


  • 我自己尝试翻译了一份保密协议。有些地方地方还不很理解,欢迎大家讨论。


    This agreement is made on Dec. 08th,2009 , by and between:
    Having their head office at XXX
    Factory address: XXX
    - Hereinafter referred to as A -
    having their head office at XXX
    - Hereinafter referred to as B
    WHEREAS A is engaged in Research & Development and in the manufacture and sale of pharmaceutical products and, inter alia, owns and possesses valuable information pertaining to manufacture, analysis & documentation of ABC (- Hereinafter referred to as SUBSTANCE -).
    Whereas B is, inter alia, engaged in the business of formulating, distribution & marketing of pharmaceutical products and is interested in registering & formulating the said SUBSTANCE, which necessarily requested for sale thereof in MALAYSIA.
    whereas B indicated to A that, in order to register & formulate the said SUBSTANCE (- Hereinafter referred to as THE PURPOSE -), it would need certain confidential information (defined hereunder) pertaining to the said SUBSTANCE from A.
    AND WHEREAS the parties consider appropriate to enter into this agreement for maintaining confidentiality of the said confidential information and recording other terms agreed upon in the manner hereinafter appearing.
    Now this agreement witnesseth and it is mutually agreed by and between the Parties hereto as FOLLOWS:


    ——以下称为 B

    为了进行SUBSTANCE的注册和配制(以下称为THE PURPOSE),BA提出需要一些关于上述SUBSTANCE的保密信息(见下文)。
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    1.“Confidential Information” means any scientific, technical information which is treated by A as confidential or proprietary including, without limitation, manufacturing process, route of synthesis, methods of analysis, formulations, techniques, methodology, assay systems, formulae, procedures, tests, equipment, clinical protocols, data, reports, know-how. This confidential information will be provided by A, who has it already available, in form of Drug Master File (- Hereinafter referred to as the DOCUMENTATION -).
    2.The disclosure of the Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION by A to B shall be subject to and conditional upon the following obligations on the part of and undertakings by B :
    2.1To treat and hold the Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION as strictly confidential. To use it exclusively to apply for or extend the registration of the medicinal Products containing the SUBSTANCE with the competent authorities. Will not use the Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION for any other commercial purposes without the prior written consent of A.
    2.1将保密信息和DOCUMENTATION严格保密,仅用于含有SUBSTANCE的制剂在官方的注册。保密信息和DOCUMENTATION不得在未经A 事先书面允许的情况下用于任何其他商业目的。

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    2.2With the exception of the competent authorities entitled to issue the registration or permission for use of the Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION, B not to disclose the Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION or otherwise makes the same available in any form to any third party, directly or indirectly, or to provide copies thereof to any third party, not even under a corresponding secrecy agreement.
    2.3B not to disclose, directly or indirectly, the Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION received from A to any parent, subsidiary or affiliate company or firm or any third party who has not agreed in writing as to the confidentiality obligations as contained in this agreement.
    2.4o limit the access of the Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION to such of its employees, directors, advisors and agents who need to know the same for THE PURPOSE and to make such employees, directors, advisors and agents bound by the obligations of confidentiality contained herein through separate agreement in writing.
    The obligations set forth hereinabove are in this agreement collectively referred to as “confidentiality obligations” or “obligations of confidence”.
    2.4为了保证保密信息难以得到,员工、领导、顾问和代理商需要了解THE PURPOSE,并通过各自书面的协议遵循保密义务的约束。

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    3.Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the obligations of confidentiality of B under this agreement shall not apply to the Confidential Information or any part thereof which:
    3.1At the time of disclosure is available to the general public, or;
    3.2 Became at a later date available to the general public through no breach of this agreement, or;
    3.3Was lawfully in B possession before receipt , or;
    3.4Is disclosed to B without restriction on disclosure by a third party who has the lawful right to possess and disclose such information, or;
    3.5That the disclosure of which is required by any law for the time being in force.

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  • 天晴了


    4.The obligations of B set forth herein shall terminate 3 (three) years from the date on which this agreement is executed by the parties hereto; or, 5 (five) years from the date of disclosure of any Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION to B, whichever is later.
    5.Should B require further information, A warrants updating the DOCUMENTATION according to B requirements on the basis of data available.
    6.B needs to return to A, upon request or upon termination of this agreement, any and all Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION received from A together with all copies and reproductions thereof and to permanently destroy or erase electronic files, notes, memorandum, extracts which contains, reflects or is derived from the Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION of A. Such return and destruction shall be confirmed promptly in writing by B The return of these materials shall not affect B undertakings on the confidentiality obligations set forth hereinabove.
    4.以上提出的B的义务在双发签字后三年后失效或自A 提供给B任何保密信息或DOCUMENTATION之后的5年,以时间迟的为准。
    6.当A 要求时或协议终止时,B应连同所有复印件和备份一起归还从A获得的保密信息和DOCUMENTATION,并彻底销毁或删除那些包含、反映或由通过其推导的电子文档、记录和摘要。B书面应该保证归还和销毁,归还这些材料将不影响B遵循以上的保密义务。
    7.This agreement will come into force from the date hereof and shall remain in force for a period of 5 (five) years thereafter. A shall have a right to terminate this agreement by written notice in the event of breach by B of any confidentiality obligations imposed on it hereunder.
    8.Nothing herein contained is intended or shall be deemed to grant to B, by implication or otherwise, any right, title or interest in the Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION or any licence under any patent that may be granted in respect of the Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION or any part thereof. It is expressly understood that B shall have a right to use the Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION only for THE PURPOSE.
    8.任何信息都不通过暗示或其他方式赋予B任何关于保密信息和DOCUMENTATION的权利、头衔和利益,或任何由保密信息和DOCUMENTATION或其中一部分文件所授权的权利许可。B仅有权将保密信息和DOCUMENTATION 用于THE PURPOSE,这一点显而易见。

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  • 天晴了


    9The rights and obligations under this Agreement shall not be assignable without the prior written consent of the parties hereto. This Agreement is also binding upon any potential legal successors of B and A.
    10Any dispute, difference or question between the parties whether relating to the construction, meaning, scope, operation or effect of this Agreement or the validity or the breach thereof (“the Dispute”), if not settled amicably, shall be finally settled under the rules of conciliation and arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by a sole arbitrator appointed in accordance with the said rules. The seat of Arbitration shall be Hongkong. The language used in the process shall be English. This Agreement and the rights and liabilities of the parties hereto shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of Hongkong.
    All cost, expenses and fees of arbitration and arbitrators shall be borne by a party whose claim(s) is/are not upheld by the arbitral tribunal.
    11No modification or waiver to this agreement shall be valid unless executed in writing and signed by the parties hereto.
    12In the event that any part of this agreement is or shall be in contravention of applicable law or shall become legally void, the remaining part of the agreement shall stay in effect. The void part to be replaced so as to comply with the applicable law in consideration of the original intention of the parties hereto.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed and executed these presents on the date first herein above written with one counterpart.
    Signed and delivered on behalf of
    A by

    Signed and Delivered on behalf of
    B by

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    smileqing(smileqing) 发表:1.“Confidential Information” means any scientific, technical information which is treated by A as confidential or proprietary including, without limitation, manufacturing process, route of synthesis, methods of analysis, formulations, techniques, methodology, assay systems, formulae, procedures, tests, equipment, clinical protocols, data, reports, know-how. This confidential information will be provided by A, who has it already available, in form of Drug Master File (- Hereinafter referred to as the DOCUMENTATION -).

    +关注 私聊
  • poorlittle



    smileqing(smileqing) 发表:2.1To treat and hold the Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION as strictly confidential. To use it exclusively to apply for or extend the registration of the medicinal Products containing the SUBSTANCE with the competent authorities. Will not use the Confidential Information and the DOCUMENTATION for any other commercial purposes without the prior written consent of A.
    2.1将保密信息和DOCUMENTATION严格保密,仅用于含有SUBSTANCE的制剂在官方的注册。保密信息和DOCUMENTATION不得在未经A 允许的情况下用于任何其他商业目的。


