbestos plate (in the form of a square with sides of 12-15 cm and with a perforation of 2.5-3.0 cm in diameter in the center, 0.3-0.5 cm thick), the bottom of the flask should be fitted tightly into the perforation to avoid the excessive heating of the vapour of the liquid. Heat with an open flame so that the liquid distils at a rate of 2-3ml per minute. Record the temperature at which the fifth dro-p of condensate leaves the tip of the condenser and the temperature at which all the liquid except 3-4 ml has been distilled, or when a specified volume of distillate has been collected. The temperature range exhibited on the thermometer, is the distilling range of the substance being examined. When not less than 90% of the liquid is to be distilled within the distilling range, use a 100ml distillation flask with 50 ml of the substance being examined, and a 50 ml glass cylinder as the receiv-er.
    Correct the observed temperature readings for any variation in the barometric pressure from the normal (101.3 kPa or 760mmHg) by subtracting or adding 0.1℃ for every 0.36kPa (2.7mmHg) in-crease or decrease of the pressure.

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    附录Ⅵ D 凝点测定法

    仪器装置 如图:(图略)。内管A为内径约25mm、长约170mm的干燥试管,用软木塞固定在内径约40mm、长约160mm的外管B中,管底间距约10mm。内管用一软木塞塞住,通过软木塞插入刻度为0.1℃的温度计C与搅拌器D,温度计汞球的末端距内管底约10mm。搅拌器D为玻璃棒,上端略弯,末端先铸一小圈,直径约为18mm,然后弯成直角。内管连同外管垂直固定于盛有水或其他适宜冷却液的1000ml烧杯中,并使冷却液的液面离烧杯口约20mm。
    测定法 取供试品(如为液体,量取15ml;如为固体,称取15~20g,加微温使熔融),置内管中,使迅速冷却,并测定供试品的近似凝点。再将内管置较近似凝点约高5~10℃的水浴中,使凝结物仅剩极微量未熔融。将仪器按上述装妥,烧杯中加入较供试品近似凝点约低5℃的水或其他适宜的冷却液。用搅拌器不断搅拌供试品,每隔30秒钟观察温度1次,至液体开始凝结,停止搅拌并每隔5~10秒钟观察温度1次,至温度计的汞柱在一点能停留约1分钟不变,或微上升至最高温度后停留约1分钟不变,即将该温度作为供试品的凝点。
    【附注】 如某些药品在一般冷却条件下不易凝固,需另用少量供试品在较低温度使凝固后,取少量作为母晶加到供试品中,方能测出其凝点。
    VI D Determination of Congealing Point
    The congealing point of a substance, determined as described below, is the highest temperature, which remains constant for a short time, occuring during the solidification of the liquid. Congealing point is indicative of the identity and purity of the substance being examined.
    Apparatus As Fig. 10 a dry test tube (A) about 25mm in internal diameter and 170mm long is suspended by means of a bored cork inside a larger tube (B) about 40mm in internal diameter and 160mm long. The distance between the bottoms of the two tubes is about 10 mm. The inner tube is stoopered by a bored cork which carries a thermometer (C) graduated in 0.1℃ and a stirrer (D) is a glass rod slightly bent at the upper end, the other end is in the form of a loop which is about 18 mm in diameter at right angle to the rod. The whole assembly is placed in a 1000 ml beaker containing water or a suitable cooling liquid and the surface of the cooling liquid is about 20 mm from the mouth of the beaker.
    Procedure Place in the inner tube 15 ml of the liquid or 15-20 g of the melted solid substance being examined and determine the approximate congealing point by cooling rapidly. Place the inner tube in a water bath about 5-10℃ above the approximate congealing point until all the solidified substance but the last trace is melted. Fill the beaker with water or other suitable cooling liquid at a temperature about 5℃ below the approximate congealing point and fix the apparatus as described above. Stir the liquefied substance gently and read the temperature every 30 seconds until it begins to solidify. Stop stirring and read the temperature every 5-10 seconds until the temperature remains constant or becomes constant after a slight elevation for about 1 minute. The highest temperature observed is regarded as the congealing point of the substance being examined.
    Annotations If the substance being examined does not start to solidify under normal condition, congealation may be induced by adding a small amount of the substance crystallized by cooling to a lower temperature.

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    附录Ⅵ E 旋光度测定法

    除另有规定外 本法系用钠光谱的D线(589.3nm)测定旋光度,测定管长度为1dm(如使用其他管长,应进行换算),测定温度为20℃。用读数至0.01°并经过检定的旋光计。
    对液体供试品 [a]D=────
    对固体供试品 [a]D=─────
    式中 [a]为比旋度;
    l为测定管长度, dm;
    【注意事项】 (1) 每次测定前应以溶剂作空白校正,测定后,再校正1
    (2) 配制溶液及测定时,均应调节温度至20℃±0.5℃(或各药品项下规定的
    (4) 物质的比旋度与测定光源、测定波长、溶剂、浓度和温度等 因素有关。
    VI E Determination of Optical Rotation
    The plane of polarized light can be rotated clockwise or counterelockwise when plane polarized light passes through some liquids or solutions of compounds which are optically active. Optical rotation is expressed in degrees by which the plane of polarization is rotated under specified condition. Specific optical rotation is defined as the optical rotation measured under given wavelength and temperature, when polarized light passed through a layer of a solution 1 dm thick containing 1 g of optically active substance per ml. The measurement of specific optical rotation (or optical rotation) may be used as an identification test, a purity test or a method of assay.
    Unless otherwise specified, the values of optical rotation cited in this method are measured at 20℃ with sodium D line (589.3nm), in a tube of 1 dm. Conversion factor should be applied if the tube used is not of the appropriate length. Optical rotation is measured with a calibrated polarimeter accurately read to 0.01º. Rinse the polarimeter tube several times with the liquid or solution prepared as described in the individual monograph. Fill the polarimeter tube solwly with the liquid or solution, taking care to avoid creating or leaving air bubbles. Put the tube into the polarimeter and read the degrees of optical rotation. Substances are described as dextrorotatory or levorotatory according to whether the plane of polarization is ratated clockwise or counterclockwise, respectively, as viewed toward the light source. Dextrorotation is designated (+) and levorotation is designated (-). Carry out 3 measurements, take the average and ca$$lculate the specific optical rotation from one of the following equations:
    For liquids
    For solid substances
    Where: [a] is specific optical rotation;
    D is sodium D line;
    t is measuring temperature;
    l is the length of the polarimeter tube, dm;
    a is the observed rotation in angular degrees;
    d is the relative density of the liquid;
    c is the weight of solute (g) in 100 ml of the solution, ca$$lculated on the dried basis or anhydrous basis.

    Standard quartz polarimetric tube may be used to calibrate the polarimeter, the deviation of reading should comply with the requirements.

    (1) Blank tests should be performed to check the zero point before and after each measurement,. If the deviation of teading does not comply with the requerements after measurement, repeat the measurement.
    (2) The temperature of the solution being tested should be kept constant at 20℃±0.5℃ (or at the temperature specified in the individual monograph).
    (3) Liquids or solutions of solid substance should be completely dissolved, and the test solution should be clear.
    (4) The specific rotation of a liquid or a substance in solution is affected by several factors including light source, wavelength, solvent, concentration and temperature. When describing the specific optical rotation, the measuring condition should be provided.

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    附录Ⅵ F 折光率测定法
    式中 n为折光率;

    VI F Determination of Refractive Index
    Refraction takes place when a beam of light is transmitted from a transparent medium into another transparent medium, since the velocity of light changes in medium of different density. The refractive index of a substance is the ratio of the velocity of light in air to its velocity in the substance. The refractive index may also be defined as the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction:
    n=sin i / sin r
    Where n is the refractive index;
    i is the angle of incidence;
    r is the angle of refraction.
    The refractive index varies with the temperature of the substance being examined and the wavelength of incident light. It decreases with the increase temperature. The shorter the wavelength of incident light, the larger the refractive index. Refractive indices are usually stated in terms of sodium line D at a temperature of t and symbolized by n’D. The measurement of refractive index is employed to establish the identity of oils and test for purity of the substance being examined.
    Unless otherwise specified, the values of refractive index cited in this method are measured at 20℃ with sodium line D (589.3nm) against air (White light may be used if an Abble refractometer is available).
    The refractometer should be able to give readings accurate to 0.0001 in the range of 1.3-1.7. If an Abble refractometer or othjer equivalent instrument is used, the measurement should be conducted at 20℃±0.5℃ (or in accordance with the temperature stated under individual monograph). Three readings should be taken and the mean value is used as the refractive index of the substance being examined. The readings of the refractometer should be calibrated before use with a prism of against water. The refractive index of water is 1.3330 at 20℃, 1.3325 at 25℃ and 1.3305 at 40℃.

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